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BillForward Ruby SDK

This repository holds bf_ruby2: the Ruby gem for the BillForward REST API.

We have also a legacy SDK, bf-ruby (now deprecated). Prefer bf_ruby2; it supports (as a result of machine-generation) a far broader surface of BillForward's API, with a more formal schema and more documention. It is the Ruby SDK that we intend to maintain moving forwards.

This SDK is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:

  • swagger.json dump: ae95e7f7a41b19adcd02533305664cd3cc75c629
  • swagger-codegen version: v2.3.0 nightly, commit e08e9cfefe9bd40e8446a6290a6347c48c19274f
  • Package version: 3.2017.174
  • Build date: 2017-06-23T18:28:00.000+01:00
  • Build package: class io.swagger.codegen.languages.RubyClientCodegen


From RubyGems mirror

Add the bf_ruby2 gem to your application's Gemfile and run bundle:

source ''
gem 'bf_ruby2', '~> 3.2017.174'

Install from Git

If the Ruby gem is hosted at a git repository:, then add the following in the Gemfile:

gem 'bf_ruby2', :git => '[email protected]:billforward/bf-ruby2.git'

Build from source

To build the Ruby code into a gem:

gem build bf_ruby2.gemspec

You need to install the built gem to your local gem repository if you want to be able to require 'bf_ruby2' in a Ruby script:

gem install ./bf_ruby2-3.2017.174.gem

Developers should instead run gem install --dev ./bf_ruby2-3.2017.174.gem, to install development dependencies.

Include the Ruby code directly

Include the Ruby code directly using -I as follows:

ruby -Ilib script.rb


Getting Credentials

You will need an API token. First log into your Sandbox account (register if necessary).

Then generate an API token.


Here is an example which demonstrates POSTing a JSON request to our API, and handling the result. The example adds credit to an Account.

You could use the interactive REPL that comes with Ruby, irb.

Use a pre-amble like this at the start of your script. This saves your connection settings onto the "default" (singleton) ApiClient.

# Load the gem
require 'bf_ruby2'

# this gives you the `ap` function for pretty-printing
require 'awesome_print'""
Bfwd::Configuration.default.logger.level = Logger::DEBUG
Bfwd::Configuration.default.debugging = false

# your BillForward private token
access_token = "EXAMPLE38-1136-4646-a552-fa2728da66b6"

client = Bfwd::ApiClient.default
client.default_headers.merge! 'Authorization' => "Bearer #{access_token}"

Example GET request

  response ={'records': 1})
  ap response.results.first
rescue Bfwd::ApiError => e
  ap e.parsed

# Result looks like this:
                    :created => #<DateTime: 2017-06-23T19:29:01+00:00 ((2457928j,70141s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>,
                  :changedBy => "78FB9BDC-D972-4AE4-8984-255B3151826B",
                    :updated => #<DateTime: 2017-06-23T19:29:01+00:00 ((2457928j,70141s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>,
                   :metadata => {},
                         :id => "ACC-45120DC3-107A-4BC1-8931-732B04C8",
             :organizationID => "958C9C72-FDB6-4BDB-9C23-4894B4201D6E",
    :successfulSubscriptions => 0,
                    :deleted => false,
                    :profile => {
                      :created => #<DateTime: 2017-06-23T19:29:01+00:00 ((2457928j,70141s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>,
                    :changedBy => "78FB9BDC-D972-4AE4-8984-255B3151826B",
                      :updated => #<DateTime: 2017-06-23T19:29:01+00:00 ((2457928j,70141s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>,
                           :id => "PRF-BD715B92-23FA-4D5E-A9A2-5B8EA3D0",
                    :accountID => "ACC-45120DC3-107A-4BC1-8931-732B04C8",
               :organizationID => "958C9C72-FDB6-4BDB-9C23-4894B4201D6E",
                        :email => "[email protected]",
                    :firstName => "Handsome",
                     :lastName => "Jack",
                  :companyName => "SuccessCorp",
                      :logoURL => "",
                    :addresses => [],
                       :mobile => "",
                    :vatNumber => "",
        :additionalInformation => ""
             :paymentMethods => []

Example POST request

account_id = "ACC-45120DC3-107A-4BC1-8931-732B04C8"

credit_note = ({
  'currency': 'USD',
  'value': 1.09

  #Creates a credit-note which may be used by any subscription of this account.
  ap, credit_note)
rescue Bfwd::ApiError => e
  ap e.parsed

# Result looks like this:
    :executionTime => 88500,
          :results => [
        [0] {
                   :created => #<DateTime: 2017-06-23T19:37:15+00:00 ((2457928j,70635s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>,
                 :changedBy => "78FB9BDC-D972-4AE4-8984-255B3151826B",
                   :updated => #<DateTime: 2017-06-23T19:37:15+00:00 ((2457928j,70635s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>,
                        :id => "CDT-C1FDE61E-5BDA-49FC-86A9-C87EA0D9",
                 :accountID => "ACC-45120DC3-107A-4BC1-8931-732B04C8",
            :organizationID => "958C9C72-FDB6-4BDB-9C23-4894B4201D6E",
                      :type => "manual",
                  :currency => "USD",
                     :value => 1.09,
            :remainingValue => 1.09,
                 :createdBy => "78FB9BDC-D972-4AE4-8984-255B3151826B"


Bump the version in lib/bf_ruby2/version.rb, with a major version bump if there are breaking changes.

Minor revision is determined by days since start of year (rounded down).

If you publish twice in a day, it becomes day.1, day.2 and so on.

Please find-and-replace all references to 3.2017.174 in this README, to the latest version.

Build the gemspec locally:

gem build bf_ruby2.gemspec

Then publish the resulting gem:

gem push bf_ruby2-3.2017.174.gem

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to https://localhost:8080/RestAPI

