The cmdline-player
script plays back files ending in .scr
and starts a recording with byzanz-record
. GIF output is created by default but byzanz supports other formats.
Example: cmdline-player kthw-2.scr
- will start a playback and recording session. The animated GIF file will be saved as screencast.gif
To record a in a different format supported by byzanz-record, change the 'EXT' variable at the top of 'cmdline-player'. Byzanz supports gif, ogg or webm.
With the '-c' option this script will also create the Markdown format files and transcripts, and move the video to an 'images' directory.
All screencasts in my-own-kind were created with the cmdline-player
sudo npm i -g command-line-player
$ cmdline-player -h
cmdline-player - play commands from a .scr file.\n'
Usage: cmdline-player [ -hq ] | [ [-wn] FILE ]
FILE - The name of the file containing screencast and shell commands.
--help - This help text.
--window "NAME" - Specify the NAME of the window to record.
--norecord - Don't record the playback.
--query - Retrieve the name of a window by clicking on it.
--create-mds "NAME" - Create a markdown file named NAME from the screencast
file. NAME can contain the full path and file name.
Paths not starting with '/' are relative to the
current working directory. A transcript file is
also created in the same directory. The video is
moved to a directory named 'images' in the current
Choose a window to record and start playing back all of KTHW:
$ # In the terminal to be recorded:
$ while true; do screen -r -e ^Oo screencast; sleep .5; done
$ # In the controller terminal:
$ cd kubernetes-the-hard-way-in-containers/kthw-docker/
$ wname=$(cmdline-player -q)
$ for i in {2..14}; do cmdline-player -w "$wname" -c kthw/kthw-$ screencasts/kthw-$i.scr <<<"\n"; sleep 1; done
Create a single screencast recording:
$ cmdline-player install-mokctl-linux.scr