Dear GitHub,
Before 2007, the way to participate in Open Source was fragmented. Each project had their own workflow, patches circulated in emails, issues were reported in a myriad of ways, and if anyone wanted to contribute they had to figure out every project's rules.
Then, a handful of people took the challenge to build an awesome platform and as a consequence of their hard work, their platform earned its hegemony.
Nowadays doing Open Source is infinitely easier thanks to you, GitHub. You've provided the tools and the social conventions to make those days a thing of the past. Your impact in the Open Source movement is unprecedented.
We want to express our gratitude for all you've done and do for Open Source.
GitHub, thank you very much.
- Xavier Noria (@fxn), Ruby on Rails core team member
- Sriram Ravichandran (@digi0ps), CS Freshman at VIT Chennai
- Jose Diaz-Gonzalez (@josegonzalez), CakePHP and Dokku core team member
- Denis Savitskiy (@sadfuzzy), Ruby on Rails engineer at Source[Lab]
- Vishnu Ks (@hackerkid), Undergrad at IIIT Allahabad
- David Pacioianu (@davidpacioianu), CEO at PixelCan
- Drew Morris (@drewry), Developer
- John Drago (@jdrago999), Developer
- Josh Kurz (@jkurz), BA
- Joshua Burns (@jdburnz), CEO at Message In Action
- Justin Wayne (@jcwayne), CIO at BIG Inventory
- Mark Story (@markstory), CakePHP core team member
- Luís Fernando Guedes (@fernandoguedes), Bower Contributor
- Sadjow Leão (@sadjow), Software Developer
- Keith Lewis (@Jacrys, @TrinityComputers), Owner/Lead Dev at Trinity Computers
- Jacob Hamblin (@jacobhamblin), Developer
- Burak Sarıca (@buraksarica), ABIS Technology
- Paul Carey (@paulccarey), Partner at Source[Lab]
- Oussama Issaoui (@thesubr00t), Full Stack Developer at Emiketic
- Zeeshan Mughal (@zixan), Creator of UberFareEstimator
- Andrea Bergamasco (@vjandrea), Developer
- Jon Swanson (@swansong), Software Engineer at Rakuten Marketing
- Caleb Madrigal (@calebmadrigal), Software Engineer
- Sylvain Perron (@slvnperron), SE from Quebec
- Alexander Kuleshov (@0xAX), Erlang/Elixir developer at traveping, author of linux-insides
- Daniel Doubrovkine (@dblock), Ruby Grape, CTO
- Edouard Chin (@Edouard-chin), Developer
- Andrey Nering (@andreynering), Software Developer
- Adam Grant (@adamjgrant), Rails and Front end developer in Cupertino, CA
- Abdul Hagi (@ballerabdude), Software Developer at Turner Broadcasting
- Aritra Ghosh Dastidar (@aritraghoshdastidar), Growth Hacker at Intuit Inc
- Vincent Grafé (@vgrafe), Developer
- Jacob Evans (@jacobtheevans), Developer
- Sagiv Ofek (@sagivo), algorithms playground maintainer
- Josh Stanfield (@p5k6), Data Engineer
- Daniel Lockard (@daniellockard), Developer
- Vikash Tiwari (@tiwarivikash), Software Engineer
- Anthony Pipkin (@apipkin), Software Developer (across various teams and companies)
- Graham Weldon (@predominant)
- Evol Mark Johnson (@ejohnsonw),, Software architect
- Blake Niemyjski (@niemyjski), Architect at Exceptionless
- Alex Clark (@aclark4life), Python Web Developer
- Cory Burgett (@baguette), Developer
- Sina Khelil (@incognos), Principal Engineer at Advisory Board Company
- Matija Abicic (@matijaabicic), Head of Products at Sysrepublic Inc.
- Andrius Putna (@fordnox), Developer
- Seth Webster (@sethwebster), CTO at TentSquare, inc.
- Justin Aiken (@JustinAiken), Ruby on Rails engineer at UserTesting
- Milkey Mouse (@milkey-mouse), Student
- David Nuon (@davidnuon), Developer
- Phil Royer (@littletinman), Developer
- Ryan T. Hosford (@rthbound), Sr. Software Developer at ChipRewards Inc.