Class Method HTTP request Description
Bfwd::AccountsApi add_charge_to_account POST /accounts/{account-ID}/invoice Create a manual invoice.
Bfwd::AccountsApi add_credit_note_to_account POST /accounts/{account-ID}/credit Creates a credit-note which may be used by any subscription of this account.
Bfwd::AccountsApi add_permission_to_account POST /accounts/{account-ID}/roles/{role} Add a role to the account
Bfwd::AccountsApi create_account POST /accounts Create an Account.
Bfwd::AccountsApi delete_account DELETE /accounts/{account-ID} Delete the account specified by the account-ID parameter.
Bfwd::AccountsApi delete_metadata_for_account DELETE /accounts/{account-ID}/metadata Remove any associated metadata.
Bfwd::AccountsApi get_account_by_id GET /accounts/{account-ID} Returns a single account, specified by the account-ID parameter.
Bfwd::AccountsApi get_accounts_by_created GET /accounts/created/{lower-threshold}/{upper-threshold} Returns a collection of account objects with created times within the period specified by the lower-threshold and upper-threshold parameters. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::AccountsApi get_accounts_by_updated GET /accounts/updated/{lower-threshold}/{upper-threshold} Returns a collection of account objects with updated times within the period specified by the lower-threshold and upper-threshold parameters. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::AccountsApi get_accounts_by_user_id GET /accounts/user/{user-ID} Returns a collection of accounts, specified by the user-ID parameter. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::AccountsApi get_all_accounts GET /accounts Returns a collection of all account objects. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::AccountsApi get_available_credit_on_account GET /accounts/{account-ID}/credit Returns all available credit-notes for the specified account. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::AccountsApi get_metadata_for_account GET /accounts/{account-ID}/metadata Retrieve any associated metadata.
Bfwd::AccountsApi get_permissions_on_account GET /accounts/{account-ID}/roles Retrieves a collection of roles, specified by the account-ID parameter. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::AccountsApi remove_credit_from_account DELETE /accounts/{account-ID}/credit/{value} Decrease the amount of credit by the value specified or entirely if no value provided.
Bfwd::AccountsApi remove_permission_from_account DELETE /accounts/{account-ID}/roles/{role} Revoke the specified role.
Bfwd::AccountsApi set_metadata_for_account POST /accounts/{account-ID}/metadata Remove any existing metadata keys and create the provided data.
Bfwd::AccountsApi update_account PUT /accounts Update an Account.
Bfwd::AccountsApi upsert_metadata_for_account PUT /accounts/{account-ID}/metadata Update any existing metadata key-values and insert any new key-values, no keys will be removed.
Bfwd::AddressesApi create_address POST /addresses Create
Bfwd::AddressesApi update_address PUT /addresses Update
Bfwd::AmendmentsApi create_amendment POST /amendments Create an amendment.
Bfwd::AmendmentsApi get_all_amendments GET /amendments Returns a collection of all amendments. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::AmendmentsApi get_amendment_by_id GET /amendments/{amendment-ID} Returns a single amendment, specified by the amendment-ID parameter.
Bfwd::AmendmentsApi get_amendment_by_state GET /amendments/state/{state} Returns a collection of amendments, specified by the state parameter. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::AmendmentsApi get_amendment_by_subscription_id GET /amendments/subscription/{subscription-ID} Returns a collection of amendments, specified by the subscription-ID parameter. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::AmendmentsApi get_amendment_swagger GET /amendments/swagger-end-point/{query-string}
Bfwd::AmendmentsApi get_amendments_by_actioning_time GET /amendments/actioning-time/{lower-threshold}/{upper-threshold} Returns a collection of amendment objects with an actioning-time within the period specified by the lower-threshold and upper-threshold parameters. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::AmendmentsApi get_amendments_by_created_date GET /amendments/created/{lower-threshold}/{upper-threshold} Returns a collection of amendment objects with created times within the period specified by the lower-threshold and upper-threshold parameters. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::AmendmentsApi get_amendments_by_updated_date GET /amendments/updated/{lower-threshold}/{upper-threshold} Returns a collection of amendment objects with updated times within the period specified by the lower-threshold and upper-threshold parameters. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::AmendmentsApi retire_amendment DELETE /amendments/{amendment-ID} Retires the amendment specified by the amendment-ID parameter. Retiring a amendment causes it to cancel based on the specificed retirement settings for the product.
Bfwd::AmendmentsApi update_amendment PUT /amendments Update an amendment.
Bfwd::AnalyticsApi get_account_debts POST /analytics/payments/accounts/outstanding Gets outstanding debts per account, within a date range.
Bfwd::AnalyticsApi get_account_ltv GET /analytics/account-ltv/{account-id}/{end-datetime} Gets an account's life-time value, as of a given end date.
Bfwd::AnalyticsApi get_account_payments POST /analytics/payments/accounts Gets hourly payments per product, within a date range.
Bfwd::AnalyticsApi get_billforward_managed_payments GET /analytics/billforward-managed-payments/{start-datetime}/{end-datetime} Gets all payments managed by BillForward, within a date range.
Bfwd::AnalyticsApi get_churn GET /analytics/churn/{start-datetime}/{end-datetime} Gets churn, within a date range.
Bfwd::AnalyticsApi get_debts GET /analytics/payments/outstanding/{start-datetime}/{end-datetime} Gets debts within a date range.
Bfwd::AnalyticsApi get_payments GET /analytics/payments/{start-datetime}/{end-datetime} Gets payments within a date range.
Bfwd::AnalyticsApi get_product_payments POST /analytics/payments-per-product Gets hourly payments per product, within a date range.
Bfwd::AnalyticsApi get_product_rate_plan_payments POST /analytics/payments/product-rate-plan Gets hourly payments per product, within a date range.
Bfwd::AnalyticsApi get_subscription_ltv GET /analytics/subscription-ltv/{subscription-id}/{end-datetime} Gets a subscription's life-time value, as of a given end date.
Bfwd::AnalyticsApi get_upgrades GET /analytics/upgrades/{start-datetime}/{end-datetime} Gets upgrades, within a date range.
Bfwd::AuditlogsApi get_all_audit_entries GET /audit-logs Returns a collection of all audit-log objects. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::AuditlogsApi get_audit_entries_by_created_date GET /audit-logs/created/{lower-threshold}/{upper-threshold} Returns a collection of audit-log objects with created times within the period specified by the lower-threshold and upper-threshold parameters. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::AuditlogsApi get_audit_entry_by_entity_id GET /audit-logs/entity/{entity-ID} Returns a collection of audit-log entries, specified by the entity-ID parameter. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::AuditlogsApi get_audit_entry_by_entity_type GET /audit-logs/entity-type/{entity-type} Returns a collection of audit-log entries, specified by the entity-type parameter. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::AuditlogsApi get_audit_entry_by_id GET /audit-logs/{audit-ID} Returns a single audit-log entry, specified by the audit-ID parameter.
Bfwd::ChargesApi batch_recalculate_subscription_charge POST /charges/recalculate Recalculate a batch of charges.
Bfwd::ChargesApi get_all_subscription_charges GET /charges Retrieves a collection of all charges. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::ChargesApi get_subscription_charge_by_account_id GET /charges/account/{account-ID} Retrieves a collection of charges, specified by the account-ID parameter. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::ChargesApi get_subscription_charge_by_id GET /charges/{charge-id} Retrieves a single charge, specified by the charge-id parameter.
Bfwd::ChargesApi get_subscription_charge_by_state GET /charges/state/{state} Retrieves a collection of charges, specified by the state parameter. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::ChargesApi get_subscription_charge_by_version_id GET /charges/version/{version-ID} Retrieves a single charge, specified by the version-ID parameter.
Bfwd::ChargesApi recalculate_subscription_charge POST /charges/{charge-ID}/recalculate Recalculate a charge.
Bfwd::ChargesApi void_subscription_charge DELETE /charges/{charge-id} Void the charge with the specified charge-ID.
Bfwd::ClientsApi create_client POST /clients Create a client.
Bfwd::ClientsApi get_all_clients GET /clients Returns a collection of clients.
