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guillermooo edited this page Oct 3, 2014 · 13 revisions

This topic explains the basics about Sublime Text settings so you can use settings effectively with the Dart plugin for Sublime Text.

Dart Syntax-Specific Settings

These settings are located in Packages/User/Dart.sublime-settings and will be applied only to files with a .dart extension.

Edit these settings only to modify behavior closely related to .dart files, like white space handling. To open this file, bring up the command palette and then select Preferences: Dart Settings - File Type (User). Alternatively, you can select Preferences | Package Settings | Dart in the menu.

See the Keyboard Shortcuts topic for more information.

Plugin Settings

These settings are located in Packages/User/Dart - Plugin Settings.sublime-settings. Edit this file to change this plugin's settings.

To open the plugin settings file, bring up the command palette and then select Preferences: Dart Settings - User.

As a counterpart to the user's plugin settings just mentioned, there's a default plugin settings file (command palette, then Preferences: Dart Settings - Default). Never edit this file —it can be overwritten without notice. Use this file only for reference, to check what settings are available and their default values.

See the Keyboard Shortcuts topic for more information.