Basic program setup:
Rewrote Exacto from scratch using the bitboard game representation
"Magic bitboard" move generation for sliding pieces
I generated my own magics, but quite poorly: 14 bits for rooks, 11 bits for bishops
Legal (as opposed to pseudolegal + check detection) move generation
Search algorithms, pruning and heuristics:
The main search algorithms are PVS/alpha-beta with alpha-beta quiescence searches at the leaves
Selective reductions of the search tree:
Adaptive null move forward pruning
Late move reductions
Pruning via transposition table
Futility pruning (frontier and pre-frontier nodes)
Razoring (pre-pre-frontier nodes)
Delta pruning (in the quiescence search)
Selective extensions of the search tree:
Check extensions
Recapture extensions
Passed pawn extensions
Move ordering:
Hash table suggestions
Internal iterative deepening
Static exchange evaluation and MVV/LVA
Piece value tables for positional gain estimation
Killer move heuristic
All moves are insertion sorted (no lazy move generation, yet)
Positional evaluation (tapered, lazy):
Dedicated hash table for pawn structure evaluation. Knowledge of:
Pawn chains
Isolated pawns
Backward pawns
Doubled pawns
Passed pawns
Elementary detection of good/bad bishops, and preference for bishop pairs
Bishop/knight differentiation.
Rook placement:
Preference for open files
Preference for being on open files aiming at weak squares
Preference for 7th rank
Preference to develop, castle, etc.
King safety:
Attackers/defenders detection
Enemy attacks on squares near king (preprocessor option, off by default)
"Two move" attacks (preprocessor option, off by default)
Pawn fortress / castling destination
File strength around king
Attacker to defender ratio (preprocessor option, off by default)
Pieces desire to be "aimed at the enemy king"
Undefended minor piece penalty
Opening book (hand made, overview)
Dynamic time management (conservative, but much less conservative than 0.d)
Iterative deepening
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