This repository demonstrates the process to create an NGINX Plus container.
There are two variants:
- NGINX Plus
- NGINX Plus with the NGINX Agent
- You have an NGINX Plus trial or subscription
- You have a 1Password subscription (if using for secrets management)
- You have shell access (Bash or ZSH) and docker
NOTE: To build an NGINX Plus container, you will need access to the NGINX Plus repository. Download the repository certificate and key from MyF5 and name them nginx-repo.crt and nginx-repo.key.
NOTE: If you are leveraging 1Password for secrets management, you will need to replace my example 1Password secret reference URIs with your own URIs.
NOTE: The code provided here is for demonstration purposes and should not be used in production environments.
The commands below will build a basic NGINX Plus container:
cd nginx-plus
docker build --no-cache \
--secret id=nginx-key,src=nginx-repo.key \
--secret id=nginx-crt,src=nginx-repo.crt \
-t nginxplus --load .
Or if you're using 1Password to store the certificate and key:
cd nginx-plus
export NGINX_CRT="op://Work/nginx-repo-crt/nginx-repo.crt"
export NGINX_KEY="op://Work/nginx-repo-key/nginx-repo.key"
op run -- docker build --no-cache \
--secret id=nginx-key,env=NGINX_KEY \
--secret id=nginx-crt,env=NGINX_CRT \
-t nginxplus --load .
To run the NGINX Plus container, execute the following command:
docker run --name nginx-plus -d \
-p 80 \
-p 443 \
The commands below will build a basic NGINX Plus container with the NGINX Agent:
cd nginx-plus-agent
docker build --no-cache \
--secret id=nginx-crt,src=nginx-repo.crt \
--secret id=nginx-key,src=nginx-repo.key \
--secret id=agent-crt,src=agent.crt \
--secret id=agent-key,src=agent.key \
-t nginx_plus_agent --load .
Or if you're using 1Password to store the certificate and key:
cd nginx-plus-agent
export NGINX_CRT="op://Work/nginx-repo-crt/nginx-repo.crt"
export NGINX_KEY="op://Work/nginx-repo-key/nginx-repo.key"
export AGENT_CRT="op://Work/agent-crt/agent.crt"
export AGENT_KEY="op://Work/agent-key/agent.key"
op run -- docker build --no-cache \
--secret id=nginx-key,env=NGINX_KEY \
--secret id=nginx-crt,env=NGINX_CRT \
--secret id=agent-crt,env=AGENT_CRT \
--secret id=agent-key,env=AGENT_KEY \
--build-arg NMS_HOST="my_nms_host" \
-t nginx_plus_agent --load .
To run the NGINX Plus container, execute the following command:
export NMS_SERVER_HOST="my_nms_host_url"
docker run --name nginx-plus-agent -d \
-p 80 \
-p 443 \
To run the NGINX Plus container, using 1Password to store the NMS Host information, execute the following command:
export NMS_SERVER_HOST="op://Work/nms/URL"
op run -- docker run --name nginx-plus-agent -d \
-p 80 \
-p 443 \
The steps below highlight how to publish your NGINX Plus container into GitHub Packages so you can use your NGINX Plus container in Kubernetes.
NOTE: For this step, you will need to create a GitHub Personal Access Token.
NOTE: Please ensure your GitHub package is private; this is the default behavior.
export GH_PAT="my github personal access token"
docker echo $GH_PAT | login --username my_github_username --password-stdin
docker tag nginxplus
docker push
or with 1Password:
op run -- docker login \
-u $(op read "op://Work/GitHub Publish NGINX Packages/username") \
-p $(op read "op://Work/GitHub Publish NGINX Packages/token")
op run -- docker tag nginxplus$(op read "op://Work/GitHub Publish NGINX Packages/username")/nginxplus:latest
op run -- docker push$(op read "op://Work/GitHub Publish NGINX Packages/username")/nginxplus:latest
NOTE: Docker will complain that supplying the password via the CLI is insure. We are not actually entering the password in the CLI so this is a false warning. However, if you want to avoid this message you can leverage the below login process.
op run --no-masking -- \
echo $(op read "op://Work/GitHub Publish NGINX Packages/token") | \
docker login \
-u $(op read "op://Work/GitHub Publish NGINX Packages/username") \