Bfwd::ClientsApi get_client_by_id GET /clients/{client-ID} Returns a single client, specified by the client-ID parameter.
Bfwd::ClientsApi update_client PUT /clients Update a client.
Bfwd::ConfigurationsApi create_api_configuration POST /configurations Create a configuration.
Bfwd::ConfigurationsApi get_all_api_configurations GET /configurations Returns a collection of configurations. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::ConfigurationsApi get_api_configurations_by_type GET /configurations/type/{configuration-type} Returns a single configuration, specified by the type parameter.
Bfwd::ConfigurationsApi update_api_configuration PUT /configurations Update a configuration.
Bfwd::CouponbookApi create_coupon_book POST /coupon-books Create a coupon-book.
Bfwd::CouponbookApi delete_coupon_book DELETE /coupon-books/{coupon-book-ID} Retire a coupon-book, specified by the coupon-book-ID parameter.
Bfwd::CouponbookApi get_all_attachable_coupon_books GET /coupon-books/attachable/{attachableness}/{has_code} Returns a collection of attachable coupon-books. An attachable coupon-book has at least one remaining use, and is not deleted. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::CouponbookApi get_all_coupon_books GET /coupon-books Returns a collection of coupon-books. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::CouponbookApi get_coupon_book_by_book_code GET /coupon-books/book-code/{book-code} Returns a single coupon-book, specified by the book-code parameter.
Bfwd::CouponbookApi get_coupon_book_by_coupon_book_definition_id GET /coupon-books/coupon-book-definition/{coupon-book-definition-ID} Returns a collection of coupon-books, specified by coupon-book-definition-ID parameter. By default 10 coupon-books are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::CouponbookApi get_coupon_book_by_coupon_code GET /coupon-books/coupon/{coupon-code} Returns a single coupon-book, specified by the coupon-code parameter.
Bfwd::CouponbookApi get_coupon_book_by_id GET /coupon-books/{coupon-book-ID} Returns a single coupon-book, specified by the coupon-book-ID parameter.
Bfwd::CouponbookApi update_coupon_book PUT /coupon-books Update a coupon-book.
Bfwd::CouponbookdefinitionApi create_coupon_book_definition POST /coupon-book-definitions Create a coupon-book-definition.
Bfwd::CouponbookdefinitionApi delete_coupon_book_definition DELETE /coupon-book-definitions/{coupon-book-definition-ID} Retire a coupon-book-definition, specified by the coupon-book-definition-ID parameter.
Bfwd::CouponbookdefinitionApi get_all_coupon_book_definitions GET /coupon-book-definitions Returns a collection of coupon-book-definitions. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::CouponbookdefinitionApi get_coupon_book_definition_by_coupon_definition_id GET /coupon-book-definitions/coupon-definition/{coupon-definition-ID} Returns a collection of coupon-book-definitions, specified by coupon-definition-ID parameter. By default 10 coupon-book-definitions are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::CouponbookdefinitionApi get_coupon_book_definition_by_id GET /coupon-book-definitions/{coupon-book-definition-ID} Returns a single coupon-book-definition, specified by the coupon-book-definition-ID parameter.
Bfwd::CouponbookdefinitionApi update_coupon_book_definition PUT /coupon-book-definitions Update a coupon-book-definition.
Bfwd::CoupondefinitionApi create_coupon_definition POST /coupon-definitions Create a coupon-definition.
Bfwd::CoupondefinitionApi delete_coupon_definition DELETE /coupon-definitions/{coupon-definition-ID} Retire a coupon-definition, specified by the coupon-definition-ID parameter.
Bfwd::CoupondefinitionApi get_all_coupon_definitions GET /coupon-definitions Returns a collection of coupon-definitions. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::CoupondefinitionApi get_coupon_definition_by_id GET /coupon-definitions/{coupon-definition-ID} Returns a single coupon-definition, specified by the coupon-definition-ID parameter.
Bfwd::CoupondefinitionApi update_coupon_definition PUT /coupon-definitions Update a coupon-definition.
Bfwd::CouponinstanceApi create_coupon_instance POST /coupon-instances Create a coupon-instance.
Bfwd::CouponinstanceApi delete_coupon_instance DELETE /coupon-instances/{coupon-instance-ID} Retire a coupon-instance, specified by the coupon-instance-ID parameter.
Bfwd::CouponinstanceApi get_all_attachable_coupon_instances GET /coupon-instances/attachable/{attachableness}/{has_code} Returns a collection of attachable coupon-instances. An attachable coupon-instance has at least one remaining use, and is not deleted. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::CouponinstanceApi get_all_coupon_instances GET /coupon-instances Returns a collection of coupon-instances. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::CouponinstanceApi get_coupon_instance_by_coupon_code GET /coupon-instances/coupon/{coupon-code} Returns a collection of coupon-instances, specified by coupon-code parameter. By default 10 coupon-instances are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::CouponinstanceApi get_coupon_instance_by_coupon_definition_id GET /coupon-instances/coupon-definition/{coupon-definition-ID} Returns a collection of coupon-instances, specified by coupon-definition-ID parameter. By default 10 coupon-instances are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::CouponinstanceApi get_coupon_instance_by_id GET /coupon-instances/{coupon-instance-ID} Returns a single coupon-instance, specified by the coupon-instance-ID parameter.
Bfwd::CouponinstanceApi get_coupon_instance_by_target_id GET /coupon-instances/target/{target-ID} Returns a collection of coupon-instances, specified by target-ID parameter. By default 10 coupon-instances are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::CouponinstanceApi get_coupon_instance_by_target_type GET /coupon-instances/target-entity/{target} Returns a collection of coupon-instances, specified by target parameter. By default 10 coupon-instances are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::CouponinstanceApi update_coupon_instance PUT /coupon-instances Update a coupon-instance.
Bfwd::CouponmodifierApi create_coupon_modifier POST /coupon-modifiers Create a coupon-modifier.
Bfwd::CouponmodifierApi delete_coupon_modifier DELETE /coupon-modifiers/{coupon-modifier-ID} Retire a coupon-modifier, specified by the coupon-modifier-ID parameter.
Bfwd::CouponmodifierApi get_all_coupon_modifiers GET /coupon-modifiers Returns a collection of coupon-modifiers. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::CouponmodifierApi get_coupon_modifier_by_coupon_code GET /coupon-modifiers/coupon-code/{coupon-code} Returns a collection of coupon-modifiers, specified by the coupon-code parameter.
Bfwd::CouponmodifierApi get_coupon_modifier_by_coupon_definition_id GET /coupon-modifiers/coupon-definition/{coupon-definition-ID} Returns a collection of coupon-modifiers, specified by the coupon-definition-ID parameter.
Bfwd::CouponmodifierApi get_coupon_modifier_by_id GET /coupon-modifiers/{coupon-modifier-ID} Returns a single coupon-modifier, specified by the coupon-modifier-ID parameter.
Bfwd::CouponmodifierApi update_coupon_modifier PUT /coupon-modifiers Update a coupon-instance.
Bfwd::CouponruleApi create_coupon_rule POST /coupon-rules Create a coupon-rule.
Bfwd::CouponruleApi delete_coupon_rule DELETE /coupon-rules/{coupon-rule-ID} Retire a coupon-rule, specified by the coupon-rule-ID parameter.
Bfwd::CouponruleApi get_all_coupon_rules GET /coupon-rules Returns a collection of coupon-rules. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::CouponruleApi get_coupon_rule_by_coupon_definition_id GET /coupon-rules/coupon-definition/{coupon-definition-ID} Returns a single coupon-definition, specified by the coupon-definition-ID parameter.
Bfwd::CouponruleApi get_coupon_rule_by_id GET /coupon-rules/{coupon-rule-ID} Returns a single coupon-rule, specified by the coupon-rule-ID parameter.
Bfwd::CouponsApi create_coupon POST /coupons Create a coupon.
Bfwd::CouponsApi create_coupon_unique_codes POST /coupons/{code}/codes Create a list of unique coupon codes that can be applied to a subscription.
Bfwd::CouponsApi get_all_coupons GET /coupons Returns a collection of all coupons. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::CouponsApi get_applied_coupons GET /coupons/{code}/applied Returns a list of unique coupons which have been applied.
Bfwd::CouponsApi get_available_coupon_codes_for_code GET /coupons/{code}/codes Returns a list of available unique coupon codes for the specified parent coupon code that can be applied to a subscription.
Bfwd::CouponsApi get_coupon_code GET /coupons/{code} Returns the coupon for the specified code that can be applied to a subscription.
Bfwd::CouponsApi get_subscription_applications_of_coupons GET /coupons/{code}/subscriptions Retrieves a collection of the coupons by this coupon code which have been applied.
Bfwd::CouponsApi retire_coupon DELETE /coupons/{code}

