Rhee is a general purpose Nepali Programming Language. mRhee is a better refined version of Rhee, an interpreter. mRhee includes a major enhancement in original grammar and it now emits python byte code. In that sense, mRhee is a compiler or may be trans-compiler.
This is project submitted to IOE, Pulchowk Campus as Major thesis by Bikram Basnet, Pravesh Koirala and Sushil Shrestha.
The online version of Rhee is an interpreter instead of compiler. Interpreter for online version is written in Javascript. http://rhee.shresthasushil.com.np/
/* this is comment */
यदि क == २ भए // this is comment
क = १०.३२
क = १०.३२
अथवा क >= ३ र क == १० भए
"क तिन भन्दा बेसि छ तर १० छैन" लेख
ख लेउ
"ख मा ", ख, " छ" लेख