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Live analysis, errors, and warnings

Seth Ladd edited this page Mar 10, 2015 · 2 revisions

This plugin can display live analysis results, giving you near-instant feedback on errors, warnings, and hints.

We recommend using Dart SDK >= 1.9 for best performance and feedback.

Getting started (Dart SDK >= 1.9)

Live analysis is enabled by default. To ensure analysis is enabled, open Packages/User/Dart - Plugin Settings.sublime-settings and set the dart_enable_analysis_server setting to true.

To check that live analysis is configured, open a Dart file and introduce a syntax error. You should see a red X in the gutter on the line with the error. You don't even have to save your file.

Getting started (Dart SDK <= 1.8)

Support for Dart SDK <= 1.8 is deprecated and will be removed from Dart in a future version. We recommend all users upgrade to 1.9.

Analysis (errors and warnings) is deactivated by default. To activate this feature, open Packages/User/Dart - Plugin Settings.sublime-settings and set the dart_linter_active setting to true

To open this file, you can use the command palette (Ctrl++P), then select Preferences: Settings - User.


The analyzer will run when Dart scripts are loaded or saved. You can change this behavior through the dart_linter_on_load and dart_linter_on_save settings.

Analyzer Popup Configuration

Use dart_linter_show_popup_level setting to control when the pop up should show. Valid values are:

  • INFO