aion - a python programmed digital assistant
aion is an python3 based digital assistant (voice assistant). It requires python 3.6 or higher and only runs on Linux / UNIX systems
The installation need 1 - 2 GB free space
To install aion for Linux / UNIX (only tested on Raspberry Pi 3B+ with Raspberry Pi OS), type:
$ sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install git
$ sudo git clone
$ cd aion
$ sudo ./ # if this won't work, type 'sudo bash' instead
This will take a while (depending on your internet speed) and installs all required components
After the installation is completed, reboot your system
To start / run aion, type:
$ aion start
$ aion run
To start aion say the activation word (aion
default) and then a voice command, e.g. aion, whats the current time?
To change your activation word, visit, create a .pmdl
file with your new activation word
and place it into /usr/local/<your aion version>/etc/
and change the text of the hotword_file
key in /etc/aion_data
to /usr/local/<your aion version>/etc/<your new snowboy file>
- cpu usage - gives the cpu usage back (after 10 test seconds)
- ip address - gives the current ip address back (won't work properly when device is offline)
- play - plays given song on youtube (may won't play the correct song)
- ram usage - gives the ram usage back (after 10 test seconds)
- tell & about <person, topic or something else> - gives wikipedia article about the searched person, topic or something else back
- time - gives the current time back
- erzähle & über <Person, Thema oder irgendetwas anderes> - gibt den Wikipedia Artikel über das Gesuchte zurück
- ip-addresse - gibt die aktuelle IP Adresse zurück (wird nicht richtig funktionieren, wenn das Gerät kein Internet hat)
- prozessor auslastung - gibt die Prozessorauslastung zurück (nach 10 Sekunden Testzeit)
- spiele - spielt gegebenes Lied auf Youtube ab (wird eventuell nicht das richtige Lied abspielen)
- uhr - gibt die aktuelle Zeit zurück
- zeit - gibt die aktuelle Zeit zurück
See /etc/aion_data/language/<your language locale>.acph
for all voice commands (the xml tags are the voice commands)
aion [command]
start starts aion
run runs aion
install <skill / plugin> installs a skill or plugin
uninstall <skill / plugin> uninstalls a skill or plugin
remove <skill / plugin> removes a skill or plugin
update <skill / plugin> updates a skill or plugin
version <skill / plugin> version of a skill or plugin
save <name> saves the current aion_data directory (with a name)
load <version> [name] loads a saved aion_data directory (add optional name to save the current aion_data directory with this name)
saves shows all saved aion_data directory
pid shows the pid from the running aion process
kill kills aion
stop stops aion
pack <custom skill / plugin directory> packs the given directory with a custom skill or plugin into one standalone file for installation
- LED support for respeaker users
- other logger
- bluetooth module to connect with phone and play music
- better commandline support
- spotify support (for the "play" voice command)
- watcher process to monitor the main process
- tutorials
- better description for the classes and functions
- ai based speech recognition engine
- ai based text-to-speech engine
- support library (see aionlib)
- gui interface
- aion for windows
- (android) app for phones
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 (GPL-3.0) - see the LICENSE file for more details