The purpose of this project is to create an ETL pipeline using Python.
The information is extracted from YouTube using its API. The data in question is the Top 10 videos that appeared in the Trending page in the category of Gaming in each country/region on YouTube. To obtain as much useful information for future analysis as possible, the following information is queried using the API:
- The region list containing all the region codes and names on YouTube
- The information and statistics of the Top 10 videos in each region
- The information and statistics of every unique channel whose video trended
This information will be extracted daily.
Throughout the extraction process, the data must be cleaned in order to retrieve all the important information and get rid of data that won't be useful for future analysis. For the purposes of this project, the information that is considered relevant or important are as follows:
- The region codes and names of every region on YouTube
- For every video in the Top 10 in each region:
- The video's ID
- Title of the video
- Publication date
- View count
- Like count
- Comment count
- And, if available, the language of the video's audio
- For every unique channel whose video trended in one or multiple regions:
- The channel's ID
- Name of the channel
- Creation date
- The channel's country/region
- Total view count
- Subscriber count
- Video count
Once cleaned up and stored in various dataframes, the data will be stored in a SQLite database. The regions' information will only be loaded once, but the rest of the information will be loaded in the database daily. In total there will be 3 tables:
- Regions
- Videos
- Channels
These tables will have relationships referencing one another in order to make the querying process easy, and the data modeling as correct as possible.
Some findings I'm hoping to achieve include but are not limited to:
- Game that trended the most in a region and worldwide
- Channel that trended the most in a region and worldwide
- Compare the view-counts of channels that trended in every region
- Find a correlation between a channel's creation date and the amount of times that they trended
- etc.
The experiment will be repeated in intervals of 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months and 12 months, to observe how the data changes over time and other interesting observations.
Run the following commands to install the necessary packages:
pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client
pip install --upgrade google-auth-oauthlib google-auth-httplib2
To run the entire application, use the following command: