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Modular javascript library for developing modern web apps


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fstage [ALPHA v0.4.0]

A modular javascript library for developing modern web2 and web3 applications. Being developed as part of's mission to make open web3 infrastructure accessible to all.

Alpha library, in heavy development, and breaking changes may occur.

CDN links

<link rel="stylesheet" href="[email protected]/src/css/fstage.min.css">
<script defer src="[email protected]/src/js/fstage.min.js"></script>

Module loading

//loads defaults
Fstage.ready(function(exports) {
	//once modules are loaded, do what you want here

var modules = [
	//Example 1: load specific modules (default)
	'core', 'app'
	//Example 2: load all modules
	//'core', 'utils', 'pubsub', 'observe', 'transport', 'form', 'dom', 'app', 'webpush', 'hls', 'ipfs'
	//Example 3: shortcut for loading all modules

//loads specified modules
Fstage.ready(modules, function(exports) {
	//once modules are loaded, do what you want here

Platform support

  • Support for ES6 modules required
  • Internet Explorer browser is not supported
  • Nodejs is nominally supported (though most modules currently written for the browser)

Example usage

  • "examples/app" folder - a simple skeleton app; incorporating services, components and middleware
  • "examples/ipfs" folder - a demo of how to stream video over the decentralised IPFS network
  • "examples/nodejs" folder - a demo of how to include the Fstage library in a node application

Modules API

Modules can be imported into a script using standard ES6 syntax, or accessed via the Fstage global var.

(1) CORE

Fstage.env = { isNode, isWorker, isBrower, isMobile, isHybrid, isPwa, clientId, clientOs, clientUa, host, basePath, scriptPath }  //returns environment vars
Fstage.env.parseReq(req)  //re-processes environment vars based on an IncomingMessage request object (nodejs)

Fstage.importr(modulePath, opts = {})  //returns a promise of exports for an es6 module import
Fstage.importMap(dependencies = {})  //creates an import map of core modules and user-defined dependencies
Fstage.ready(modules, callback)  //load modules and execute callback when loading complete


Fstage.utils.type(input)  //returns input type as a string (E.g. object, array, string, boolean)
Fstage.utils.copy(array|object)  //returns a shallow copy of an array or object
Fstage.utils.extend(obj1, obj2...)  //shallow merge of two or more objects
Fstage.utils.debounce(callback, waitMs = 100)  //limits the rate at which the callback is executed
Fstage.utils.memoize(callback)  //caches output of function using hash of input parameters
Fstage.utils.isEmpty(input)  //checks whether javascript variable of any type is empty
Fstage.utils.isUrl(input)  //checks whether javascript variable is a valid http(s) URL
Fstage.utils.capitalize(string)  //capitalizes the first letter of a string
Fstage.utils.hash(string|array|object)  //converts input into a numeric hash
Fstage.utils.scroll(number|node)  //scroll to an element or pixel position on the screen
Fstage.utils.parseHTML(string, first = false)  //converts HTML string to array of nodes
Fstage.utils.stripHTML(string)  //strips HTML from a string
Fstage.utils.esc(string, type = 'html')  //escapes a string, with optional type (html, js, attr)

Fstage.utils.objHandler.get(object, key)  //returns nested value from object by property key (E.g.
Fstage.utils.objHandler.set(object, key, val, opts = {})  //sets nested object property value using key
Fstage.utils.objHandler.merge(object, patch, opts = {})  //merges patch into object
Fstage.utils.objHandler.filter(object, filters = {})  //filters object properties by one or more key=>val pairs
Fstage.utils.objHandler.sort(object, order = {})  //sorts object properties by key, with optional limit/offset/desc


Fstage.pubsub.has(id)  //returns whether any callbacks subscribed to the specified ID
Fstage.pubsub.on(id, callback)  //subscribes to event with specified ID, returning a token, token)  //unsubscribes to event with specified ID
Fstage.pubsub.emit(id, data = {})  //publishes event with specified ID, and optional data
Fstage.pubsub.waitFor(tokens)  //allows one callback to wait for others before completing
Fstage.pubsub.instance()  //create new instance of pubsub object

(4) DOM

Fstage.dom(selector, context = document)  //replicates jQuery DOM select
Fstage.dom(selector).get(index)  //returns selected DOM node by array index
Fstage.dom(selector).each(callback)  //executes callback for each selected DOM node
Fstage.dom(selector).find(selector)  //returns all matching children of each selected DOM node
Fstage.dom(selector).closest(selector)  //returns first matching child of each selected DOM node
Fstage.dom(selector).parent()  //returns parent node of each selected DOM node
Fstage.dom(selector).hasClass(classNames)  //checks whether first selected DOM node contains one or more classes
Fstage.dom(selector).addClass(classNames, esc = true)  //adds one or more classes to each selected DOM node
Fstage.dom(selector).removeClass(classNames)  //remove one or more classes from each selected DOM node
Fstage.dom(selector).toggleClass(classNames, esc = true)  //toggles add or remove of one or more classes from each selected DOM node
Fstage.dom(selector).css(key, val = undefined, esc = true)  //gets or sets css style property on each selected DOM node
Fstage.dom(selector).attr(key, val = undefined, esc = true)  //gets or sets element attribute on each selected DOM node
Fstage.dom(selector).append(html)  //inserts html as last child of each selected DOM node
Fstage.dom(selector).prepend(html)  //inserts html as first child of each selected DOM node
Fstage.dom(selector).after(html)  //inserts html after each selected DOM node
Fstage.dom(selector).before(html)  //inserts html before each selected DOM node
Fstage.dom(selector).wrap(html)  //inserts html as parent of each selected DOM node
Fstage.dom(selector).replaceWith(html)  //inserts html as replacement for each selected DOM node
Fstage.dom(selector).remove()  //removes each selected DOM node from the document
Fstage.dom(selector).empty()  //removes all child nodes from each selected DOM node
Fstage.dom(selector).html(html)  //sets innerHTML of each selected DOM node
Fstage.dom(selector).text(text)  //sets textContent of each selected DOM node
Fstage.dom(selector).val(value, esc = true)  //sets value of each selected DOM node


