Make a shallow diff between two objects/arrays to get what has been updated/deleted/added or remains unchanged. It will not traverse the whole structure, only the top level items/property.
npm install shallow-diff
Require shallow-diff:
var diff = require("shallow-diff");
Get the diff between two objects:
var base = {a:1, b:2, c:3, d:4, f:6};
var compared = {a:1, b:20, d: 4, e: 5};
diff(base, compared);
// returns
// {
// unchanged: ["a", "d"],
// updated: ["b"],
// deleted: ["f"],
// added: ["e"]
// }
Get the diff between two arrays:
var base = [10, 20, 30]
var compared = [15, 20]
diff(base, compared);
// returns:
// {
// unchanged: [1],
// updated: [0],
// deleted: [2],
// added: []
// }
- Also update to simple loop 0.0.4 to remove its dependency on assert. Thanks to @markdalgleish.
- Remove dependency on assert and replace with own function. Saves 17kb in the end after browserfication. Thanks to @tomekwi.
- Fix a bug where undefined values would appear in the diff as added and deleted. See #1. Thanks to @sverrejoh