- David Shure (@david4shure), Software Engineer
- Chris Kottom (@chriskottom), Developer
- Mathias Bogaert (@analytically), Developer
- Eugene Istrati (@eistrati), AWS Technology Partner @ Mitoc Group and Chief Everything Officer @ DEEP Marketplace
- Carlos Alexandro Becker (@caarlos0), Developer
- Harald Nagel (@haraldnagel), Developer
- Vikram Tiwari (@VikramTiwari), Full Stack Developer
- Julio Protzek (@julioprotzek), Founder at
- Jim Thompson (@gonzopancho), Head of development for
- Maximilian Felgenhauer (@felgenh3), Full Stack Software Engineer
- Chris Tate (@ctate), Autocode maintainer
- Patricio Rojas (@brujo696), Cofounder at
- Raphael Amorim (@raphamorim), Software Developer
- Juan Camilo Osorio (@jcoc611), Undergrad at the University of Toronto
- Kailan Blanks (@kblanks), Developer
- Ann Paul (@annp89), Engineer at Prism Skylabs
- Leonardo Ruhland (@leoruhland), Developer
- Paul Knopf (@theonlylawislove), Developer
- Přemysl Donát (@masa331), Web Developer
- Alex Meswarb (@ameswarb), Developer
- Alessio Fanelli (@FanaHOVA), Developer
- Huqiu Liao (@liaohuqiu), Full Stack Engineer Top ranked in USA
- Teodor Szente (@teosz), Developer
- Waldir Bertazzi Junior (@waldirbertazzijr), Cofounder at
- José Luis Quintana (@joseluisq), Web Developer
- Leo Natan (@LeoNatan)
Dear Github
(@dear-github), OSS maintainers who love GitHub and want to improve it- Aman Gautam (@aman-gautam), CTO,
- Manuel Ebert (@maebert), Founder of & open source developer
- Marin Usalj (@supermarin), Developer
- Yosbel Marin (@yosbelms), Full Stack Developer, Creator and maintainer of Cor language
- Andrew Turner (@galenandrew), Technical Leader, Engineer, and Speaker
- Ricardo Cabello (@mrdoob), maintainer of three.js
- Francisco Presencia (@franciscop), creator of Picnic CSS and Umbrella JS
- Chuck Sakoda (@csakoda), Developer
- Ryan Schachte (@schachte), Software Engineer
- Tom Baranes (@tbaranes), iOS Developer
- Gastón I. Silva (@givanse), OSS contributor
- Akash Tandon (@analyticalmonk), OSS loving undergrad & GSoC'15 alumni
- Victor Gama (@victorgama), Software Engineer
- Peter Lyons (@focusaurus), Developer
- Shidhin C R (@shidhincr), FrontEnd Engineer
- Spiros Gerokostas (@sger), Developer
- John Kotz (@jk47), Developer
- Herbert Shin (@initbar), a student who loves git and GitHub ღ˘⌣˘ღ
- Zeh Fernandes (@zehfernandes), Product Designer
- Gustavo Schmidt (@gustavoschmidt), Software Engineer
- Matthieu Collé (@raiseandfall), Full Stack Developer
- Tute Costa (@tute), OSS contributor and maintainer
- Christian Fei (@christian-fei), Developer at XPeppers
- Martín Ciparelli (@mciparelli), OSS pusher and Front End enthusiast
- Chaouki Dhib (@chaodhib), Developer
- Joel Berman (@j0el) OSS Lover
- Alex Phillips (@alex-phillips), Software Developer
- Süleyman Vardar (@vardars), Full Stack Developer
- Jarrod Spillers (@jspillers), Full Stack Developer
- Bao Nguyen (@sysbot) Network Engineer at Fastly
- Davi Marcondes Moreira (@devdrops), Developer
- Jacob Gadikian (@faddat), Geek
- Stephane Bruckert (@stephanebruckert), Full Stack Developer
- Carles Jove i Buxeda (@carlesjove), Developer and OS contributor
- Charlie Hagedorn (@4kbt), Physicist at CENPA, University of Washington
- Denys Telezhkin (@DenHeadless), iOS Developer at MLSDev and OSS contributor
- Paul Maunders (@paulmaunders), Developer
- Marcelo Barbosa (@marcbarbosa), Software Engineer
- Mark van Duijker (@mvanduijker), Developer
- Fernando Moreira (@nandomoreirame), Front-end Developer
- Oakley Hall (@ohall), Developer
- Fernando Daciuk (@fdaciuk), Developer
- Gopal Adhikari (@qubbit), Software Developer
- Brandon Cordell (@brandoncordell), Lead Developer at ATLAS
- Steve Kallestad (@nevets), Software Engineer and OSS enthusiast/contributor
- Manan Wason (@mananwason), Student, Full Stack Developer and OSS Contributor
- David Muto (@pseudomuto), Software Developer
- Jean Lucas (@jeanleonino), Software Developer
- Jonathan Herpêche (@herpec-j), R&D Software Engineer at Agueris
- Derek Myers (@dmyers), Software Developer
- Alexander Harchenko (@morontt), Developer
- Luke Elliott (@revlucio), Developer
- Bruno Rocha (@rochacbruno), Software Artist at CathoLabs & Quokka CMS
- Cris Mihalache (@f3rno), Software Engineer
- Jim Slattery (@jim-slattery-rs), Developer
- Edwin Cruz (@softr8), VP of Engineering at MagmaLabs
- Todd Qualls (@tqheel), Software Developer
- Lucas S. (@AgtLucas), Web Developer
- Honza Dvorsky (@czechboy0), Grateful Human
- Brent Garner (@bgarner), Software Developer
- Sartaj Singh (@leosartaj), SymPy Developer
- Shiven Mian (@shivenmian), Student Software Developer
- Alex Demchenko (@pilot), CEO at LazyAnts
- Marcelo Haskell Camargo (@haskellcamargo), Programming languages designer
- Cees-Jan Kiewiet (@wyrihaximus), Software Engineer
- Jaime Iniesta (@jaimeiniesta), Ruby on Rails consultant
- Vinicius Reis (@vinicius73), Full Stack Web Developer
- Preston Parry (@ClimbsRocks), Author, machineJS
- Mário Idival (@marioidival), Software Developer
- Patrick Mazulo (@mazulo), Web Developer and Co-Founder at DunderLabs
- Jeff Dutil (@JDutil), Software Engineer
- Silas Silva (@silas-ss), Full Stack Developer
- Tanu Hari Dixit (@tokencolour), Student
- Abhishek Bundela (@abhishekbundela), Student
- Rémi ROBERT (@remirobert), Student, iOS developer
- Mohit Kumar Bajoria (@mbj36), Developer
- Siddharth Kannan (@icyflame), Student at IIT Kharagpur and Web developer (NodeJS, Ruby on Rails)
- Manh Tuan (@J2TeaM), Full Stack Developer at J2TeaM
- Carlos Ribeiro (@duduribeiro), Software Engineer
