Releases: cpanato/mattermost-plugin-alertmanager
Releases · cpanato/mattermost-plugin-alertmanager
What's Changed
- sort labels and annotations when displaying alerts by @fschlich in #61
- Add plugin icon and release notes link by @hanzei in #71
- Missing full stop sequence in by @sumanpaikdev in #74
- Various improvements and fixes by @hanzei in #75
- fix #60 alerts for different teams ending up in the same channel by @maxgorovenko in #76
- Adding docs step to invite the bot user. by @gregharvey in #87
- Updates on CI and generate slsa provenance by @cpanato in #88
New Contributors
- @hanzei made their first contribution in #71
- @sumanpaikdev made their first contribution in #74
- @gregharvey made their first contribution in #87
Full Changelog: v0.3.0...v0.4.0
Breaking Change
This release is a breaking change, when this is installed in an existing mattermost-plugin-alertmanager
it will lose the existing configuration.
Please take note of the configuration before upgrading this release.
This release introduces support to multiple teams. Thanks to @maxgorovenko
What's Changed
- #12 working with multiple teams by @maxgorovenko in #48
New Contributors
- @maxgorovenko made their first contribution in #48
Full Changelog: v0.2.0...v0.3.0
What's Changed
- Change alert layout to be more compact by @fschlich in #21
- Improved the plugin settings labels by @icelander in #14
New Contributors
- @fschlich made their first contribution in #21
- @icelander made their first contribution in #14
Full Changelog: v0.1.0...v0.2.0
This release was signed using cosign and was using a non released cosign for now because the released ones have an issue when using keyless
to verify this binary, install the cosign from the main branch go install
and then you can verify. this will not be necessary when cosign v1.4.0 is out
$ COSIGN_EXPERIMENTAL=true ./cosign verify-blob --signature alertmanager-0.2.0.sig alertmanager-0.2.0.tar.gz
Certificate is trusted by Fulcio Root CA
Email: []
Verified OK
tlog entry verified with uuid: "93e7e0187d8a661e2fa0f5ddab6403def6166b065a9bb798f243cf0842c19ac8" index: 909113