Launch your own projects in no time with AtlasParcel.
This is a basic React app which includes some Atlaskit components.
- Babel—Next generation JavaScript
- React—A JavaScript library for building user interfaces
- Atlaskit—Atlassian's official UI library
- Parcel—Blazing fast, zero configuration web application bundler
- Redux—Predictable state container for JavaScript apps
Just clone the project. Remove the old Git history. Then install the dependencies with yarn
. When the installation has finished you can run the new app with yarn start
. These are the steps in more detail:
git clone
cd atlasparcel
rm -rf .git
yarn start
When the dev server started you can point your broswer to the URL given in the Terminal. Normally this is localhost:1234.
You can build the project with the parcel
command. You can also use the NPM script set up in the package.json
yarn build
Check out the live demo of AtlasParcel.
You want to contribute to this project? Great. You can contact me through my Github profile page. Please contact me before sending a pull request so we can align our forces :)
Please contact me through my profile page on GitHub. I'm happy to help if I can.