- Eduard Urbach (@blitzprog), Developer
- Gudvit (@DIMASSS4889), Front end Developer
- Robert Winkler (@RobWin), Software Developer
- Jimson Liang (@ruijun), Android Developer
- Nashwan Doaqan (@nash-ye), Web Developer
- Alexander Pyatkin (@aspyatkin), Software engineer at Indigo Byte Systems, LLC
- Shivaji Varma Pusapati Venkata(@shivajivarma), Software Developer
- Uladzimir Mihura (@trnl), System Architect at EPAM Systems
- Marc Gayle (@marcamillion), Builder of Web Products, primarily with Rails
- Yuzhong Wen (@supermartian), Student, Linux developer at SSRG@VT
- Xiaofei Wu (@teaey),A Good Father,Software Engineer
- Yuriy Kushch (@ykushch), Development Lead at DataArt
- Helio Oliveira (@heliohead), Developer, Unix Advocate
- Mikkel Bonde (@spriz), Software Engineer
- Alexander Garmatenko (@athlonUA), Developer at LazyAnts
- Vibhanshu Chaturvedi (@vibhanshuc), Developer at 91springboard
- Javier Zapata (@nkm), Web Developer
- Michael Rash (@mrash), Creator of Cipherdyne Security
- unbug (@unbug), Author of MIHTool and Codelf
- Adam Johnson (@adamchainz), Developer
- Louis Solofrizzo (@ne02ptzero), Software Developer
- Aditya Kapoor (@aditya-kapoor), Software Developer and Rails Core Contributor
- Julio Reyes (@nemesiscodex), Software Developer and Open Source enthusiast
- Wasim Thabraze (@waseem18), Founder of Openflock, Open Source enthusiast
- Borhane Eddine Guemidi (@guemidiborhane), Web Developer, Rails & Laravel principally
- Derek Stavis (@derekstavis), Oh My Fish core developer
- Faisal Siddiqi (@fsiddiqi), Architect and Distinguished Engineer at CSC
- Matt Traynham (@mtraynham), Software Developer
- Vitor Lobão (@magusd), CTO @ SimpleGuest
- Michael Banzon (@mbanzon), CTO at ABC Softwork
- Hoang Tran (@hoangqt), Software Developer
- Kevin Quillen (@kevinquillen), Drupal Practice Lead at Velir
- Alessandro Nadalin (@odino), VP technology at Namshi
- David Mackay (@JX7P), Development Lead and Critical Theory of Programming Languages Researcher for JX Objective-C
- Andrew Sun (@as-com), Kitten Hugger
- Krish Munot (@krishmunot), Developer
- Wellington Pardim (@wellpardim), Student
- Soumya Ray (@soumyaray), Associate Professor, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
- Justin Cohen (@justincoh), Developer
- Thomas Mansencal (@KelSolaar), Developer at
- Domenico Luciani (@dlion), Software Developer
- Pratyush Nalam (@pratnala), Student
- Danil Dubrovsky (@FRedEnergy), Software Engineer and OSS contributor
- Philippe Loctaux (@ploctaux), Software Developer
- Gaurav Ragtah (@gragtah), Student, Software Engineer, Startup founder
- Mukesh M (@silentninja), Software Developer
- Stefan Ric (@cybre), Software Developer
- Andrew Quebe (@Andrew-Quebe), Student, Android Developer, Web Developer
- Wil WL (@wilstenholme), Learner
- Chandra Vedantham (@chandu), Developer
- H Senem (@hsen), Full Stack Developer
- Ranjith Kumar (@ranji2612), Developer
- Yoann Moinet (@yoannmoinet), Software Engineer, Autodesk
- David Caccavella (@dthree), Non-profit Developer
- Ramon Fried (@mellowcandle), Software Developer
- Brandon Buck (@bbuck), Senior Software Engineer at The Honest Company
- Jerome Chai (@jc1987), Software Developer
- Medet Tleukabiluly (@vko-online), Full-Stack Software Developer
- Nguyen Van Anh (@anhskohbo), Web Developer
- Alex Cruz (@Mazda--), Software Developer
- Chris Warrick (@Kwpolska), Python Software Developer
- Enrico D'Ortenzio (@enricocid), Amateur Software Developer
- Veaceslav Gaidarji (@donvigo), Android/iOS Developer
- Pascal Raszyk (@posixpascal), Batman, Full-Stack Web Developer
- Ashhar Hasan (@hashhar), Student
- Nicholas Chum (@nicholaschum), Android Themer and App Developer
- Alessio Felicioni (@afelicioni), Developer & IT Operations, formerly CTO @ WebDesignProduction, Lavorint and
- Anggiajuang Patria (@anggiaj), Software Developer
- Theo Armour (@theo-armour), Developer
- Asindu Drileba (@as1ndu), Programusician Scientist :D
- Heinrich Reimer (@HeinrichReimer), Android Developer
- Calle Svensson (@ZetaTwo), IT-security consultant
- Matej Nemček (@yangwao), hackerspace founder Progressbar, Nodeschool Bratislava organiser, Full-Stack Web Developer
- Bidyut Mukherjee (@gokussjx), Student, Developer
- Davide Pastore (@DavidePastore), Developer
- Jens Driller (@jenzz), Android Dev
- Daimajia (@daimajia), Android & Node Developer
- Sandeep Gupta (@sangupta), Software Developer
- Mariam AlJamea (@Maryom), iOS Developer
- Harshit Dwivedi (@the-dagger), Android Developer
- Mandar Shinde (@Mandar-Shinde), Software Developer
- Talayhan Samet (@stalayhan), Full Stack Developer
- Matheus de Alcantara (@demhydraz), Amateur Software Developer
- ligi (@ligi), Dev
- Nathan van der Werf (@dogiedog), Software Engineer
- Pasquale Boemio (@helloiampau), Full Stack Developer
- Michele Lacorte (@michelelacorte), Student, Android Developer
- Andrea D'Amico (@adamico), Ruby on Rails Full-Stack Developer
- Jacob Davidson (@Reklino), Drinker of Coffee, Learner of Things
- Dennis Lebhardt (@rc420head), CandyRoms Developer
- Jacky Alciné (@jalcine), Software Engineer
- Floyda (@FloydaGitHub), Game Developer
- Alexander Snurnikov (@admix), Software Engineer/Architect at MPAC
- Idrees Dargahwala (@sMartAgent47), Creator of a Custom ROM
- Eddie Hsu (@demiurga), Full Stack Developer
- José Lopes (@forkd), infosec analyst at Cemig, Open Source enthusiast
- Teng Liu (@sdnuliu), Android Developer
- Kevin (@KevinOfNeu), Full Stack Developer
- Brian Lee (@metasmile), Product Developer, Creator of Elie
- Jared Allard (@jaredallard), Maintainer of nexe, Web Dev / Backend Eng.
