If you interview for a job for a full-stack developer, front-end developer or back-end developer, you will face a coding challenge. These coding challenges will test your programming skills and knowledge.
CodePrep.io has produced these series of coding challenges to help you improve your ability to handle these challenges during your job interview.
- Requirements
- Installation Instructions
- [Writing Your Solution] (#coding)
- [Testing Your Code] (#testing)
- Contributing
- Mocha
- Should
- Sinon
[~] $ git clone https://github.com/codeprep/coding_challenges
[~] $ cd coding_challenges
[coding_challenges] $ npm install
[coding_challenges] $ cd createAnagrams
[createAnagrams] $ vi createAnagrams.js
[createAnagrams] $ npm test
## Coding
Each folder will have a file with instructions. Open this file in your favorite editor. Read the directions.
Add your code in the function. DO NOT rename the file or the function in the file.
## Testing
Once you have finished writing your code, enter npm test at the command line. You must be in the folder that you are
testing your code.
## Contributing
See [CONTRIBUTING.md] (CONTRIBUTING.md) for contribution guidelines
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[gitter-url]: https://gitter.im/codeprep/coding_challenges