OpenASR-py is a minimal, PyTorch based open source toolkit for end-to-end automatic speech recognition (ASR) related tasks, which borrows many elements from OpenNMT-py and at the same time provides simpler, task-specific reimplementations of several others.
Due to the highly modular and transparent codebase, it can be used as a starting point for research projects in ASR as well as other less explored topics such as domain adaptation, adversarial training, active learning etc.
- Blazingly fast, just like OpenNMT-py (details here)
- Highly modular and easily extensible codebase
- Provision of basic routine(s) for ASR
- Audio-specific feature extraction and data preprocessing
- Simple and transparent data loading pipeline
- Implementations of a variety of encoders, decoders and attention mechanisms
- Support for word-, character- and wordpiece-level output granularity
- Beam-search decoding and error rate computation during evaluation
- Logging support using Tensorboard
- Model checkpointing and resumable training
We recommend using conda
for setting up the environment. After it has been successfully installed, follow the steps below:
# Create environment
conda create -n oasr
conda activate oasr
# Install pytorch 1.1 and its dependencies
# NOTE: This command gives an intermittent 'HTTP 000 Connection Error'.
# Retrying it, several times at worst, solves the issue.
conda install pytorch cudatoolkit=10.0 -c pytorch
# Clone codebase and install its dependencies
git clone
cd OpenASR-py/
pip install -r requirements.txt
We provide functional code for the following tasks. You can find more details in the corresponding README files.
- Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR): obtain the transcription for a given utterance
- Domain Adversarial Training (DAT): TODO
- Active Learning (AL): TODO
- Active Adversarial Domain Adaptation (AADA): TODO
OpenASR-py was originally developed by Yash Shah (ys1998) using the OpenNMT-py framework as a starting point; it was initiated with the objective of making certain relatively complicated and opaque aspects of OpenNMT-py more ASR-specific and research friendly during his undergraduate thesis project at IIT Bombay under the supervision of Prof. Preethi Jyothi.
Feel free to report any bug, request a feature or ask a general question in the Issues tab. We also love contributions, for which you can consult the same section for appropriately tagged posts.