The template will change all Burcin
words under the dist
folder to the folder name.
# retrieves latest
dotnet new install "Burcin.Templates.CSharp"
# retrieves a specific version with source definition
dotnet new install "Burcin.Templates.CSharp::1.2.21" --nuget-source
It looks like --update-*
commands are not working (4/22/2020)
# checks if tere is an update
dotnet new "Burcin.Templates.CSharp" --update-check
# applies if tere is an update
dotnet new "Burcin.Templates.CSharp" --update-apply
dotnet new uninstall "Burcin.Templates.CSharp"
dotnet new burcin --help
cd "<PATH>"; #e.g. C:\Users\<USERNAME>\Source\local\<MYPROJECT>
dotnet new burcin --WebApiApplication --HealthChecks --Swagger --BlazorApplication --ConsoleApplication --OData --WindowsService --BackgroundService --EntityFramework --DatabaseName "ChangeMe" --TestFramework --DocFx --DockerSupport --SerilogSupport --NugetSourceGitHub --NugetSourceAzureDevOps --VsCodeDirectory --GitHubTemplates --Cache "All" --Authors "ChangeMe" --RepositoryUrl "<changeme>/burcin" --SkipRestore;