This method has 2 main behaviours depending on what is passed in. If the parent coupon code, for example SUMMER, is given no new coupons can be issued or claimed from this code. Deleting will result in the deleted property being set to true.

If a unique coupon code, for example SUMMER-AGH8, is given this will stop the coupon from being applied to the subscription from that point onwards. When a coupon is deleted the validUntil property is set which is the date/time it stopped applying to the target.

Bfwd::CreditnotesApi create_credit_note POST /credit-notes Create a credit note.
Bfwd::CreditnotesApi get_credit_note_by_id GET /credit-notes/{credit-note-ID} Returns a single credit-note, specified by the ID parameter.
Bfwd::CreditnotesApi get_credit_note_for_account GET /credit-notes/account/{account-ID} Returns credit notes for an account.
Bfwd::CreditnotesApi get_credit_note_for_invoice GET /credit-notes/invoice/{invoice-ID} Returns credit notes for an invoice.
Bfwd::CreditnotesApi get_credit_note_for_subscription GET /credit-notes/subscription/{subscription-ID} Returns credit notes for an subscription.
Bfwd::CreditnotesApi retire_credit_note DELETE /credit-notes/{credit-note-ID} Removes any remaining value from credit note
Bfwd::CybersourcetokensApi create_cybersource_token POST /cybersource-tokens Create a cybersource-token.
Bfwd::CybersourcetokensApi get_cybersource_token_by_id GET /cybersource-tokens/{token-ID} Returns a single cybersource-token, specified by the token-ID parameter.
Bfwd::CybersourcetokensApi get_cybersource_token_by_recurring_subscription_id GET /cybersource-tokens/recurring-subscription-info/{recurring-subscription-ID} Returns a single cybersource-token, specified by the recurring-subscription-ID parameter.
Bfwd::CybersourcetokensApi retire_cybersource_token DELETE /cybersource-tokens/{token-ID} Retires the cybersource token specified by the token-ID parameter.
Bfwd::CybersourcetokensApi update_cybersource_token PUT /cybersource-tokens Update a cybersource-token.
Bfwd::DunninglinesApi create_dunning_line POST /dunning-lines Create a dunning-line.
Bfwd::DunninglinesApi get_all_dunning_lines GET /dunning-lines Returns a collection of all dunning-lines. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::DunninglinesApi get_dunning_line_by_attempt_index GET /dunning-lines/attempt-index/{index} Returns a collection of dunning-lines specified by the index parameter. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::DunninglinesApi get_dunning_line_by_id GET /dunning-lines/{dunning-line-ID} Returns a single dunning-line, specified by the dunning-line-ID parameter.
Bfwd::DunninglinesApi retire_dunning_line DELETE /dunning-lines/{dunning-line-ID} Retires the specified dunning-line.
Bfwd::DunninglinesApi update_dunning_line PUT /dunning-lines Update a dunning-line.
Bfwd::EmailprovidersApi create_email_provider POST /email-providers Create an email provider.
Bfwd::EmailprovidersApi delete DELETE /email-providers/{email-provider-ID} Deletes a single email provider, specified by id or name parameter.
Bfwd::EmailprovidersApi get_all_email_providers GET /email-providers Returns a collection of all email-providers. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::EmailprovidersApi get_email_by_provider_id GET /email-providers/{email-provider-ID} Retrieves a single email provider, specified by the version-ID parameter.
Bfwd::EmailsApi get_email_by_id GET /emails/{email-ID} Retrieves a single invoice, specified by the version-ID parameter.
Bfwd::EmailsApi get_email_html_by_id GET /emails/{email-ID}.html Retrieves a single invoice, specified by the version-ID parameter.
Bfwd::EmailsApi get_email_text_by_id GET /emails/{email-ID}.txt Retrieves a single invoice, specified by the version-ID parameter.
Bfwd::EmailsubscriptionsApi create_email_subscription POST /email-subscriptions Create an email subscription.
Bfwd::EmailsubscriptionsApi delete_email_subscription_by_type DELETE /email-subscriptions/type={type} Unsubscribe from the email specified by the type parameter.
Bfwd::EmailsubscriptionsApi get_all_email_subscriptions GET /email-subscriptions Returns a collection of all email-subscriptions. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::EmailsubscriptionsApi get_email_subscription_by_id GET /email-subscriptions/{email-subscription-id} Retrieves a single email subscription, specified by ID.
Bfwd::EmailsubscriptionsApi update_email_subscription PUT /email-subscriptions Update an email subscription.
Bfwd::FixedtermdefinitionsApi create_fixed_term_definition POST /fixed-term-definitions Create
Bfwd::FixedtermdefinitionsApi update_fixed_term_definition PUT /fixed-term-definitions Update
Bfwd::FixedtermsApi update_fixed_term PUT /fixed-terms Update
Bfwd::InvoicesApi add_charge_to_invoice POST /invoices/{invoice-ID}/charges Creates a charge on the specified invoice.
Bfwd::InvoicesApi aggregate_invoices POST /invoices/aggregate Aggregate Invoices into to one parent Invoice
Bfwd::InvoicesApi execute_invoice POST /invoices/{invoice-ID}/execute Attempt payment for the outstanding value of an invoice
Bfwd::InvoicesApi generate_line_payments_for_all_invoices POST /invoices/generate-line-payments Generates InvoiceLinePayments for all existing InvoicePayments.
Bfwd::InvoicesApi get_all_invoices GET /invoices Retrieves a collection of all invoices. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::InvoicesApi get_all_invoices_as_csv GET /invoices/all.csv Retrieves a collection of all invoices. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::InvoicesApi get_bucketed_revenue_attributions_as_csv GET /invoices/bucketed-revenue-attributions.csv Retrieves (as CSV) all attributions of Invoice costs to Invoice lines, bucketed.
Bfwd::InvoicesApi get_charges_on_invoice GET /invoices/{invoice-ID}/charges Returns all charges for the specified invoice. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::InvoicesApi get_credit_invoice_line_payments_from_invoices_as_csv GET /invoices/credit.csv Retrieves credit note-paid from InvoicePayments upon line items, in CSV format.
Bfwd::InvoicesApi get_credit_invoice_line_payments_from_invoices_as_csv_by_payment_received GET /invoices/payment-received/credit.csv Retrieves credit note-paid from InvoicePayments upon line items, in CSV format.
Bfwd::InvoicesApi get_debit_invoice_line_payments_from_invoices_as_csv GET /invoices/revenue.csv Retrieves received revenue from InvoicePayments upon line items, in CSV format.
Bfwd::InvoicesApi get_debit_invoice_line_payments_from_invoices_as_csv_by_payment_received GET /invoices/payment-received/revenue.csv Retrieves received revenue from InvoicePayments upon line items, in CSV format.
Bfwd::InvoicesApi get_invoice_as_html GET /invoices/{ID}.html Retrieves a single invoice specified by the ID parameter.
Bfwd::InvoicesApi get_invoice_as_pdf GET /invoices/{ID}.pdf Retrieves a single invoice specified by the ID parameter.
Bfwd::InvoicesApi get_invoice_by_id GET /invoices/{invoice-ID} Retrieves a single invoice specified by the invoice-ID parameter.
Bfwd::InvoicesApi get_invoice_by_id_as_csv GET /invoices/{ID}.csv Retrieves a single invoice specified by the ID parameter.
Bfwd::InvoicesApi get_invoice_by_subscription_id GET /invoices/subscription/{subscription-ID} Retrieves a collection of invoices specified by the subscription-ID parameter. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::InvoicesApi get_invoice_by_subscription_version_id GET /invoices/subscription/version/{subscription-version-ID} Retrieves a collection of invoices specified by the subscription-version-ID parameter. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::InvoicesApi get_invoice_by_version_id GET /invoices/version/{version-ID} Retrieves a single invoice, specified by the version-ID parameter.
Bfwd::InvoicesApi get_invoices_by_account_id GET /invoices/account/{account-ID} Retrieves a collection of invoices specified by the account-ID parameter. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::InvoicesApi get_invoices_by_period_end GET /invoices/period-end/{lower-threshold}/{upper-threshold} Retrieves a collection of invoice objects with period-end times within the period specified by the lower-threshold and upper-threshold parameters. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::InvoicesApi get_invoices_by_period_start GET /invoices/period-start/{lower-threshold}/{upper-threshold} Retrieves a collection of invoice objects with period-start times within the period specified by the lower-threshold and upper-threshold parameters. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::InvoicesApi get_invoices_by_period_start_as_csv GET /invoices/period-start/{lower-threshold}/{upper-threshold}.csv Retrieves a collection of invoice objects with period-start times within the period specified by the lower-threshold and upper-threshold parameters. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::InvoicesApi get_invoices_by_state GET /invoices/state/{state} Retrieves a collection of invoices, specified by the state parameter. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::InvoicesApi get_invoices_by_state_and_period_start GET /invoices/state/{state}/period-start/{lower-threshold}/{upper-threshold} Retrieves a collection of invoice objects specified by the state parameter and with period-start times within the period specified by the lower-threshold and upper-threshold parameters. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::InvoicesApi get_invoices_by_state_and_period_start_as_csv GET /invoices/state/{state}/period-start/{lower-threshold}/{upper-threshold}.csv Retrieves a collection of invoice objects specified by the state parameter and with period-start times within the period specified by the lower-threshold and upper-threshold parameters. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::InvoicesApi get_invoices_by_state_as_csv GET /invoices/state/{state}.csv Retrieves a collection of invoices, specified by the state parameter. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::InvoicesApi get_line_payments GET /invoices/line-payments Retrieves all InvoiceLine payment attributions.
Bfwd::InvoicesApi get_line_payments_as_csv GET /invoices/line-payments.csv Retrieves (as CSV) all InvoiceLine payment attributions.
Bfwd::InvoicesApi get_metadata_for_invoice GET /invoices/{invoice-ID}/metadata Retrieve any associated metadata.
Bfwd::InvoicesApi get_refund_invoice_line_payments_from_invoices_as_csv GET /invoices/refund.csv Retrieves awarded refunds from InvoicePayments upon line items, in CSV format.
Bfwd::InvoicesApi get_refund_invoice_line_payments_from_invoices_as_csv_by_refund_received GET /invoices/payment-received/refund.csv Retrieves awarded refunds from InvoicePayments upon line items, in CSV format.
Bfwd::InvoicesApi get_revenue_attributions GET /invoices/revenue-attributions Retrieves all attributions of Invoice costs to Invoice lines.
Bfwd::InvoicesApi get_revenue_attributions_as_csv GET /invoices/revenue-attributions.csv Retrieves (as CSV) all attributions of Invoice costs to Invoice lines.
Bfwd::InvoicesApi get_swagger_for_invoice GET /invoices/swagger-end-point/{query-string}
Bfwd::InvoicesApi import_invoice POST /invoices/import Import an invoice.
Bfwd::InvoicesApi recalculate_invoice POST /invoices/{invoice-ID}/recalculate Re-calculate an Invoice.
Bfwd::InvoicesApi remove_charge_from_invoice DELETE /invoices/{invoice-ID}/charges/{charge-ID} Removes the specified charge from the specified Invoice.
Bfwd::InvoicesApi remove_metadata_from_invoice DELETE /invoices/{invoice-ID}/metadata Remove any associated metadata.
Bfwd::InvoicesApi set_metadata_for_invoice POST /invoices/{invoice-ID}/metadata Remove any existing metadata keys and create the provided data.
Bfwd::InvoicesApi update_invoice PUT /invoices Update an Invoice.
Bfwd::InvoicesApi upsert_metadata_for_invoice PUT /invoices/{invoice-ID}/metadata Update any existing metadata key-values and insert any new key-values, no keys will be removed.
Bfwd::InvoicesApi void_invoice DELETE /invoices/{invoice-ID} Voids the invoice specified by the invoice identifier parameter.
Bfwd::MetadataApi delete_metadata_key_values DELETE /metadata Remove any associated metadata.
Bfwd::MetadataApi get_metadata_key_values GET /metadata Retrieve any associated metadata.
Bfwd::MetadataApi set_metadata_key_values POST /metadata Remove any existing metadata keys and create the provided data.
Bfwd::MetadataApi upsert_metadata_key_values PUT /metadata Update any existing metadata key-values and insert any new key-values, no keys will be removed.
Bfwd::NotificationsApi ack_notification GET /notifications/ack/{notification-ID} Acknowledge a newly recevied notification.
Bfwd::NotificationsApi get_all_notifications GET /notifications Returns a collection of all notifications. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::NotificationsApi get_notification_by_entity_id GET /notifications/entity-ID/{entity-ID} Returns a collection of notifications, specified by the entity-ID parameter. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::NotificationsApi get_notification_by_id GET /notifications/{notification-ID} Returns a single notification, specified by the notification-ID parameter.
Bfwd::NotificationsApi get_notifications_by_webhook_id GET /notifications/{lower-threshold}/{upper-threshold}/{webhookID} Returns a collection of notification objects with created times within the period specified by the lower-threshold and upper-threshold parameters for the given webhook id. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::NotificationsApi get_notifications_within_date_range GET /notifications/{lower-threshold}/{upper-threshold} Returns a collection of notification objects with created times within the period specified by the lower-threshold and upper-threshold parameters. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::OrganizationsApi create_organization POST /organizations Create an organization.
Bfwd::OrganizationsApi get_all_my_organizations GET /organizations/mine Returns a collection of all my asociated organizations. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::OrganizationsApi get_all_organizations GET /organizations Returns a collection of all organizations. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::OrganizationsApi get_organization_by_customer_code GET /organizations/customer-code/{customer-code} Returns a single organization, specified by the customer-code parameter.
Bfwd::OrganizationsApi get_organization_by_id GET /organizations/{organization-ID} Returns a single Organization, specified by the organization-ID parameter.
Bfwd::OrganizationsApi get_organization_by_name GET /organizations/name/{name} Returns a single Organization, specified by the name parameter.
Bfwd::OrganizationsApi update_organization PUT /organizations Update an organization.
Bfwd::PasswordsApi create_password POST /passwords Create
Bfwd::PaymentmethodsApi create_payment_method POST /payment-methods Create a payment-method.
Bfwd::PaymentmethodsApi delete_payment_method DELETE /payment-methods/{payment-method-ID} Deletes the payment-method specified by the payment-method-ID parameter.
Bfwd::PaymentmethodsApi get_all_payment_methods GET /payment-methods Returns a collection of all payment-methods. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::PaymentmethodsApi get_payment_method_by_account_id GET /payment-methods/account/{account-ID} Returns a collection of payment-methods, specified by the account-ID parameter. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::PaymentmethodsApi get_payment_method_by_id GET /payment-methods/{payment-method-ID} Returns a single payment-method, specified by the payment-method-ID parameter.
Bfwd::PaymentmethodsApi get_payment_method_by_link_id GET /payment-methods/link-id/{linkID} Returns a single payment-method, specified by the linkID parameter.
Bfwd::PaymentmethodsApi get_payment_method_by_payment_gateway GET /payment-methods/gateway/{gateway} Returns a collection of payment-methods, specified by the gateway parameter. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::PaymentmethodsApi update_payment_method PUT /payment-methods Update a payment-method.
Bfwd::PaymentmethodsubscriptionlinksApi create_payment_method_subscription_link POST /payment-method-subscription-links Create
Bfwd::PaymentmethodsubscriptionlinksApi retire_payment_method_subscription_link DELETE /payment-method-subscription-links/{payment-method-subscription-link-ID} Retires the payment-method-subscription-link specified by the link-ID parameter.
Bfwd::PaymentsApi create_payment POST /payments Create a payment.
Bfwd::PaymentsApi get_all_payments GET /payments Returns a collection of all payments. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::PaymentsApi get_payment_as_csv GET /payments/csv Retrieves payments in CSV format.
Bfwd::PaymentsApi get_payment_by_id GET /payments/{payment-ID} Returns a single payment, specified by the payment-ID parameter.
Bfwd::PaymentsApi get_payment_by_invoice_id GET /payments/invoice/{invoice-ID} Returns a collection of payments, specified by the invoice-ID parameter. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::PaymentsApi get_payment_by_payment_gateway GET /payments/gateway/{gateway} Returns a collection of payments, specified by the gateway parameter. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::PaymentsApi get_payment_by_payment_method_id GET /payments/payment-method/{payment-method-ID} Returns a collection of payments, specified by the payment-method-ID parameter. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::PaymentsApi update_payment PUT /payments Update a payment.
Bfwd::PeriodsApi get_all_periods_for_subscription GET /periods/{subscription-id} Retrieve by subscription)
Bfwd::PeriodsApi get_latest_periods GET /periods Get all periods
Bfwd::PermissionsApi create_permission POST /permissions Create a new permission.
Bfwd::PermissionsApi get_all_permissions GET /permissions Retrieves a collection of all permissions. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::PermissionsApi get_available_actions_for_resource GET /permissions/resources/{resource} Retrieves all the available actions for the specified resource.
Bfwd::PermissionsApi get_available_resources GET /permissions/resources Retrieves all available resource.
Bfwd::PermissionsApi get_permission_by_id GET /permissions/{permission-ID} Retrieves a single permission, specified by the ID parameter.
Bfwd::PermissionsApi revoke_permission DELETE /permissions/{permission-ID} Revokes a permission
Bfwd::PricingcalculatorApi get_amendment_cost POST /pricing-calculator/amendment-cost Calculates the price of a subscription's upgrading/downgrading to a new pricing component value.
Bfwd::PricingcalculatorApi get_coupon_instance_initialisation_cost POST /pricing-calculator/coupon-instance/initialisation Calculates the price of a subscription to a rate plan, at specified values of pricing component values, and with the specified coupon applied.
Bfwd::PricingcalculatorApi get_product_rate_plan_costs POST /pricing-calculator/product-rate-plan Calculates the price of a subscription to a rate plan, at specified values of pricing component values.
Bfwd::PricingcomponentsApi create_pricing_component POST /pricing-components Create a pricing-component.
