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Laravel Postmark notifiation channel

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This package enables you to send notifications using Postmark Email Templates.

πŸ“š Contents

βš’οΈ Requirements

This package requires:

πŸ§™ Installation

You can install this package using Composer by running the following command:

composer require craftzing/laravel-postmark-notification-channel

We're using Laravel's package discovery to automatically register the service provider, so you don't have to register it yourself.

You can also optionally publish the package config file by running the command below:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Craftzing\Laravel\NotificationChannels\Postmark\ServiceProvider" --tag="config"

Setting up a default mail sender

Fill out the following in your mail.php config file or the according environment variables:

// config/mail.php
'from' => [
    'address' => env('MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS', '[email protected]'),
    'name' => env('MAIL_FROM_NAME', 'Your application name'),

Setting up Postmark

Add your Postmark Server API Token to the services.php config using the according environment variable:

// config/services.php
'postmark' => [
    'token' => env('POSTMARK_TOKEN'),

πŸ„ Usage

To use this channel for a notification, you should use it in the via() method of the notification and add a toPostmarkTemplate() which returns TemplateMessage:

use Craftzing\Laravel\NotificationChannels\Postmark\TemplatesChannel;
use Craftzing\Laravel\NotificationChannels\Postmark\TemplateMessage;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Notification;

final class WelcomeToCraftzing extends Notification 
    public function via(): array
        return [TemplatesChannel::class];
    public function toPostmarkTemplate(): TemplateMessage
        return TemplateMessage::fromAlias('welcome-to-craftzing');

In order to know which email address the notification should be sent to, the channel will look for a mailnotification route on the Notifiable model via a routeNotificationFor($channel = 'mail') method. This behaviour is provided out of the box by Laravel if you use the Illuminate\Notifications\Notifiable or Illuminate\Notifications\RoutesNotifications traits.

Working with Template variables

The easiest way to initialize a TemplateMessage is to use the template identifier (either an ID or alias). You can do so using either of the following named constructors:

use Craftzing\Laravel\NotificationChannels\Postmark\TemplateMessage;


However, most of the time your template will require a number of variables (e.g. the recipient's name, an MFA code or verification link, ...). You can provide such variables by adding a TemplateModel to the message:

use Craftzing\Laravel\NotificationChannels\Postmark\Resources\DynamicTemplateModel;
use Craftzing\Laravel\NotificationChannels\Postmark\TemplateMessage;

$model = DynamicTemplateModel::fromVariables([
    'firstName' => 'Jane',
    'lastName' => 'Doe',
    'mfa' => [
        'code' => 846378,
        'verificationLink' => ''


DynamicTemplateModel is an implementation of the TemplateModel interface we provide out of the box. You can, however, also define your own. The TemplateMessage accepts any implementation of the interface.

Available TemplateMessage methods

Beside the options above, TemplateMessage accepts a few other parameters as well. The list below gives you an overview of all available methods.

πŸ’‘ TemplateMessage is an immutable value object. This means that each time you call a method that modifies the message, it returns a new instance of it. The original instance will always remain unchanged.

  • fromAlias(string): TemplateMessage: A named constructor to initialize a TemplateMessage from a template alias.
  • fromId(int): TemplateMessage: A named constructor to initialize a TemplateMessage from a numeric template ID.
  • model(TemplateModel): TemplateMessage: Returns a new message instance with the provided TemplateModel.
  • from(Sender): TemplateMessage: Returns a new message instance with the provided Sender. When a sender is set explicitly on the message, the channel will not use the default sender defined in the mail configuration.
  • to(Recipients): TemplateMessage: Returns a new message instance with the provided Recipients. When recipients are set explicitly on the message, the channel will not use the provided notifiable.
  • bcc(Recipients): TemplateMessage: Returns a new message instance with the provided Recipients as bcc.
  • headers(array): TemplateMessage: Returns a new message instance with the provided headers.
  • attachments(...PostmarkAttachment): TemplateMessage: Returns a new message instance with the provided attachments.
  • trackOpens(): TemplateMessage: Returns a new message instance with the opens tracking option enabled.
  • dontTrackOpens(): TemplateMessage: Returns a new message instance with the opens tracking option disabled.
  • trackLinks(TrackLinks): TemplateMessage: Returns a new message instance with the provided link tracking strategy. This method expects an instance of our Craftzing\Laravel\NotificationChannels\Postmark\Enums\TrackLinks enum:
    use Craftzing\Laravel\NotificationChannels\Postmark\TemplateMessage;
    use Craftzing\Laravel\NotificationChannels\Postmark\Enums\TrackLinks;
  • trackEverything(): TemplateMessage: Returns a new message instance with opens tracking enabled and link tracking set to HTML_AND_TEXT.
  • tag(string): TemplateMessage: Returns a new message instance with the provided tag.
  • metadata(array): TemplateMessage: Returns a new message instance with the provided metadata.
  • messageStreams(...string): TemplateMessage: Returns a new message instance with the provided message streams.

Using Template notifications locally

When running your application in a local environment (or any non-production environment for that matter), you may not want Postmark Template notification to be actually sent out (the same way you may not want email notification to be sent). Laravel provides several ways to "disable" the actual sending of emails during local development.

This notification channel allows you to send Postmark Template notifications via the mail notification channel which Laravel provides out of the box. That way, you can still use the actual Postmark Template locally, but it will be handled by the Laravel mailer instead of the Postmark API.

Let's consider the following scenario: you've configured your local environment to handle emails with MailHog. If you want your Postmark Template notifications to be handled by MailHog as well, you can either enable the following option in the postmark-notification-channel.php config:

// config/postmark-notification-channel.php
'send_via_mail_channel' => true,

or set the according environment variable if you didn't publish the package config:


Under the hood, when sending a Postmark Template notification, the channel will first fetch the template from Postmark, render it with the provided variables and then pass along the rendered HTML to the Laravel mailer.

πŸ’‘ Because were actually calling the Postmark API to fetch the Email Template, you will need the Postmark API token to be set for this configuration to work.

πŸ§ͺ Testing your template notifications E2E

Coming soon...

πŸ“ Changelog

Check out our Change log.

🀝 How to contribute

Have an idea for a feature? Wanna improve the docs? Found a bug? Check out our Contributing guide.

πŸ’™ Thanks to...

πŸ”‘ License

The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.