This package provides custom lint rules and metrics for Dart and Flutter projects used internally at cosee GmbH. It can be added to your project as a dev dependency.
To install the package, add the following to your pubspec.yaml
cosee_lints: ^0.8.0
Then, add an include in analysis_options.yaml
For a casual project:
include: package:cosee_lints/analysis_options.yaml
For a package:
include: package:cosee_lints/analysis_options_package.yaml
If you are using dart_code_linter you can extend our preset by adding the
following line in analysis_options.yaml
- package:cosee_lints/metrics.yaml
The lint rules can be run using the following command:
dart analyze
# or for Flutter
flutter analyze
The Dart Code Metrics can be run using the following command:
dart run dart_code_linter:metrics analyze lib