This repository provides code and examples for generating multi-objective counterfactuals for the following paper:
Dandl, S., Molnar, C., Binder, M., Bischl, B. (2020): Multi-Objective Counterfactual Expalantions.
For all computations, we used either the statistical software R (version ≥ 3.4.4) or Python (version 3.6.9).
‼️ There is now an additional branch of the counterfactuals package without dependency to the local version of the iml package
Branch: moc_without_iml
You can load this package withremotes::install_git(url = "", branch = "moc_without_iml", subdir = "counterfactuals")
. Use this branch if you do not want to reproduce the paper but want to run MOC with your own examples.
- Code to reproduce analysis done in the Paper:
- credit_example: Example R code that generates counterfactuals on the German credit dataset, as used in the Paper.
- appendix_irace: Code that was used to run iterated F-racing to tune the hyperparameters of MOC. Includes a
. - benchmark: Code that was used to generate the benchmark data. Includes a
. - benchmark_analysis: R code for the analysis of the benchmark results.
- helpers: Helper functions.
- saved_objects: Saved benchmark and irace results to duplicate results without the necessity to rerun experiments.
- Package Code:
- iml: Copy of the
Package. This is code from the "conditional
" branch as of February 2020 with minor fixes that will eventually be merged intoiml
. - counterfactuals:
package in an early state. To be released as an R package in the future.
- iml: Copy of the
git clone
For the German Credit dataset example shown in the paper, step through this file: german_credit_application.R
For the results of the benchmark study, step through the following file: evaluate_cfexps.R
Have a look on the Makefile.
make train-models
will train the classification models for iterated racing on the tasks derived from OpenML.
make get-evals
will return the number of generations to ensure convergence of the hypervolume in most cases for running MOC within iterated F-racing.
make run-irace
this will start iterated F-racing using the maximum number of generations and the trained models from the steps before.
make get-generations
will return the number of generations necessary to ensure convergence AFTER the other parameters were
All results are saved in a new folder called saved_objects_rerun.
Have a look on the Makefile.
make train-models
will train the classification models for the benchmark on the tasks derived from OpenML. The id of the tasks are saved in benchmark_task_ids.rds.
The models are saved in saved_objects_rerun.
make run-moc
will run the benchmark for MOC.
make run-pair
will run the benchmark for Pair.
make run-tweaking
will run the benchmark for Tweaking.
Recourse and DiCE have a seperate Makefile since they are Python and not R based.
At first a virtual environment is necessary using make venv-dice
and make venv-recourse
To run the experiments, use make all