- Shen Lin (@shawnlinboy), Software Engineer at Meizu China
- Binea Xu (@xu6148152), Android Developer, React Learner
- Nam Pham (@nampnq), Developer
- Emerson Carvalho (@emersonbroga), Software Engineer
- Chetan Raj (@chetanraj), Software Engineer @ Snapwiz, JS Lover JSEssentials
- 朱承浩 (@neo1218) python学习者, 热爱开源的人
- Anuj Pahuja (@alasin), Developer
- Nadeem Khan (@NadeemKhan), Mobile Apps & Web Developer
- Junior Xu (@Junxy) Developer at Anker
- Richard Clayton (@rclayton-the-terrible), Principal Software Engineer YouEye
- Daniele Campogiani (@dcampogiani), Developer
- Morgan Giraud (@morgangiraud), CTO @explee
- Jannik Richter (@nikrich), Developer
- Yun Liu (@liu-yun), Student, Develper
- Peter Goldsborough (@goldsborough), Student at TUM
- Jorden Whitefield (@lordqwerty), Doctoral Student / Developer
- Manu Mohan A (@a-manumohan), Mobile Application Developer, Learner
- Steve Edson (@SteveEdson), Developer
- Lucas Bento da Silva (@lucasbsilva), Full Stack Developer
- Troy Feng (@yort-feng) Developer at Anker
- Sergei O. Udalov (@sergio-fry), Developer at Source[Lab]
- Max Cameron (@mcameron), Developer smolder
- Gil Goncalves (@lurst), Software Developer
- Arne Bahlo (@bahlo), Full Stack Developer
- Joe Simpson (@kennydude), Web Developer
- Yorick de Wid (@yorickdewid), Full Stack Developer
- Robin Temme (@zwerch), Full Stack Developer
- Adamo (@aerendir) Crespi, Passionate developer [Italy]
- Pascal Lehr (@plehr), Developer
- Oleg Nechiporenko (@onechiporenko), Developer
- Scott Romack (@ShaggyDude), UI Guy
- सिद्धांत भवनानी (Sidhant Bhavnani) (@cosmicAsymmetry), Maker of stuff.
- Dean Butcher (@ButchDean), Game Developer
- Michael Sanford (@michaelsanford), Software Developer
- Flavio Mascetti (@MascioSpam), Student
- Joshua Olson (@MrMormon), Student and Future Developer
- Matheus A. Brasil (@mabrasil), Full Stack Developer
- Luciano Coutinho (@lucianocoutinho), Software Engineer
- Kamran Mackey (@KamranMackey), Student
- Alwin Drenth (@adrenth), Software Engineer
- James Feigel (@jfeigel), Software Developer
- Tony Adams (@atadams), Web Developer
- Elias Ponvert (@eponvert), Director of Data Science, People Pattern
- Hari KT (@harikt), Aura PHP Team Member
- Ibrahim Jarif (@jarifibrahim), Student
- Vinod Pahuja (@vinodpahuja), Principle Developer
- Carles Climent (@carlescliment), Software Developer
- Ray Lugo, Jr. (@rlugojr), Just another human, keeping busy until the inevitable.
- 安正超 (@overtrue), Software Developer
- 高翔 (@phoenixgao), A developer on earth.
- Alex Buschle (@alexwbuschle), Software Engineer
- Sanne Grinovero (@Sanne), Hibernate team.
- Andrew Lord (@andrewlord1990), Android & Games Developer
- Max Roeleveld (@doenietzomoeilijk), Developer of Software
- Mukesh KR (@codejets), UI Developer
- Arjun Mayilvaganan (@arjunmayilvaganan), Student, Scripting and Full Stack development.
- 李锐 (@RryLee), Software Developer
- J.D. Flynn (@JDDoesDev), Web Developer
- Guillaume Lefrant (@LeNiglo), Web Developer & Designer
- Vinicius Souza (@vsouza), Software Developer
- Nathan Youngman (@nathany), Developer & Author
- 陈阳 (@matthiascy), Game Developer
- Manjunath Reddy (@manju16832003), API and Search Engineer
- AMiT Kumar (@aktech), SymPy Developer
- MummyDing (@MummyDing), Android Developer & Student
- Archit Verma (@architv), Student, Open Source Enthusiast
- codedoc (matrixorz),Software Developer
- Isagani Mendoza (@ibmendoza), IrisMQ
- 温梦剑 (@A-W-C-J), Student, Android Developer
- Vishesh Ahuja (@vish94), Student, Delhi College of Engineering
- Oleksii Fedorov (@waterlink), Developer
- Cyriaque Delaunay (@CYRIAQU3), Developer
- Eric Dupertuis (@EricDupertuis), Student, Web Developer
- Rod Lin (@rod-lin), Student, yet another developer
- Linganesan(@linganesan), who loves open source
- Wassim Chegham (@manekinekko), JavaScript hacker and Open Source lover
- Oleh Kukil (@flashbag), Full Stack JavaScript dev, Open Source and Linux lover
- Arvind Mehra (@arvindmehra), Full Stack Developer
- Devansh Dalal (@devanshdalal), Software Engineer
- Maz Jaleel (@mazyod), Software Engineer
- Patrick Hart (@thrifus), Software Developer
- C. A. Hart (@hartca), Software Developer
- Varun Agrawal (@varunagrawal), Graduate Student, College of Computing Georgia Tech
- Kashif Anwaar (@kashifanwaar), Android Developer
- Daniel Goberitz (@danyg), Scrum Lead Developer at Comet Global Consulting
- Mrugesh Mohapatra (@raisedadead), Developer
- Joshua K. Farrar (@sent1nel), JavaScript geek hacking on DigitalGov Search
- Frieder Bluemle (@friederbluemle), Software Engineer
- Pedro Paulo de Amorim (@ppamorim), Mobile Developer
- Santosh Wadghule (@mechanicles), Software Developer
- Mustapha Babatunde Oluwaleke (@toystars), Software Developer (Web and Mobile)
- Jake Prather (@Jakehp), dude
- Nikhil (@Nikhil-z), Software Developr (Android)
- Shinelw(@Shinelw), Android Developer
- William de Oliveira Souza(@woliveiras), Front End Developer (, Brazil
- Filipe Carmona (@carmona), Front End Developer, Brazil
- Wendell Adriel Luiz Silva (@WendellAdriel), Full Stack Developer (, Brazil
- J. Teles(@teles), Front end developer at, Brazil
- Marcus Hammarberg (@marcusoftnet), Software contractor / Agile consultant
- John Watson (@johnwatsondev), Mobile Developer
- Angel Raúl Molina (@skozz), Ruby on Rails developer
- Michal Paszkiewicz (@MichalPaszkiewicz), Software Developer
- Dariel Cruz (@DCruz22), Web and Mobile Developer
- Cz. Hu (@hczhcz), Programming languages designer, creator of Flappy-2048
- Ji Yang (@jiyange), Software Developer
- Thorsten Körner (@thorsten-koerner), Software Developer and creator of tvidoo grid
- Othon Alberto da Silva Briganó (@othonalberto), Student and Software Developer - Brazil
- Eric Huang (@erichuang1994), Student and Programmer.
- Linghao Zhang (@dnc1994), Student and Developer.
- Wizard Zhang (@wizardforcel), Software Developer and Reverse Engineer
- Raül Pérez (@repejota), Software Engineer
- Zhenchao Gan (@gzc), Student, creator of CLRS answer
- Jared Feng (@IndeedPlusPlus), Student, Full-stack Developer and Data Engineer
- Zev Fu (@wspl), Student, Developer and Designer
- Reza Ahmadi (@odises), Software Developer
- Chuan Lu (@Orcuslc), Student, Pythoner and CV lover
- Hadi Kalantari (@hadikalantari), Web Developer
- Erick Emiliano (@Emiliano), Student Developer, Brazil
- Jerry Jacobs (@xor-gate), Embedded Software Engineer, Netherlands
- Pushpa Raj badu (@przbadu), Full Stack Developer
- Marlom Girardi (@marlomgirardi), Full Stack Developer
- Vyas Giridharan (@vyasgiridhar), Student
- bangbang.S (@luoqii), Android Developer
- Rik van der Heijden (@rikvdh), Full Stack Developer, Netherlands
- Gianluca Casati (@fibo), Mathematician
- Edwin Kupara (@andela-ekupara), Software Developer
- Jerry Ajay (@jerryant), Student Developer
- Meet Udeshi (@udiboy1209), Undergrad at IIT Bombay
- AJ Farley (@selfresonator), Student, Developer and Saxophonist
- Elismar Luz (@elpardal), Developer
- Jasmine Yugen (@YugHug), Student, Developer
- Kalpesh Krishna (@martiansideofthemoon), Undergrad at IIT Bombay
- Man Parvesh Singh Randhawa (@manparvesh), Student at IIT Guwahati
- 靳懿( xxmyjk )(@xxmyjk), Web Developer
- Ralph Ngo (Ralphilius), Android Developer
- Perry Pan (@perry2008084), Full Stack Developer, China
- Vasantha Ganesh K (@vasanthaganeshk), Student at Amrita University, Coimbatore
- Angelo Yin (@namoamitabha), Developer, China
- Sudheesh Singanamalla (@sudheesh001), Full Stack Developer and Designer, India
- Caio Weslley (@CaioWzy), Web Developer
- Eugene Lifescale (@shaman), Software Developer, Ukraine
- Сёма Мрачный (@slr), // TODO
- Jordane Jouffroy (@metrakit), Full Stack Developer, France
- Sandeep Kumar Singh (@sandmanx), Undergrad at IIIT Allahabad
- Punit Vara (@punitvara), M.Tech scholer at CDAC, Pune
- Pedro Rodrigues (@hpedrorodrigues), Software Developer, Brazil
- Augusto Monteiro (@augustomna2010), Developer, Hacktivist
- Oladipupo A Popoola (@progzilla), Software Architect, EnterpriseAppsUK
- Vuong Nguyen (@nptvuong2912), Student, Software Developer, U.S.
- Ana María Martínez Gómez (@Ana06), Student, Spain
- Víctor Adolfo Gallego Alcalá (@vicgalle), Student, Spain
- Carlisia Campos (@carlisia), Backend Developer, [#golang, #ruby], US
- Surajudeen Akande (@andela-sakande), Software Developer, Andela
- neuyu (@neuyu), Android Developer
- Tony Mohan Varghese (@tonykuttai), Post Grad at IIIT Allahabad
- Yang Bingwu (@detailyang), Engineer
- Fran Martinez (@martinezcoder), Ruby on Rails developer, Barcelona, Spain
- Zubeen Tolani (@ZeekHuge), Student, India
- Krzysztof Wilczynski (@kwilczynski), System and Software Engineer, London, United Kingdom
- 沈宏亮 (@isCoding),Java Developer,China
- Damián Cravacuore (@cravacuore), Developer, Argentina
- Renan Gomes (@reebr), Full Stack Web Developer / Quality Assurance, Brazil
- Mathieu Hautebas (@matteyeux), Student Developer, France
- Erik Boesen (@ErikBoesen), Student, Washington DC
- John Gracey (@JAGracey), Software Development Engineer, Canada
- Halid Cisse (@HalidCisse), Student, Morocco
- Jamie Mansfield (@jamierocks), Developer, England, United Kingdom
- weikuiwang (@WeikuiWang), Web Developer, China
- Maik Ellerbrock (@ellerbrock), Full Stack Developer, Founder at Frapsoft, Germany
- Jason Dean (@JasonDean-1), Software Developer
- Law Less (@llsf), Full Stack Developer
- Himanshu Shekhar (@himanshub16), Undergrad IIIT-Allahabad
- Matthias Dietrich (@rainboxx), Freelance Developer, Germany
- Faheem Hassan Zunjani (@faheemzunjani), Undergrad, IIIT Allahabad
- Ten Wong (@awong1900), Android/Arduino Developer, From (Seeed-Studio)[@Seeed-Studio]
- Bruno Candido Volpato da Cunha (@brunocvcunha), Software Engineer, Brazil
- Luiz Cezer (@lccezinha), Software Engineer at Resultados Digitais
- Luiz Picolo (@luizpicolo), Web Developer, Brazil
- Kevin Washington (@kevinwsbr), Student & Full Stack Developer, Brazil
- Brandon Shuliang He (@BrandonHe), Software Development Engineer, China
- Manav Sehgal (@manavsehgal), Author,, India
- Mark Murphy (@nerdy-mark)Developer, Saint Louis
- Nick Pridorozhko (@nplusp), Ruby on Rails Developer, Belarus
- Saurabh Sharma (@saurshaz), Polygot Developer, India
- Priyank Patel (@1priyank1), Software Engineer (Android), India
- Shobhit Agarwal (@shobhit1), FrontEnd Developer, Dallas, TX
- JiaZuo Long (@longjiazuo), Software Development Engineer, China BeiJing
- Paul M Edwards (@PaulMEdwards), SDET/SQA Test Automation Specialist, California, USA
- Prabakar B (@praba1110), Android Developer, NIT Trichy, India
- Anantha Natarajan S (@sananth12), Creator of (ImageScraper)
- Abhishek Kaushik (@abhiskaushik), Undegrad at NIT Trichy
- Sam Radhakrishnan (@sam09), Undergrad at NIT Trichy, India
- Sriram Sundarraj (@ssundarraj), Software Engineer
- Shravan Murali (@shravan97) , Undergrad at Nit Trichy , India
- Rishiraj Surti (@rishirajsurti), Student at IIT Madras, India
- Christopher Matuszak (@TwixtedChaox), Midnight Candle Burner, Reverse Engineer, (Geneva, NY)
- Naveen Shukla (@naveenshukla), Developer, Student at IIIT Allahabad, India
- Ronaldo Lima (@ronal2do), Web Application Developer and Full Stack Developer, Brazil
- Artem Innokentiev (@artinnok), Python / Django Developer, Moscow, Yakutia
- Su Mulang (@sweeper777), Android, iOS, WinForms Developer, Hong Kong, China
- KUANG, Fangjun (@csukuangfj), student
- Tomer Rosenfeld (@rosenpin), Android + web developer, Student
- 杨锋 (@funyoung), Android developer
- Michael Obi (@MichaelObi), Android, Web Developer, (Abuja, Nigeria)
- Satyam Poddar (@flare505), Developer, Student at IIIT Allahabad, India
- Satoshi Ohmori (@sachin21), Web Developer
- Suparerk Nookraw (@tonbz), Node & Javascript Developer, Thailand
- Pablo Hernández Torres (@DeicPro), Open Source Lover, Madrid, Spain
- 王立超 (@0532), Java Developer,beijing
- Fernando Nogueira (@fernandonogueira), Software Engineer (, Brazil
- Ed Wassermann (@vis-kid), Designer & Developer, Europe
- 张拭心 (@shixinzhang), Android Developer and Open Source Lover
- Tiaan du Plessis (@mightyCrow), iOS & Web Developer, Student, Cape Town, South Africa
- Omondi Ochieng (@JustOmondi) (, Developer, Student at UCT, Cape Town, South Africa
- Sunil Tatipelly (@Sunil02324), Student
- Trương Thái Nguyên Bình (@crziter), Developer, Việt Nam
- Dave Goodchild (@dlgoodchild), Lead Developer at Gyron Internet, Zaragoza, Spain
- Akash Trehan(@CodeMaxx), Information Security Enthusiast, CSE Student at IIT Bombay, India
- Omid Rad (@omid), Software Engineer
- Vishnu (@malayaleecoder), Student
- Sepehr Lajevardi (@sepehr), Developer
- Rohith Asrk (@rohithasrk), Developer, Undergrad at IIT Roorkee, India.
- Arpan Banerjee (@arpan98), Developer, Undergrad at IIT-Bombay, India.
- Haresh Khanna (@hareshkh), Developer, Computer Science Undergraduate at IIT Roorkee, India.
- Karan Desai (@karandesai-96), Developer, Electrical Engineering Undergraduate at IIT Roorkee, India.
- Mudit Bhutani (@muditbhutani) , Student at IIT ROORKEE , India.
- Chirag Maheshwari (@csoni111), Student, IIT Roorkee, India.
- Utsav Mangal (@mangalutsav), Developer, Undergrad at IIT Roorkee, India.
- Ajay Rahul.P (@ajayrahul97), Developer, Electrical Engineering Undergraduate at IIT Roorkee, India.
- Thing Thing Diputra (@thingdiputra), Student, Universitas Bunda Mulia, Indonesia.
- Yash Agrawal (@yash17agrawal), student , enthusiast
- A Softle Gundam (@softle), Student, STIEBBANK, Indonesia
- Annisa Nurul Azhar (@annisanurulazhar), Student, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia.
- Nabarun Pal (@paliitr), Software Developer, Student, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India
- Deni Pramulia (@denipramulia), Microsoft Student Partner Indonesia, Student at University of Indonesia.
- Rahul Babbar (@rahulbabbar1), Developer, Computer Science Undergraduate at IIT Roorkee, India.
- Shivam Agarwal(@shivam-code97), Developer, Computer Science Undergraduate at IIT Roorkee, India.
- Akshat Bhardwaj (@akshatr), Developer, Computer Science Undergraduate at IIT Roorkee, India.
- Abhishek Sajwan (@abhishek1997), Developer, Computer Science Undergraduate at IIT Roorkee, India.
- Pranjal Tale (@pranjaltale16), Developer,Applied Mathematics Undergraduate at IIT Roorkee, India.
- Prempal Singh (@prempalsingh), Android Developer
- Gautam Chaudhary (@gchaudhary), Android Developer, Computer Science and Engineering at IIT Roorkee, India
- Vedant Rathore (@vedantrathore), Developer, Student at IIT Guwahati
- Jéferson Bueno (@jefhtavares), .NET Developer, Passionate developer, Computer Science undergraduate at Unisinos, Brazil.
- Rhys Bradbury (@iRhysBradbury), Full Stack Developer
- Nitin Jain (@nitinjain96), Developer,Computer Science Engg Undergraduate at IIT Roorkee, India.
- Debashish Nayak (@theindianotaku), Designer, Metallurgical and Materials Engg Undergraduate at IIT Roorkee, India.
- Rohith A.S.R.K. (@rohithasrk), Developer, Undergrad at IIT Roorkee, India.
- Jinwei Zhao (@clarkzjw), Developer.
- Tazz (@s0cks), Software Engineer at The Nerdery, Chicago Illinois
- Sasidhar Kumar M (@sasidharkm), Developer, UnderGrad at NIT Trichy, India
- Mohammad Reza Maghoul (@IVIR3zaM), Software Engineer
- Aviral Verma (@Aviral1701), Developer, Undergrad at IIT Roorkee, India.
- Naz (@nazcompile), Software Engineer
- Sanju Prabhath Reddy(@spredk),Developer, ML entusiast , Undergraduate IIT Roorkee, India.
- MRW Neundorf (@naxmefy), just a dev, Germany
- Ben (@benjibobs), Developer, Student, United Kingdom
- Ben Goldberg (@zethra), Developer, Undergraduate at RIT, New York.
- Zsolt Kocsi (@zsoltk), Software Engineer
- Aritra Roy (@aritraroy), Android Developer, India.
- Rahul Chowdhury (@rahulchowdhury), Android App Baker
- Fábio Assunção (@fabioassuncao), Full Stack Web Developer, Brazil
- Debanjan Basu (@debanjan-basu), Software Developer, Muscat, Oman
- MD Danish Ansari (@mddanishansari), Android Developer, India
- Urmanschi Mihail (@dsdmsa), Android Developer
- Thomas Orth (@atf1999), Android and Web developer
- Priyanshu Jain (@priyanshujain), Student Researcher, Guru Ghasidas University,India
- 杨伟庆 Wayne Yang(@wengzhong2001), Software Engineer & Project Manager, Guangzhou, China
- Priyank Agarwal (@priyank1205), Student, Design, Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati
- Lucas Michot (@lucasmichot), Web architect, Core (Homebrew) contributor
- Vipul Sharma (@vsvipul555), Programmer, Undergraduate at IIIT Allahabad, India
- Sukeesh (@sukeesh), Programmer, Student at IIT Roorkee, India
- Akhilesh Kumar (@akhilesh-k), Student Developer, Undergraduate at JUIT
- Rohit Mourya (@mrohit), Software Engineer, India
- Yauheni Dakuka (@ydakuka), Developer, Belarus
- Sriram Ravichandran (@digi0ps), CS Freshman at VIT Chennai
- Weikui Wang (@WeikuiWang), Java Developer, China
- Sarab Singh (@sarab97), Programmer, Student at SAE Pune, India
- Harish Kotra (@harishkotra), Hackathons Specialist HarishKotra
- Vipin Madhavanunni (@vipintm), Developer, Germany
- Madhu Akula (@madhuakula), DevSecOps, India
- Osama Bin Omar (@mosamabinomar), Android and C++ developer, Pakistan
- 陳學民 HsuehMin Chen (@elsdrium), Python and C++ developer, Taiwan
- P.Sai Hanuman Prasad (@hanu73), Web Developer, India
- dhilipsiva (@dhilipsiva), Full-Stack & DevOps Engineer, India
- Pavan Mallela (@mallelapavank), Android & Web Developer, India
- Ramzi Bouguerra (@SegFault42), C/C++ Developer, France
- Farhad Farahi (@FarhadF), DevOps Engineer
- Carlos Saura (@csaura), Software Engineer
- Hendra Wijaya Djiono (@hendrawd), Software Developer, Indonesia
- André Luis Otto (@andrelotto), Software Engineer, Brazil
- Riddhish Ojha (@ojhariddhish), Android Developer, India
- Devyash Sanghai (@devyash), Student, University of Florida, Fl
- Chandramowli J (@chamow97), Undergraduate Student, SSN College of Engineering, India
- Ritwik Sharma (@ritwik12), Undergrad at UPES, India
- Celio Rodrigues (@rodriguescelio), Full Stack Developer and Open Source enthusiast, Brazil
- Lucas Menezes (@menezeslucas), Developer, Brazil
- Yash Jain (@yashjain24), Developer and Undergraduate Student, India
- Ravinder Nehra (@rnehra01), Developer, CS Undergrad at IITR, India
- M. Zubair Ahmed (@M-ZubairAhmed), Software Engineer, India
- Shaddy Garg (@shaddygarg),Student, IIT Roorkee, India
- Vishal Sharma (@VishalCR7), Developer, ECE Undergraduate at IIT Roorkee, India
- Yash Agrawal (@yashagrawal3), Developer, ECE Undergraduate at IIT Roorkee, India
- Surya Saini (@Dragneel7), Full Stack Developer, India
- Deepak Malik (@deepak-malik), Developer, USA
- Shivam Agarwal (@shivam-97), Developer, CS Undergrad at IITR, India
- Nisheeth Golakiya (@nisheeth-golakiya), Developer, CS Undergrad at IITR, India
- Karan Dhuria (@phodu007), Developer, Computer Science Undergraduate at IIT Roorkee, India.
- Arman Jon Villalobos (@iamarmanjon), Software Developer, Metro Manila, Philippines
- William Oliveira (@gnuwilliam), Developer, Brazil
- Aaron Patterson (@tenderlove), Developer, Seattle, WA
- Mario Álvarez (@m4grio), Software Engineer
- Arathi Nair (@arti97), Student Developer, India
- Juan de Bravo (@juandebravo), Developer, Barcelona, Spain
- Naman Sachdeva (@namansachdeva), Android Developer, India
- Jared Smith (@sublimecoder), Software Engineer
- Dilum Navanjana (@dilumn), Developer, Singapore
- June Domingo (@junedomingo), Full-Stack Developer, Metro Manila, Philippines
- Abu Nashir (@abunashir), Developer, Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Samda Muy (@samda), Developer, Cambodia
- Michael Savchuk (@Pixelrobin), Junior Front End and Games Developer, Bellingham, WA
- Sam Davarnia (@samdvr), Software Engineer
- Varun Upadhyay (@varunu28), Software Developer, Grad Student at San Jose State University
- Andrew Dassonville (@andrewda), Software Engineer
- Venkatesh Babu (@venkatvb), Software Engineer, India.
- Arandi López (@arandilopez), Software Engineer, Mexico
- Alejandro Nanez (@alejandronanez), Software Engineer, Medellín, Colombia.
- Alfred Rowe (@nukturnal), Software Engineer, Accra, Ghana.
- Srinivas Reddy Thatiparthy(@srinivasreddy), Software Engineer, Pune, India
- Elem Shalit (@Elemino), Software Developer, Canada
- chengshq (@cisiqo), Developer
- Cristian Oliveira (@cristianoliveira), The IT guy also known as Developer, Germany
- Luka Bratos (@lukabratos), Software Engineer
- Nico Jansen (@nicojs), Developer and Open Source fanatic, The Netherlands
- Shiva Krishna Yadav (@shivakrishna9), AI/ML Developer, Hyderabad, India.
- Johann Philipp Strathausen (@strathausen), Developer, Germany
- Tobias Feistmantl (@tobiasfeistmantl), Developer, Austria
- Rishabh Malik (@rishabh-malik), Developer, India
- Tero Tasanen (@ttasanen), CTO at CRM-service
- Patrick Wozniak (@patlux), Developer, Germany
- David Zhang (@crispgm), Full-Stack Web Developer, China
- Enoch Nyako (@enochN), Software Engineer, Ghana
- Aditya Arora (@adi23arora), Android Developer, India.
- Willian Yassunaka (@willianhy), Developer, Brazil
- Cassio Cardoso (@cassiocardoso), Front-end developer, Brazil
- Yasser Rachid (@othman853), Software Developer, ThoughtWorks, Brazil
- João Alberto (@joao-alberto), Front-end developer, Brazil.
- Isham Mohamed (@IshamMohamed), Software Engineer
- Sergio Arboleda (@SergioGeeK7), Javascript Full-Stack Developer, Colombia.
- Anibal Sólon (@anibalsolon),, Brazil
- Pradeep Reddy Raamana (@raamana), Neuroscientist
- Sanyam Jain (@xerosanyam), Machine Learning Enthusiast, IIITB, Bangalore
- Leonardo Valencia (@leovafme), Full-Stack Developer, Colombia.
- Vasily Fedoseyev (@Vasfed), Developer, Moscow, Russia
- Francisco Quintero (@cesc1989), Software Engineer, Colombia
- Ahmad Khet - Ahmad Abo Khet (@NaySoftware), Programming Artist _ Software Developer
- Pooja Bhaumik (@PoojaB26), Android Developer & Community Lead (xxCode), India
- Suraj Singh (@akatsuki06), Student, India
- Eliott Hauteclair (@Eliottiosdevs), Developer, Belgium
- Wael Nasreddine (@kalbasit), VP of Engineering at Publica
- Stephen Jennings (@jennings), Software Developer
- Cory Virok (@coryvirok), Co-Founder, CTO at Rollbar