This project provides a helper library called "localytics-hyperloop.js" inside of the lib folder that allows you to take advantage of the Localytics native SDKs inside of your Titanium app. Also includes sample code showing you how to use the methods developed for Localytics using Hyperloop so far.
- Tag Event
- Tag Screen
- Set Profile Attribute
- Customer Identifier Method Support (for setting email, name, id, etc.)
- Trigger manual data upload.
- App Inbox Support for iOS
- App Inbox Support for Android
- TODO: Add support for handling incoming push notifications.
The initial version of this project provides enough to use the basics of Localytics on iOS and Android, and also the app inbox on iOS. AppInbox support for Android is planned in the future.
First, make sure you have Titanium SDK "7.1.0.v20180207124118" installed on your system. If you don't have it yet, you
can install it by running ti sdk install 7.1.0.v20180207124118
Second, make sure CocoaPods is installed on your system.
Third, edit "index.js" and make sure you specify your personal Localytics key. You can get this from your Localytics dashboard.
Import it via Dashboard if available.
Or import it via File > Import... > Git > Git Repository as New Project with URI:
Select a Simulator or Device to build to via Run > Run As.
Clone the repository:
git clone
To run it with
appc run
first import it to the platform:appc new --import --no-services
Build to Simulator or Device:
[appc run | ti build] -p ios [-T device]
Code contributions are greatly appreciated, please submit a new pull request!
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