This client library provides (via Node) easy access to the BillForward API.
###Via npm
Install to your node application like so:
npm install billforward --save
###Via GitHub
Install to your node application like so:
npm install git+ssh://[email protected]:billforward/bf-node.git --save
You may need to add your SSH public key to your GitHub profile.
Include like this:
var BillForward = require('billforward');
Note that lower-case is used for the package name, but StudlyCaps is preferred for the namespace.
Once the BillForward
library is included, you can invoke it. First you need credentials with which to connect to BillForward.
###Use credentials to connect to BillForward ####Step 1. Getting BillForward credentials Login to (or Register) your BillForward Sandbox account.
####Step 2. Connect to BillForward using BillForward.Client
You can instantiate the BillForward Client now. It is static, so you only need to do this once:
var config = {
urlRoot: "",
####Step 3. Make API calls
With the BillForward Client configured, you can now make an API call:
BillForward.Account.getAll() // get accounts
.then(function(accounts) {
console.log(accounts[0].profile.toString()); // print profile of an account
.catch(function(err) {
We use promises. Everything is async.
##Error Handling
All errors we throw are instances of at least BFError
(which inherits from JavaScript's built-in Error
Errors may be more specific still, and inherit further from BFError
A comprehensive list of errors is available in lib/BillForward/Error.ts
You can check for errors like so:
BillForward.Account.getByID("not here mate")
.catch(function(e) {
if (e instanceof BillForward.BFError)
console.error("Something went wrong"); // prints
if (e instanceof BillForward.BFNoResultsError)
console.error("Also we know it's because there were no results"); // prints
if (e instanceof BillForward.BFMalformedAPIResponseError)
console.error("It's not this; why are you checking?"); // doesn't print
console.error(e.toString(), e.stack);
.done(); // 'done' at end of promise chain makes sure unhandled exceptions are thrown too
You can also follow stack traces further up the promise chain if you enable longStack
in your client's config:
var config = {
urlRoot: "",
longStack: true
You can also enable more tracing in your config:
var config = {
urlRoot: "",
requestLogging: true, // print the REST responses we send
responseLogging: true, // print the REST responses we receive
errorLogging: true // print errors occurring during REST conversations
Git clone this repository.
Install dependencies:
npm install
#####Build TypeScript You shouldn't need to do this, because we check in a built version.
Nevertheless.. the curious can rebuild all TypeScript using Grunt:
grunt ts
Useful if you feel like deleting bin/
#####Watch TypeScript Launch a Grunt server to watch your changes to TypeScript:
grunt watch
Edit any .ts file in lib
, then save it.
Grunt will see the change and regenerate bin/index.js
We use Sinon for mocking, Chai for assertions, and Mocha as our testrunner.
Test settings (including BillForward credentials) are loaded from the file config.json
in test/config
You will have to make this file yourself; you can base it on the template config.example.json
Run all tests:
npm test
Run one test file:
mocha -u bdd $file
#####Sublime build! I run test files using a custom Sublime build script:
"cmd": ["mocha", "--no-colors", "-u", "bdd", "$file"],
"file_regex": "(.*\\.js?)\\s\\(([0-9]+)\\,([0-9]+)\\)\\:\\s(...*?)$",
"selector": "source.js",
"osx": {
"path": "/usr/local/bin:/opt/local/bin"
"windows": {
"cmd": ["mocha.cmd", "-u", "bdd", "$file"]
Finish your commit, then run:
npm version patch
npm publish
git push origin master --follow-tags
Or run sh ./
Finish your commit, then run:
npm version major
npm publish
git push origin master --follow-tags
Or run sh ./