Fstage.dom(selector).on(eventTypes, delegatedSelector, callback)  //attaches event callback to each selected DOM node
Fstage.dom(selector).one(eventTypes, delegatedSelector, callback)  //event callback will only ever be called once
Fstage.dom(selector).off(eventTypes, callback)  //detaches event callback from each selected DOM node
Fstage.dom(selector).trigger(eventTypes, data = {})  //triggers custom event, with optional data passed


Fstage.dom(selector).animate(effect, opts = {})  //manages animation on each selected DOM node using classes (requires fstage.css)
Fstage.dom(selector).sliding({ x: true, y: false, onStart: null, onMove: null, onEnd: null })  //controls sliding via options provided
Fstage.dom.transition(toEl, toEffect, fromEl, fromEffect, opts = {})  //executes page transition from one element to another


Fstage.dom(selector).notice(text, { type: 'info', animate: 'none', prepend: false, hide: 0 })  //shows and hides notices (requires fstage.css)
Fstage.dom(selector).overlay(text, opts = {})  //creates a dialogue overlay
Fstage.dom(selector).carousel(opts = {})  //creates a responsive carousel
Fstage.dom(selector).cookieConsent(opts = {})  //creates an unobtrusive cookie consent banner at the bottom of the page


Fstage.dom.diff(fromNode, toNode|toHtml, opts = {})  //updates specified DOM node to new state with the minimum necessary changes


Fstage.router.start()  //starts router
Fstage.router.current()  //returns current route object  //check whether name matches current route
Fstage.router.has(name)  //check whether route has any registered callbacks
Fstage.router.on(name, callback)  //register route and add callback
Fstage.router.trigger(name, data = {}, mode = 'push|replace|null')  //manually execute route with optional data and history API mode
Fstage.router.redirect(name, data = {})  //as trigger method, with mode set to 'replace' to overwrite last entry
Fstage.router.refresh()  //triggers the current route again
Fstage.router.back()  //navigates back to the previous route
Fstage.router.setState(state = {})  //updates current route object
Fstage.router.instance()  //create new instance of router object


Fstage.observe(object, opts = {})  //returns a wrapped object to observe property access and changes, using wrapped.onProxy('access|change', callback)

(7) STATE MANAGEMENT = {}, opts = {})  //uses object observer to listen for property changes and automatically call functions that access those properties


Fstage.lit(arr = null, callback = null)  //parse and auto-escape template literals, as well as acting as a loop/callback wrapper in embedded expressions


Fstage.components.register(name, callback)  //registers component using function or object literal
Fstage.components.start(opts = {})  //initial render of components, starting with root component
Fstage.components.pusub()  //returns pubsub object, if attached
Fstage.components.router()  //returns router object, if attached  //returns global state object, if attached
Fstage.components.instance()  //create new instance of components object


Fstage.form(name, opts)  //returns an enhanced form element, opts contains 'fields' object (name, filter, validator)
Fstage.form.isValid(field = null)  //validates form values against fields object, and also fires onBlur for a given field
Fstage.form.err(field = null, message = null)  //returns or sets error message[s]
Fstage.form.val(field = null)  //returns filtered value[s]
Fstage.form.reset(field = null, skip = [])  //clears values and errors
Fstage.form.step(name = null)  //returns current form step (if set), or sets step name


Fstage.ajax(url, opts = {})  //retrieves response from server URL
Fstage.websocket(url)  //creates websocket object, with auto-reconnect and on/off/trigger methods to listen and send messages


Fstage.webpush.init(url, vapidKey)  //sets the mandatory inputs required for push notifications
Fstage.webpush.can()  //returns true or false based on whether push notifications are supported by the device
Fstage.webpush.tags()  //returns the tags/topics currently subscribed to
Fstage.webpush.state(opts={})  //returns a promise containing the permission state for push notifications (prompt, granted, blocked)
Fstage.webpush.subscribe(tag)  //subscribes to push notifications, with an optional tag/topic, returning a promise with a true/false result
Fstage.webpush.unsubscribe(tag)  //unsubscribes to push notifications tag/topic, if provided, otherwise all notifications

(13) APP SHELL = {})  //creates a framework for a reactive app that utilises Fstage modules

(14) HTTP LIVE STREAMING, callback|opts)  //creates a video or audio html element that will play over http or ipfs

(15) IPFS (

//In development. No stable API yet.


Modular javascript library for developing modern web apps








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