Determine readability and comprehension difficulty for contemporary English text.
- iOS reference platform, 9.3 minimum version.
- Example app and tests included.
- Automated Readability Index
- Coleman–Liau Index
- Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level
- Flesch Reading Ease
- Gunning Fog Index
- SMOG Grade
CocoaPods is the easiest way to use this project. Add the following to your project Podfile:
pod 'Readability-Objective-C', :git => ''
It is a good idea to specifiy the commit. For example:
pod 'Readability-Objective-C', :git => '', commit => '47d2b475ba7f4b3169321d61df552dd2a912cee9'
Import it:
#import <Readability-Objective-C/Readability.h>
Use it:
[Readability automatedReadabilityIndexForString:@"Text"]; [Readability colemanLiauIndexForString:@"Text"]; [Readability fleschKincaidGradeLevelForString:@"Text"]; [Readability fleschReadingEaseForString:@"Text"]; [Readability gunningFogScoreForString:@"Text"]; [Readability smogGradeForString:@"Text"];
Note: See the example view controller.
This project makes use of the following third-party libraries:
Bracken Spencer
Readability-Objective-C is released under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.