SDL2UI can create window GUI applications with UI, buttons, mouse, touch, RFID etc. SDL2UI is based on SDL1.2 and later SDL2.0
- The graphical renderer from SDL is used to show output on the display
- Images are reponsive when you touch them. A dark background circle when you press them, which decreases fast when released.
- No use of a big SDL_Surface, but each button is a seperate SDL_Surface, more flexible and easier to change to SDL2.0
- 2D matrix of buttons is possible with soft scroll in verticle or horizontal direction.
- After glow for each button, image, background in different shapes.
- Play audio wave forms automatic
- Background for several objects with rounded corners for any radius
- Backgrounds can have single colour
- Backgrounds can have a vertical change gradually from one to another colour
- Backgrounds may have a pyramid change gradually from one to another colour
- Backgrounds may be split in 2 colours, top half and bottom half have another colour
- Backgrounds may cut a piece from a background picture, which requires a background image of your screen resolution.
- Bar graphs are easy to display bar charts
- Button response. Buttons become dark when you press them and slowly become light again when released.
- Buttons with text and image may be created and displayed
- Buttons have a border which is adjustable in width
- Buttons may have a text inside
- Buttons need to align the picture on 8 positions around the text
- Text may be in all colours only 1 colour
- Text can be in any font, font size for arabian and other font and other font size for chinese/japanese.
- Text can have filtering for display or no filtering for printing
- Text can be in a bitmap to do other things than display (e.g. print)
- Text can have a shade
- Buttons can be positioned every 8 pixels and have a width with a multiple of 8 pixels
- Buttons can have a margin between buttons of any number of pixels
- Button text can have a margin of any number of pixels from the edge of a button
- Buttons can be moved to any location
- Buttons can be visibile or invisible
- Buttons may be dragged around the screen if enabled
- Buttons can be in many languages, with an external accessor for languages and text
- Buttons choose the optimal picture size with several pictures on the disk
- Buttons have a background with all posibilities of a background
- CtextButton is derived from button to show text
- CtextButton can reduce the font size automatic until the text fits inside.
- CmenuButton is derived from button to show a menu item
- CbottomButton is derived from button to show a button on the bottom of the screen
- CkeyboardButton is a derived from button to show a keyboard
- CimageButton is derived from button to show an image inside the button
- CheaderButton is derived from button to show a header title on each screen
- CmatrixButton is derived from button and adjusted for 1D and 2D scrolling
- CgraphButton is derived from button to show a graph
- CiconButton is derived from button to show an icon
- The handwriter can be used to input Chinese Japanese and others
- The handwriter is derived from the open source project Zinnia
- The handwriter works with Simplified and Original Chinese
- The handwriter shows the 50 most look-a-like symbols in a swipe dialog
- The handwriter has thick lines to show
- The handwriter can be cleaned externally to start a new symbol
- The handwriter can have any size on the screen
- The handwriter paints itself for updates on screen
- The handwriter searches for symbols every time the finger releases the touchscreen
The archive is not filled yet with anything. I'm very busy, but want to make this project work... so be a little patience with me.
Soon here will be following objects:
- Buttons : Edit buttons, Text buttons, Keyboard buttons, Bottom buttons, Image buttons
- Images : With backgrounds, rounded rectangles, adjustable gravity, labels
- Sliders
- Swype dialog going up/down or left/right
- 2D swype dialog (matrix)
- Drag and drop, also from swype list
- Dialog solution
- Messagebox solution
- Edit text
- Chinese input method (no, I am not a Chinese)
Use Eclipse Oxygen to build all First install following for debian distributions: sudo apt-get install libzinnia-dev libsdl2-dev libsdl2-image-dev libsdl2-mixer-dev libsdl2-ttf-dev g++