Library containing off-chain details relating to bonds, protocols, tokens, chains etc
In order for bond markets to appear on the BondProtocol dapp market list, the market owner must have verified their details with us. In addition to this, the market quote and payout tokens should be verified, so that we can use off-chain data such as price feeds, token logos and so on in the dapp. Verification is done by making a pull request to this library. Once we have merged your PR and published the updated version of the library, the dapp will be ready to display your market details.
Protocol details should be added to src/protocols/protocols.ts
First, add an entry to the PROTOCOL_NAMES enum. This should be a unique string value. It will be used in the URL of the direct link to your protocol page, so be sure to choose something appropriate!
export enum PROTOCOL_NAMES {
BOND_PROTOCOL = "BondProtocol",
YOUR_PROTOCOL = "YourProtocol",
Next, add your protocol details to the PROTOCOLS
map. A Protocol
object is defined as follows:
export interface Protocol {
id: string; // Protocol ID, should be set as PROTOCOL_NAMES.YOUR_PROTOCOL
name: string; // Display name of the protocol, this will be shown in the dapp UI
logo?: string; // URL to your protocol's logo, preferably .png
description: string; // A description of your protocol
links: Links;
This contains a Links
object, defined as follows:
export interface Links {
governanceVote: string; // REQUIRED: Link to a governance vote allowing your protocol to run a BondProtocol market\
twitter?: string; // OPTIONAL links to social media, protocol websites etc
discord?: string;
github?: string;
medium?: string;
telegram?: string;
homepage?: string;
staking?: string;
dataStudio?: string; // Link to data on bond market performance. Not required for verification, we will add when ready.
NOTE: the governanceVote
link is required. We are only able to display markets which are being offered by
decentralized organizations that have held a vote allowing them to run BondProtocol market programs. Without this link,
we will be unable to accept your verification request. The smart contracts are permissionless, so you are free to use
them to run markets regardless, but you will need to provide your own UI or alternative solution.
Put this information into the PROTOCOLS
map in the following format:
name: "BondProtocol",
description: "We help protocols own their liquidity",
links: {
governanceVote: "", <-- don't do this, your verification won't be accepted :)
twitter: "@bond_protocol",
github: "",
medium: "",
homepage: "",
Finally, add the address(es) you wish to associate with your protocol to the ADDRESSES
list. The Address
object is
defined as follows:
interface Address {
chainId: string; // e.g. CHAIN_ID.ETHEREUM_MAINNET - See src/chains/chains.ts CHAIN_ID enum for a list of chain IDs.
address: string; // The address you will use to call the create market transaction
Add the address/chain combinations to the ADDRESSES
list. For example:
address: "0xda8b43d5DA504A3A418AeEDcE1Ece868536807fA",
address: "0xda8b43d5DA504A3A418AeEDcE1Ece868536807fA",
address: "0x69442345d059895bd408e7bde8ab1428c009cc83",
In this case, any markets created on Ethereum Mainnet or Goerli Testnet by the
address 0xda8b43d5DA504A3A418AeEDcE1Ece868536807fA
would be associated with PROTOCOL_NAMES.BOND_PROTOCOL
, along with
any created on Goerli Testnet by 0x69442345d059895bd408e7bde8ab1428c009cc83
. In this
example, 0x69442345d059895bd408e7bde8ab1428c009cc83
would not be associated with the protocol on Ethereum Mainnet.
After this, make a pull request to the develop
branch. If you do not have your own UI or other alternative, we
strongly recommend waiting until it has been accepted before creating a market.
Token verification is not strictly required, but strongly recommended. The most important part of token verification is providing a price source. Failure to do this will mean bond prices, discounts and so on will be displayed incorrectly in the dapp. The bonds will still work as expected on the contract level, but users would have to calculate prices and discounts manually.
You will need to add a Token
object to the TOKENS
map in src/tokens/tokens.ts
. The Token
object is defined as
export interface Token {
name: string; // The token name
symbol: string; // The token symbol
logoUrl?: string; // A URL to the token logo, preferably .png
priceSources: Map<number, SupportedPriceSource | CustomPriceSource>; // A map of price sources for the token. The `number` key represents the price source's priority, lower numbers being higher priority
purchaseLinks: Map<CHAIN_ID, string>; // Link to a place where the token can be purchased
The name
and symbol
fields allow the on-chain values to be overridden for more useful UI display. For example, most
LP tokens use a default "Uniswap V2"/"UNI-V2" name and symbol, which isn't very helpful if multiple LP tokens are being
displayed in a list. So these could be overriden as "ETH-GOHM Uniswap LP"/"ETH-GOHM" in our UI, for example.
Price sources allow for multiple price sources to be listed in order of priority. We currently support Coingecko and custom functions. Price sources are defined as follows:
export interface PriceSource {
source: "coingecko" | "custom";
export interface SupportedPriceSource extends PriceSource {
source: "coingecko";
apiId: string; // The token's Coingecko API ID
export interface CustomPriceSource extends PriceSource {
source: "custom";
customPriceFunction: () => Promise<string>;
The map should be added to the Token
object as follows:
priceSources: new Map<number, SupportedPriceSource | CustomPriceSource>([
[0, { source: "coingecko", apiId: "governance-ohm" }],
[1, {
source: "custom",
customPriceFunction: async () => {
/* Code goes here */
return priceString;
Next, we have a map of CHAIN_ID
to purchase link URL. Although we currently only support Ethereum and Goerli Testnet,
BondProtocol will be going multi-chain in the near future. At that point, it will be useful to have different links per
network. For example, many dexes use the token address and chain id in the URL to populate selectors, so even for the
same token pair on the same dex, there might be different URL on different chains. Furthermore, the most liquid markets
for a token may be on different dexes from one chain to another, so this allows us to direct users to the most
appropriate one.
The purchaseLinks
map should be added to the Token
object as in the following example:
purchaseLinks: new Map<CHAIN_ID, string>([
The complete Token
object should be added to the TOKENS
map in the following format:
name: "Olympus",
symbol: "OHM",
priceSources: new Map<number, SupportedPriceSource | CustomPriceSource>([
[0, { source: "coingecko", apiId: "olympus" }],
purchaseLinks: new Map<CHAIN_ID, string>([
NOTE: the format of the map key includes the chain and the address, for example:
This allows tokens available on multiple chains to share the same Token
object. We call 'toLowerCase()' on all the
After adding this, your PR should be ready, once we have accepted it, your token data will appear in the BondProtocol dapp UI.