Bfwd::PricingcomponentsApi get_all_pricing_components GET /pricing-components Returns a collection of pricing-components. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::PricingcomponentsApi get_pricing_component GET /pricing-components/{pricing-component-ID} Returns a collection of pricing-components, specified by the pricing-component-ID parameter. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::PricingcomponentsApi get_pricing_component_by_product_rate_plan_id GET /pricing-components/product-rate-plan/{product-rate-plan-ID} Returns a collection of pricing-components, specified by the product-rate-plan-ID parameter. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::PricingcomponentsApi retire_pricing_component DELETE /pricing-components/{pricing-component-ID} Retires the pricing-component specified by the pricing-component-ID parameter.
Bfwd::PricingcomponentsApi update_pricing_component PUT /pricing-components Update a pricing-component.
Bfwd::PricingcomponenttiersApi create_pricing_component_tier POST /pricing-component-tiers Create
Bfwd::PricingcomponenttiersApi get_all_pricing_component_tiers GET /pricing-component-tiers Returns a collection of pricing-component-tier-tiers. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::PricingcomponenttiersApi get_pricing_component_tier GET /pricing-component-tiers/{pricing-component-tier-ID} Returns a collection of pricing-component-tier-tiers, specified by the pricing-component-tier-ID parameter. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::PricingcomponenttiersApi get_pricing_component_tier_by_product_rate_plan_id GET /pricing-component-tiers/product-rate-plan/{product-rate-plan-ID} Returns a collection of pricing-component-tier-tiers, specified by the product-rate-plan-ID parameter. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::PricingcomponenttiersApi update_pricing_component_tier PUT /pricing-component-tiers Update.
Bfwd::PricingcomponentvaluechangesApi create_pricing_component_value_change POST /pricing-component-value-changes Create a pricing-component-value-change.
Bfwd::PricingcomponentvaluechangesApi get_all_pricing_component_value_changes GET /pricing-component-value-changes Returns a collection of pricing-component-value-changes. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::PricingcomponentvaluechangesApi get_pricing_component_value_change GET /pricing-component-value-changes/{ID} Returns a single pricing-component-value-changes, specified by the ID parameter.
Bfwd::PricingcomponentvaluechangesApi get_pricing_component_value_change_by_component_id GET /pricing-component-value-changes/component-ID/{pricing-component-ID} Returns a collection of pricing-component-value-changes, specified by the pricing-component-value-ID parameter. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::PricingcomponentvaluechangesApi get_pricing_component_value_change_by_invoice_id GET /pricing-component-value-changes/invoice/{invoice-ID} Returns a collection of pricing-component-value-changes, specified by the invoice-ID parameter. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::PricingcomponentvaluechangesApi get_pricing_component_value_change_by_subscription_id GET /pricing-component-value-changes/subscription/{subscription-ID} Returns a collection of pricing-component-value-changes, specified by the subscription-ID parameter. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::PricingcomponentvaluesApi create_pricing_component_value POST /pricing-component-values Create a pricing-component-value.
Bfwd::PricingcomponentvaluesApi get_all_pricing_component_values GET /pricing-component-values Returns a collection of pricing-component-values.By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::PricingcomponentvaluesApi get_pricing_component_value GET /pricing-component-values/{pricing-component-ID} Returns a collection of pricing-component-values, specified by the pricing-component-ID parameter.By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::PricingcomponentvaluesApi get_pricing_component_value_by_subscription_id GET /pricing-component-values/subscription/{subscription-ID} Returns a collection of pricing-component-values, specified by the subscription-ID parameter.By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::PricingcomponentvaluesApi update_pricing_component_value PUT /pricing-component-values Update a pricing-component-value.
Bfwd::ProductrateplansApi add_taxation_strategy_to_rate_plan POST /product-rate-plans/{product-rate-plan-ID}/tax Adds or re-enables the specified taxation-strategy for the given product-rate-plan.
Bfwd::ProductrateplansApi create_rate_plan POST /product-rate-plans Create a new rate-plan.
Bfwd::ProductrateplansApi delete_metadata_for_rate_plan DELETE /product-rate-plans/{product-rate-plan-ID}/metadata Remove any associated metadata.
Bfwd::ProductrateplansApi get_all_rate_plans GET /product-rate-plans Returns a collection of product-rate-plans. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::ProductrateplansApi get_available_taxation_strategies_for_rate_plan GET /product-rate-plans/{product-rate-plan-ID}/tax Returns all available taxes for the specified product-rate-plan. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::ProductrateplansApi get_metadata_for_rate_plan GET /product-rate-plans/{product-rate-plan-ID}/metadata Retrieve any associated metadata.
Bfwd::ProductrateplansApi get_product_rate_plan_by_id GET /product-rate-plans/{product-rate-plan-ID} Returns product-rate-plans, specified by the product-rate-plan id or name.
Bfwd::ProductrateplansApi get_rate_plan_by_product GET /product-rate-plans/product/{product-ID} Returns a collection of product-rate-plans, specified by the product-ID parameter. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::ProductrateplansApi get_rate_plan_by_product_and_rate_plan GET /product-rate-plans/product/{product-ID}/rate-plan/{rate-plan-ID} Returns a collection of product-rate-plans, specified by the product-ID parameter. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::ProductrateplansApi remove_taxation_strategy_from_rate_plan DELETE /product-rate-plans/{product-rate-plan-ID}/tax/{taxation-strategy-ID} Removes the specified taxation-strategy for the given product-rate-plan.
Bfwd::ProductrateplansApi retire_rate_plan DELETE /product-rate-plans/{product-rate-plan-ID} Retires the product-rate-plan specified product-rate-plan-ID.
Bfwd::ProductrateplansApi set_metadata_for_rate_plan POST /product-rate-plans/{product-rate-plan-ID}/metadata Remove any existing metadata keys and create the provided data.
Bfwd::ProductrateplansApi update_rate_plan PUT /product-rate-plans Update a rate-plan.
Bfwd::ProductrateplansApi upsert_metadata_for_rate_plan PUT /product-rate-plans/{product-rate-plan-ID}/metadata Update any existing metadata key-values and insert any new key-values, no keys will be removed.
Bfwd::ProductsApi create_product POST /products Create a product.
Bfwd::ProductsApi delete_metadata_for_product DELETE /products/{product-ID}/metadata Remove any associated metadata.
Bfwd::ProductsApi get_all_products GET /products Returns a collection of products. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::ProductsApi get_metadata_for_product GET /products/{product-ID}/metadata Retrieve any associated metadata.
Bfwd::ProductsApi get_product_by_id GET /products/{product-ID} Returns a single product, specified by the product-ID parameter.
Bfwd::ProductsApi retire_product DELETE /products/{product-ID} Deletes the product specified by the product-ID parameter. Any existing subscriptions will continue; it is a soft delete.
Bfwd::ProductsApi set_metadata_for_product POST /products/{product-ID}/metadata Remove any existing metadata keys and create the provided data.
Bfwd::ProductsApi update_product PUT /products Update a product.
Bfwd::ProductsApi upsert_metadata_for_product PUT /products/{product-ID}/metadata Update any existing metadata key-values and insert any new key-values, no keys will be removed.
Bfwd::ProfilesApi get_all_profiles GET /profiles Returns a collection of all profiles. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order
Bfwd::ProfilesApi get_profile GET /profiles/{profile-ID} Returns a single profile, specified by the ID parameter.
Bfwd::ProfilesApi get_profile_by_account_id GET /profiles/account/{account-ID} Returns a collection of profiles, specified by the account-ID parameter. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order
Bfwd::ProfilesApi get_profile_by_email_address GET /profiles/email/{email} Returns a single profile, specified by the email parameter.
Bfwd::ProfilesApi update_profile PUT /profiles Update a profile
Bfwd::QuotesApi quote POST /quotes Returns a quote.
Bfwd::ReceiptsApi create_receipt POST /receipts Create a receipt.
Bfwd::ReceiptsApi get_all_receipts GET /receipts Returns a collection of all receipts. By default 10 values are returned. receipts are returned in natural order
Bfwd::ReceiptsApi get_receipt_by_id GET /receipts/{receipt-ID} Returns a single receipt, specified by the ID parameter.
Bfwd::ReceiptsApi get_receipts_by_invoice GET /receipts/invoice/{invoice-ID} Returns a receipt for the receipt payment.
Bfwd::ReceiptsApi get_receipts_by_payment GET /receipts/payment/{payment-ID} Returns a collection of receipts for the payment.
Bfwd::ReceiptsApi get_receipts_for_debit_payments_as_csv GET /receipts/debits.csv Retrieves debit payments in CSV format.
Bfwd::ReceiptsApi get_receipts_for_refund_payments_as_csv GET /receipts/refunds.csv Retrieves refunded payments in CSV format.
Bfwd::RefundsApi create_refund POST /refunds

