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There are two versions. One is with yolov5 and LaMa Inpainting, and the other is with mask_RCNN with LaMa Inpainting. You could try it on Colab.
Use code block named "settings for ppp" for setting.
- Git clone PPP
- Install packages for yolov5 and LaMa Inpainting
- Install an LaMa model file
PPP │ lama │ └── big-lama │ ├── config.yaml # model configs │ └── models │ └── best.ckpt # model weights
- Make an directory for LaMa Inpainting prediction
PPP │ lama │ └── data_for_prediction │ ├── sample1.png # example │ └── sample1_mask.png # example
Use code block named "Change file path and start object detection and Inpainting" for object detection, mask generating, and mask inpainting.
- By using maskGenerator.yolov5Mask, you could make an mask(black and white) with yolov5.
- Make an Inpainted Image from the mask made by the maskGenerator.yolov5Mask.
- Use code block named "Change python version 3.10 -> 3.7" for change python version.
- Python version change in google colab
- Use code bloack named "Settings for ppp" for setting
- Git clone PPP
- Install packages for mask rcnn and LaMa Inpainting
- Install LaMa model file
.root │ lama │ └── big-lama │ ├── config.yaml # model configs │ └── models │ └── best.ckpt # model weights
- Make an directory for LaMa Inpainting prediction.
PPP │ lama │ └── data_for_prediction │ ├── sample8.png # example │ └── sample8_mask.png # example
- Use code block named "Change file path and start Inpainting" for object detection, mask generating, and mask inpainting.
- By using maskGenerator.mrcnnMask, you could make an mask(black and white) with mask RCNN.
- After making mask, reset gpu ram for LaMa Inpainting
- Make an Inpainted Image from the mask made by the maskGenerator.mrcnnMask
We changed a few codes of yolov5 and Mask RCNN for Running both models(yolov5+LaMa or mask RCNN+Lama).
python 3.10 torch 2.0.0 cu118 etc
python 3.7 torch 1.8.0 cu111 etc
YOLOv5 is available under two different licenses:
- AGPL-3.0 License: See LICENSE file for details.
- Enterprise License: Provides greater flexibility for commercial product development without the open-source requirements of AGPL-3.0. Typical use cases are embedding Ultralytics software and AI models in commercial products and applications. Request an Enterprise License at Ultralytics Licensing.
Use this bibtex to cite this repository:
title={Mask R-CNN for object detection and instance segmentation on Keras and TensorFlow},
author={Waleed Abdulla},
journal={GitHub repository},