Welcome to the cardano.org website. We believe that this website should be managed by a collective and not a single entity. For this to be successful, the website relies on your contributions.
This is the initial launch of cardano.org as open source project.
To achieve this, the entire site was rewritten, focusing on the technology stack rather than the content. We have maintained most of the original content for now to ensure it remains accessible. However, several significant day-one improvements compared to the old site should be highlighted:
- Rewritten using the Docusaurus stack (the same as developers.cardano.org).
- The staging branch deploys at https://new-cardano-org-staging.netlify.app/, and the main branch deploys at https://cardano.org/.
- Documentation on adding content can be found at https://cardano.org/docs/tutorial/create-a-page (work in progress).
- Added Cardano-relevant research papers and specifications at https://cardano.org/research.
- Replaced the unclear and confusing black overlay menu according to feedback. Ensured that every page is accessible through the new menus above, addressing a previous navigation issue.
- Improved the news section, increasing visibility for many entities, now with tags, an RSS feed, collaborative features for news articles, embedded videos, and other enhancements.
- Created a dedicated page for the Cardano code of conduct at https://cardano.org/community-code-of-conduct.
- Reworked the Ambassador Program page at https://cardano.org/ambassadors. (not all have yet agreed to be listed there)
- The Genesis page no longer relies on external sites and can be accessed at https://cardano.org/genesis.
- Added 'Intersect' the member based organisation.
- Additionally, dark mode is now available.
Node.js version >= 18.0
Yarn version >= 1.22
On macOS you also need Xcode and Command Line Tools.
This website is built using Docusaurus, a modern static website generator. This will get you up and running:
git clone https://github.com/cardano-foundation/cardano-org.git
cd cardano-org
yarn install
yarn start
This command starts a local development server and opens up a browser window to http://localhost:3000. Most changes are reflected live without having to restart the server.
To browse the documentation visit http://localhost:3000/docs/.
yarn build
This command generates static content into the build
directory and can be served using any static contents hosting service. Always build the site once before firing a pull request as many additional checks are carried out.
yarn start --host
With this command you are making it listen on all network interfaces (IP addresses) of your computer. This includes the local loopback interface ( or localhost) and any other network interfaces that can connect your computer to a local network or the internet. Great for testing the site with different devices on your local network.