When creating a refund either the invoice, or invoice payment must be specified.

Creating a refund by specifying the invoiceID will refund any un-refunded value up to the full value of the payment. When refunding via the invoicePaymentID the same rules apply. Refunds will be processed by the same payment methods that took the payment.

Refunds can be for a partial amount of the payment. It is possible to create refunds up to the value of the total payment.

Once a payment or invoice is fully refunded, no more refunds can be created. Errors will be returned if the payment is greater than available refund funds.

Bfwd::RefundsApi get_all_refunds GET /refunds Returns a collection of all refunds. By default 10 values are returned. Refunds are returned in natural order
Bfwd::RefundsApi get_refund_by_id GET /refunds/{refund-ID} Returns a single refund, specified by the ID parameter.
Bfwd::RefundsApi get_refund_for_original_payment GET /refunds/original-payment/{payment-ID} Returns a refund for the original payment.
Bfwd::RefundsApi get_refund_for_refund_payment GET /refunds/refund-payment/{payment-ID} Returns a refund for the refund payment.
Bfwd::RefundsApi get_refund_for_refunded_invoice GET /refunds/invoice/{invoice-ID} Returns a refund for the refund payment.
Bfwd::RefundsApi get_refunds_as_csv GET /refunds/csv Retrieves refunds in CSV format.
Bfwd::RefundsApi update_refund PUT /refunds Update a refund
Bfwd::RolesApi create_role POST /roles Create a new role.
Bfwd::RolesApi get_all_roles GET /roles Retrieves a collection of all roles. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::RolesApi get_role_by_id GET /roles/{role} Retrieves a single role, specified by the ID parameter.
Bfwd::RolesApi remove_permission_from_role DELETE /roles/{role}/permission/{resource}/{action} Revokes a particular permission
Bfwd::RolesApi revoke_role DELETE /roles/{role} Revokes a role
Bfwd::RolesApi update_role PUT /roles Update a role.
Bfwd::SearchApi perform_search GET /search/{query-string} Returns the results of the global search specified by the query-string.
Bfwd::SubscriptionsApi add_charge_to_subscription POST /subscriptions/{subscription-ID}/charge Creates a charge on the specified subscription.
Bfwd::SubscriptionsApi add_coupon_to_subscription POST /subscriptions/{subscription-ID}/coupons Applies a coupon to a subscription.
Bfwd::SubscriptionsApi add_credit_note_to_subscription POST /subscriptions/{subscription-ID}/credit Creates a credit-note which may be used by only the specified subscription.
Bfwd::SubscriptionsApi add_payment_method_to_subscription POST /subscriptions/{subscription-ID}/payment-methods Enables the payment method to pay invoices of this subscription.
Bfwd::SubscriptionsApi advance_subscription POST /subscriptions/{subscription-ID}/advance Advance the subscription through time.
Bfwd::SubscriptionsApi available_payment_methods_for_subscription GET /subscriptions/{subscription-ID}/payment-methods Returns all available payment methods for the specified subscription. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::SubscriptionsApi batch_create_subscriptions POST /subscriptions/batch Create multiple subscriptions.
Bfwd::SubscriptionsApi cancel_subscription POST /subscriptions/{subscription-ID}/cancel Retires the subscription specified by the subscription-ID parameter. Retiring a subscription causes it to cancel based on the specified retirement settings for the product.
Bfwd::SubscriptionsApi create_aggregating_subscription POST /subscriptions/aggregating Create an aggregating subscription.
Bfwd::SubscriptionsApi create_subscription POST /subscriptions Create a new subscription.
Bfwd::SubscriptionsApi create_subscription_v2 POST /subscriptions/create Create a subscription (V2).
Bfwd::SubscriptionsApi create_timer POST /subscriptions/{subscription-ID}/timer Create a timer for a subscription event.
Bfwd::SubscriptionsApi delete_metadata_for_subscription DELETE /subscriptions/{subscription-ID}/metadata Remove any associated metadata.
Bfwd::SubscriptionsApi freeze_subscription POST /subscriptions/{subscription-ID}/freeze Freeze the subscription.
Bfwd::SubscriptionsApi get_all_subscriptions GET /subscriptions Retrieves a collection of all subscriptions. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::SubscriptionsApi get_applicable_coupons_for_subscription GET /subscriptions/{subscription-ID}/applicable-coupons Retrieves a collection of the coupons which can be applied to this subscription.
Bfwd::SubscriptionsApi get_available_credit_subscription GET /subscriptions/{subscription-ID}/credit Returns all available credit-notes for the specified subscription. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::SubscriptionsApi get_charges_on_subscription GET /subscriptions/{subscription-ID}/charges Returns all charges for the specified subscription. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::SubscriptionsApi get_children_of_subscription GET /subscriptions/{subscription-ID}/children Return all entities whose invoices will be aggregated by the specified subscription By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::SubscriptionsApi get_coupons_on_subscription GET /subscriptions/{subscription-ID}/coupons Retrieves a collection of the coupons and the unique codes currently applied to the subscription.
Bfwd::SubscriptionsApi get_invoices_for_subscription_by_state GET /subscriptions/{subscriptionID}/invoices/{state} Retrieves a collection of invoice objects of the specified state for the given subscription. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::SubscriptionsApi get_metadata_for_subscription GET /subscriptions/{subscription-ID}/metadata Retrieve any associated metadata.
Bfwd::SubscriptionsApi get_parent_subscription GET /subscriptions/{subscription-ID}/parent Return the parent of the given subscription.
Bfwd::SubscriptionsApi get_pricing_component_values_of_subscription GET /subscriptions/{subscription-ID}/values Gets the subscription's current pricing-component values.
Bfwd::SubscriptionsApi get_subscription_by_account_id GET /subscriptions/account/{account-ID} Retrieves a collection of subscriptions, specified by the account-ID parameter. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::SubscriptionsApi get_subscription_by_id GET /subscriptions/{subscription-ID} Retrieves a single subscription, specified by the ID parameter.
Bfwd::SubscriptionsApi get_subscription_by_product_id GET /subscriptions/product/{product-ID} Retrieves a collection of subscriptions, specified by the product-ID parameter. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::SubscriptionsApi get_subscription_by_product_rate_plan_id GET /subscriptions/product-rate-plan/{product-rate-plan-ID} Retrieves a collection of subscriptions, specified by the product-rate-plan-ID parameter. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::SubscriptionsApi get_subscription_by_state GET /subscriptions/state/{state} Retrieves a collection of subscriptions, specified by the state parameter. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::SubscriptionsApi get_subscription_by_version_id GET /subscriptions/version/{version-ID} Retrieves a single subscription, specified by the version-ID parameter.
Bfwd::SubscriptionsApi get_subscriptions_by_initial_period_start GET /subscriptions/initial-period-start/{lower-threshold}/{upper-threshold} Retrieves a collection of subscription objects with period-end times within the period specified by the lower-threshold and upper-threshold parameters. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::SubscriptionsApi get_subscriptions_by_period_end GET /subscriptions/period-end/{lower-threshold}/{upper-threshold} Retrieves a collection of subscription objects with period-end times within the period specified by the lower-threshold and upper-threshold parameters. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::SubscriptionsApi get_subscriptions_by_period_start GET /subscriptions/period-start/{lower-threshold}/{upper-threshold} Retrieves a collection of subscription objects with period-start times within the period specified by the lower-threshold and upper-threshold parameters. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::SubscriptionsApi get_subscriptions_by_successful_periods GET /subscriptions/successful-periods/{lower-threshold}/{upper-threshold} Retrieves a collection of subscription objects whose successful periods count falls within the range specified by the lower-threshold and upper-threshold parameters. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::SubscriptionsApi get_swagger_subscription GET /subscriptions/swagger-end-point/{query-string}
Bfwd::SubscriptionsApi get_timers_for_subscription GET /subscriptions/{subscription-ID}/timer Retrieves a collection timer amendments for the specified subscription.. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::SubscriptionsApi import_subscription POST /subscriptions/import Import a subscription.
Bfwd::SubscriptionsApi invoice_charges_on_subscription POST /subscriptions/{subscription-ID}/invoice-charges Invoice any outstanding charges for the subscription.
Bfwd::SubscriptionsApi migrate_subscription POST /subscriptions/{subscription-ID}/migrate Migrate the subscription to a new plan.
Bfwd::SubscriptionsApi remove_coupon_from_subscription DELETE /subscriptions/{subscription-ID}/coupons/{coupon-code} Removes the coupon from the subscription.
Bfwd::SubscriptionsApi remove_credit_from_subscription DELETE /subscriptions/{subscription-ID}/credit/{value} Decrease the amount of credit available to the specified subscription.
Bfwd::SubscriptionsApi remove_payment_method_from_subscription DELETE /subscriptions/{subscription-ID}/payment-methods/{payment-method-ID} Removes the specified payment method for the given subscription.
Bfwd::SubscriptionsApi remove_pricing_component_value_change_from_subscription DELETE /subscriptions/{subscription-ID}/values/{pricing-component} Discards from the subscription any scheduled changes in the value of the specified pricing-component.
Bfwd::SubscriptionsApi resume_subscription POST /subscriptions/{subscription-ID}/resume Resume the frozen subscription.
Bfwd::SubscriptionsApi revive_subscription POST /subscriptions/{subscription-ID}/revive Revives a cancelled subscription and returns it to its previous state
Bfwd::SubscriptionsApi set_metadata_for_subscription POST /subscriptions/{subscription-ID}/metadata Remove any existing metadata keys and create the provided data.
Bfwd::SubscriptionsApi set_pricing_component_value_on_subscription POST /subscriptions/{subscription-ID}/pricing-component-values Sets upon this subscription a new value for the specified pricing-component without performing an upgrade.
Bfwd::SubscriptionsApi set_pricing_component_value_on_subscription_batch_update POST /subscriptions/{subscription-ID}/values Upgrades/downgrades this subscription to some new value for the specified pricing-component. This endpoint can do synchronous (immediate) and asynchronous (delayed) updates. A synchronous update will generate a charge/credit for an UPGRADE or DOWNGRADE. An asynchronous update will generate an amendment scheduled for the end of the billing period. By default each update is considered synchronous, you can make them asynchronous setting 'applyChangeNow' to 'false'.
Bfwd::SubscriptionsApi set_pricing_component_value_on_subscription_v2 POST /subscriptions/{subscription-ID}/values/{pricing-component} Upgrades/downgrades this subscription to some new value for the specified pricing-component.
Bfwd::SubscriptionsApi update_subscription PUT /subscriptions Update a subscription.
Bfwd::SubscriptionsApi update_subscription_v2 PUT /subscriptions/update Update a subscription (V2).
Bfwd::SubscriptionsApi upsert_metadata_for_subscription PUT /subscriptions/{subscription-ID}/metadata Update any existing metadata key-values and insert any new key-values, no keys will be removed.
Bfwd::SynchAppConfigsApi create_sync_app_config POST /synchAppConfigs Create a synch app configuration.
Bfwd::SynchAppConfigsApi get_sync_app_config GET /synchAppConfigs/{synchAppConfigs-ID} Returns a single config, specified by the ID parameter.
Bfwd::SynchAppConfigsApi get_sync_app_config_by_platform GET /synchAppConfigs/platform/{platform} Returns a collection configurations, specified by the platform parameter.
Bfwd::SynchAppConfigsApi update_sync_app_config PUT /synchAppConfigs Update a synch app configuration.
Bfwd::SynchConfigsApi create_sync_config POST /synchConfigs Create a synch configuration.
Bfwd::SynchConfigsApi get_all_sync_configs GET /synchConfigs Returns a collection of Users. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::SynchConfigsApi get_sync_config GET /synchConfigs/{synchConfigs-ID} Returns a single config, specified by the ID parameter.
Bfwd::SynchConfigsApi get_sync_config_by_platform GET /synchConfigs/platform/{platform} Returns a collection configurations, specified by the platform parameter.
Bfwd::SynchConfigsApi get_sync_config_by_username GET /synchConfigs/username/{username} Returns a collection configurations, specified by the username parameter.
Bfwd::SynchConfigsApi update_sync_config PUT /synchConfigs Update a synch configuration.
Bfwd::SynchJobsApi create_sync_job POST /synchJobs Create a synch job.
Bfwd::SynchJobsApi get_all_sync_jobs GET /synchJobs Returns a collection of Users. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::SynchJobsApi get_sync_job_by_id GET /synchJobs/{synchJob-ID} Returns a single job, specified by the ID parameter.
Bfwd::SynchJobsApi get_sync_job_by_scope GET /synchJobs/scope/{scope} Returns a collection jobs, specified by the scope parameter.
Bfwd::SynchJobsApi get_sync_job_by_state GET /synchJobs/state/{state} Returns a collection jobs, specified by the state parameter.
Bfwd::SynchJobsApi get_sync_job_by_target GET /synchJobs/target/{target} Returns a collection jobs, specified by the target parameter.
Bfwd::SynchJobsApi get_sync_job_by_type GET /synchJobs/type/{type} Returns a collection jobs, specified by the type parameter.
Bfwd::SynchJobsApi update_sync_job PUT /synchJobs Update a synch job.
Bfwd::TaxationlinksApi create_taxation_link POST /taxation-links Create
Bfwd::TaxationlinksApi get_all_taxation_links GET /taxation-links Returns a collection of all taxation-links. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::TaxationlinksApi get_taxation_link_by_id GET /taxation-links/{taxation-link-ID} Returns a single taxation-link, specified by the taxation-link-ID parameter.
Bfwd::TaxationlinksApi get_taxation_link_by_product_rate_plan GET /taxation-links/product-rate-plan/{product-rate-plan-ID} Returns a collection of taxation-links, specified by the product-rate-plan-ID parameter. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::TaxationlinksApi get_taxation_link_by_taxation_strategy GET /taxation-links/taxation-strategy/{taxation-strategy-ID} Returns a collection of taxation-links, specified by the taxation-strategy-ID parameter. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::TaxationlinksApi update_taxation_link PUT /taxation-links Update
Bfwd::TaxationstrategiesApi create_taxation_strategy POST /taxation-strategies

Add a new tax or schedule changes in an existing tax.

Add a new tax by providing the location and tax percentage. To schedule a tax change specify the ID of the current Tax. A new version of the will be created validFrom the specified date, the existing tax validTill the start of this new tax.

