This is a new version of my legacy portfolio. The motivation behind creating it stems from the fact that the legacy version was built with Next.js 13 and React 18. While attempting to upgrade it to the latest versions of Next.js and React, I encountered compatibility issues with some libraries that hadn't been updated to support the newer versions.
As a result, I decided to develop this portfolio from scratch. This approach allows me to explore the differences in the latest library versions and revisit Tailwind CSS.
Note: This project is a work in progress (WIP).
- Clone this repo:
$ git clone https://github.com/bzenky/bzenky.dev.git
- Then go to the project's folder:
cd bzenky.dev
- Install all dependencies:
npm install
- Run locally:
npm run dev
This project is inspired by Zeno Rocha´s personal website.