powered by fastpages
All contributors are expected to adhere to the Kubeflow Contributing Guidelines.
This blog is built with fastpages. Resources for learning more about fastpages:
- The fastpages README: contains instructions on almost everything about how to operate and debug fastpages. Most questions should be addressable by reading this README.
- The fastpages Troubleshooting guide: contains instructions on how to troubleshoot issues with fastpages.
- The fastai blogging forums is a good place to search for issues or questions.
- Propose your idea for a blog by opening an issue in this repo.
- Write your blog post, in markdown or notebook format.
- Test your blog post locally to ensure that it renders appropriately.
- Open a pull request referencing your issue.
The review process is two step
It should first be reviewed by subject matter experts(SME)
- To identify SME experts refer to wg-list.md to identify the relevant work group
- Ping the GitHub group for the work group leads to assign an appropriate reviewer
- The group should be named
in GitHub you can ping them using@kubeflow/wg-<name>-leads
After SMEs approve it it should be approved by one of the approvers listed in the root OWNERs file
- This should be a Googler