connect localhost:9300;
// or
connect elasticsearch localhost:9300;
// only a single connection is supported at the moment
// match all
query bank;
// return a single document
query bank return 1;
// return 10 docs starting from 5
query bank return 10 from 5;
query bank return 3 sort on balance asc;
// multiple sorts
query bank return 3 sort on balance asc, lastname desc;
// only return account_number + balance columns
query bank (account_number, balance);
query bank (account_number, balance) return 1;
// filters
query bank
filter balance = 1110
return 1;
query bank
filter balance = 1110
and age = 27
return 1;
query bank (balance, age, account_number)
balance = 1110
and (age = 31 or account_number=953)
return 1;
index blogposts with post = '{"xyz":"this is a test", "foobar":100}';
index blogposts with post = '{"xyz":"this is another test", "foobar":200}';
// query by exact id, this won't work for you unless you use an ID
// returned from an "index" statement above.
get blogposts with post = "AU3Po0OOZX4PYDrqsDN1";
// xyz will be analyzed, so it might not return a value
// match on 100 for this example instead
query blogposts(xyz, foobar) filter foobar=100;
// Simple Aggregations
query bank
aggregate min_bal = min(balance), max_bal = max(balance);
// filters AND aggregations
query bank
age = 20
foo = min(balance), bar = max(balance);
mvn clean package
How is it pronounced?
- "equal"
Why didn't you implement SQL?
- Elasticsearch isn't a SQL database.
Is EQL usable in production?
- It's just an idea I had over the weekend.
Are you going to finish this?
- if theres any interest in it.
Can I contribute?
- you can submit a github issue for suggestions on how parts of the query should look.
© 2015 Dave Parfitt