Bfwd::TaxationstrategiesApi get_all_taxation_strategies GET /taxation-strategies Returns a collection of all taxation-strategies. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::TaxationstrategiesApi get_taxation_strategy_by_consistent_id GET /taxation-strategies/{taxation-strategy-ID} Returns the tax currently being applied for the taxation-strategy-ID. To return schedule or historic tax changes the include_retired query parameter should be set to true.
Bfwd::TaxationstrategiesApi get_taxation_strategy_by_country GET /taxation-strategies/country/{country} Returns a collection of taxation-strategies, specified by the country parameter. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order. To return schedule or historic tax changes the include_retired query parameter should be set to true.
Bfwd::TaxationstrategiesApi get_taxation_strategy_by_currency GET /taxation-strategies/currency/{currency} Returns a collection of taxation-strategies, specified by the currency parameter. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::TaxationstrategiesApi get_taxation_strategy_by_province GET /taxation-strategies/province/{province} Returns a collection of taxation-strategies, specified by the province parameter. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::TaxationstrategiesApi get_taxation_strategy_by_version_id GET /taxation-strategies/version/{version-ID} Returns a single taxation-strategy, specified by the taxation-strategy-ID parameter.
Bfwd::TaxationstrategiesApi retire_taxation_strategy DELETE /taxation-strategies/version/{version-ID} Retires the taxation-strategy specified by taxation-strategy-ID parameter. Only the version of the tax which has an unbounded (null) validTill can be removed. Removing a tax change will make the previous tax come into effect. For example if you have a Tax in January and 5% and a new tax at 7% from February onwards, you can remove the February tax. Remove the February tax will re-instate the January tax.
Bfwd::TaxationstrategiesApi update_taxation_strategy PUT /taxation-strategies Update a tax.
Bfwd::TimeApi get_time_swagger GET /time/swagger-end-point
Bfwd::TokenizationApi auth_capture POST /tokenization/auth-capture [Note: this API can be invoked more simply by our client-side card capture library, <a href="">BillForward.js; you should not need to interact with this API manually unless you have particularly bespoke requirements]
Bfwd::TokenizationApi braintree_card_capture POST /tokenization/braintree [Warning: for use only in PCI-compliant environments; for more information, <a href="mailto:[email protected]">contact us regarding provisioning of your own on-premise BillForward instance] Captures raw credit card details into Braintree's vault.
Bfwd::TokenizationApi pay_vision_shout_v1 POST /tokenization/payvision-shout-v1 [Note: this API is intended to be invoked by the PayVision servers -- they are BillForward's way of informing client-side of the result of card-capture from within an iframe] Generates iframe to which customer will be directed upon success or failure. The iframe contains JavaScript which attempts to send a message to BillForward.js on the client-side, which will handle the result.
Bfwd::TokenizationApi pre_auth POST /tokenization/pre-auth [Note: this API can be invoked more simply by our client-side card capture library, <a href="">BillForward.js; you should not need to interact with this API manually unless you have particularly bespoke requirements]
Bfwd::TokenizationApi sage_pay_notify_v300 POST /tokenization/sagepay-notify-v3-00 [Note: this API is intended to be invoked by the SagePay servers -- they are BillForward's way of receiving a callback from a SagePay card capture operation, using SagePay's FORM Protocol, v3.0] Handles SagePay Notification.
Bfwd::TokenizationApi sage_pay_shout_v300 GET /tokenization/sagepay-shout-v3-00 [Note: this API is intended to be invoked by the SagePay servers -- they are BillForward's way of informing client-side of the result of card-capture from within an iframe, using SagePay's FORM Protocol, v3.0] Generates iframe to which customer will be directed upon success or failure. The iframe contains JavaScript which attempts to send a message to BillForward.js on the client-side, which will handle the result.
Bfwd::UnitofmeasureApi create_unit_of_measure POST /units-of-measure Create a unit-of-measure.
Bfwd::UnitofmeasureApi get_all_units_of_measure GET /units-of-measure Returns a collection of all unit-of-measure objects. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::UnitofmeasureApi get_unit_of_measure_by_id GET /units-of-measure/{unit-of-measure-identifier} Returns a single unit-of-measure corresponding to the unique id or name specified.
Bfwd::UnitofmeasureApi update_unit_of_measure PUT /units-of-measure Update a unit-of-measure.
Bfwd::UsageApi create_usage_instance POST /usage Add usage
Bfwd::UsageApi get_usage_by_id GET /usage/{subscription-id}/{period-id} Retrieve by subscription and period
Bfwd::UsageApi get_usage_by_subscription_id GET /usage/{subscription-id} Retrieve by subscription
Bfwd::UsageApi get_usage_by_subscription_id_uo_m_period_and_usage_type GET /usage/{subscription-id}/{uom}/{period-id}/{usage-type} Retrieve by subscription, period and type
Bfwd::UsageApi update_usage_instance PUT /usage Update usage
Bfwd::UsageperiodsApi get_usage_period GET /usage-periods/{subscription-id}/{period-id} Retrieve by subscription and period
Bfwd::UsageperiodsApi get_usage_period_for_all GET /usage-periods/{subscription-id} Retrieve by subscription
Bfwd::UsageperiodsApi get_usage_period_for_invoice GET /usage-periods/{subscription-id}/invoice/{invoice-id} Retrieve by invoice)
Bfwd::UsageroundingstrategiesApi create_usage_rounding_strategy POST /usage-rounding-strategies Create a new rounding strategy
Bfwd::UsageroundingstrategiesApi get_usage_rounding_strategy_by_id GET /usage-rounding-strategies/{usage-rounding-strategies-ID} Returns a collection of usage-rounding-strategies, specified by the usage-rounding-strategies-id parameter. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::UsageroundingstrategiesApi get_usage_rounding_strategy_by_pricing_component_id GET /usage-rounding-strategies/pricing-component/{pricing-component-ID} Returns a collection of usage-rounding-strategies, specified by the pricing-component-ID parameter. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::UsageroundingstrategiesApi update_usage_rounding_strategy PUT /usage-rounding-strategies Update a rounding strategy
Bfwd::UsagesessionsApi get_active_sessions_for_subscription GET /usage-sessions/{subscription-id}/active Get active by subscription
Bfwd::UsagesessionsApi get_usage_list_for_usage_session GET /usage-sessions/{subscription-id} Retrieve by subscription
Bfwd::UsagesessionsApi start_usage_session POST /usage-sessions/start Start a new session
Bfwd::UsagesessionsApi stop_usage_session POST /usage-sessions/stop Stop a specified session
Bfwd::UsernamesApi create_username POST /usernames Create a username.
Bfwd::UsersApi create_user POST /users Create a user.
Bfwd::UsersApi create_user_login POST /users/create-user-login Create a user.
Bfwd::UsersApi get_all_users GET /users Returns a collection of Users. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::UsersApi get_user_by_id GET /users/{user-ID} Returns a single User, specified by the ID parameter.
Bfwd::UsersApi get_user_by_password_reset_code GET /users/password-reset-code/{password-reset-code} Returns a single User, specified by the password-reset-code parameter.
Bfwd::UsersApi get_user_by_sms_password_reset_code GET /users/sms-password-reset-code/{sms-password-reset-code} Returns a single User, specified by the sms-password-reset-code parameter.
Bfwd::UsersApi get_user_by_username GET /users/username/{username} Returns a single User, specified by the username parameter, this is by default the e-mail address of the user.
Bfwd::UsersApi reset_user_password POST /users/password-reset Create a password reset request.
Bfwd::UsersApi retire_user DELETE /users/{user-ID} Retires the user with the specified user-ID.
Bfwd::UsersApi update_user PUT /users Update a user.
Bfwd::UsersApi update_user_password POST /users/password-update Update a user's password.
Bfwd::VaultedgatewaysApi create_authorize_net_token POST /vaulted-gateways/authorize-net Create an authorize-net-token.
Bfwd::VaultedgatewaysApi create_braintree_token POST /vaulted-gateways/braintree Create a braintree-token.
Bfwd::VaultedgatewaysApi create_stripe_ach_token POST /vaulted-gateways/stripe-ACH Create a stripe-ACH-token.
Bfwd::VaultedgatewaysApi create_stripe_token POST /vaulted-gateways/stripe Create a stripe-token.
Bfwd::VaultedgatewaysApi create_trust_commerce_token POST /vaulted-gateways/trustCommerce Create a trust-commerce-token.
Bfwd::VaultedgatewaysApi get_braintree_by_account_id GET /vaulted-gateways/braintree/{accountID} Returns a list of braintree-tokens backing PaymentMethods belonging to the specified account parameter.
Bfwd::VaultedgatewaysApi get_by_card_details_id GET /vaulted-gateways/stripe/card-details-id/{cardDetailsID} Returns a single stripe-token, specified by the cardDetailsID parameter.
Bfwd::VaultedgatewaysApi get_stripe_ach GET /vaulted-gateways/stripe-ACH/{stripeACHTokenID} Returns a single stripe-ACH-token, specified by the stripeACHTokenID parameter.
Bfwd::VaultedgatewaysApi get_stripe_token GET /vaulted-gateways/stripe/{stripeTokenID} Returns a single stripe-token, specified by the stripeTokenID parameter.
Bfwd::VaultedgatewaysApi update_stripe_ach_token PUT /vaulted-gateways/stripe-ACH Update a stripe-ACH-token.
Bfwd::VaultedgatewaysApi update_stripe_token PUT /vaulted-gateways/stripe Update a stripe-token.
Bfwd::VaultedgatewaysApi verify_bank_account POST /vaulted-gateways/stripe/verify-bank-account Verify Stripe bank account.
Bfwd::VaultedgatewaysApi webhook POST /vaulted-gateways/stripe/webhook Receive and handle webhook from Stripe.
Bfwd::WebhooksApi create_webhook POST /webhooks Create a webhook.
Bfwd::WebhooksApi create_webhook_v2 POST /webhooks/create Create a webhook.
Bfwd::WebhooksApi get_all_webhooks GET /webhooks Returns a collection of Webhooks, specified by the accountID parameter. By default 10 values are returned. Records are returned in natural order.
Bfwd::WebhooksApi get_webhook_by_id GET /webhooks/{webhook-ID} Returns a single webhook, specified by the webhook-ID parameter.
Bfwd::WebhooksApi retire_webhook DELETE /webhooks/{webhook-ID} Retires the specified webhook.
Bfwd::WebhooksApi update_webhook PUT /webhooks Update a webhook.
Bfwd::WebhooksApi verify_webhook GET /webhooks/verify/{verification-ID} New webhooks must be verified before use, use the verificationID of the webhook to perform verification.

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization

All endpoints do not require authorization.


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