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Rogach edited this page Jun 2, 2012 · 2 revisions

Scallop supports parsing of subcommands - like git push and git pull, for example .

For example:

object Conf extends ScallopConf(Seq("-a", "tree", "-b")) {
  val apples = opt[Boolean]("apples")
  val tree = new Subcommand("tree") {
    val bananas = opt[Boolean]("bananas")
Conf.apples() should equal (true)
Conf.subcommand should equal (Some(Conf.tree))
Conf.subcommands should equal (List(Conf.tree))
Conf.tree.bananas() should equal (true)

All the usual operations with options - relationships, .isSupplied, etc. - also work transparently.

Note that you can nest subcommands to infinite depth:

object Conf extends ScallopConf(Seq("sub1", "sub2", "sub3", "sub4", "win!")) {
  val sub1 = new Subcommand("sub1") {
    val sub2 = new Subcommand("sub2") {
      val sub3 = new Subcommand("sub3") {
        val sub4 = new Subcommand("sub4") {
          val opts = trailArg[List[String]]()
Conf.subcommands should equal (List(Conf.sub1, Conf.sub1.sub2, Conf.sub1.sub2.sub3, Conf.sub1.sub2.sub3.sub4))
Conf.sub1.sub2.sub3.sub4.opts() should equal (List("win!"))