We are using Jekyll to generate the static html files. https://jekyllrb.com
- Ruby:
brew install ruby
(v2.3.3 works, v2.4.0 does not) - Ruby Gems: https://rubygems.org/pages/download
- NodeJS: https://nodejs.org/en/ (Ideally >=4.5.0)
- Python:
brew install python
- Bundler:
gem install bundler
(If you have nvm, do nvm install && nvm use
Simply run npm install
to install all dependencies. This will also run bundle install
on postinstall to install all ruby gems.
CI Note: The Gems must also be installed on the CI server.
Mac Note: Bundler will try to install the dependency nokogiri
. If you are using a Mac, and run into issues related to nokogiri
during bundle install
, do the following:
xcode-select --install
gem install nokogiri
Then run bundle install
installed as a gem. Documentation at https://github.com/perrywoodin/jekyll-multiple-languages-plugin. This is a modified fork that adds two new tags for outputting markdown{% tmd key %}
or{% translatemd key %}
(If you still have a _plugins/jekyll-multiple-languages-plugin
directory in your root folder, you will need to remove it.)
npm start
or npm run watch
to build to the _site directory whenever a file is changed and serve via localhost:3000
Production builds should be handled by CI.
npm run build
will build a fully minified, mangled, and compressed build to the _site directory.
npm run htmlproof
will run ImageCheck, ScriptCheck, and LinkCheck on the built "_site" folder "*.html" files. Travis CI will not deploy unless this command finishes successfully!
macOS xcode-select --install gem install nokogiri
Language variables are set in /_i18n/*.yml
files. The master language file is /_i18n/en.yml
. All other languages should use that file as a base.
Almost all of the content is defined as a variable in the /_i18n/*.yml
files. There will be a separate yml file for each language that is supported. The master
Content should be written with little to no html. Do not wrap the content in <p></p>
tags. If you need separate paragraphs, use two line breaks. For example:
Paragraph one
Paragraph two
Will render as:
<p>Paragraph one</p>
<p>Paragraph two</p>
To output a variable to a template use:
{% t key %}
{% translate key %}
To output a variable to a template as markdown use:
{% tmd key %}
{% translatemd key %}
i18n files can be saved in their corresponding directories under /_i18n/
To include a file use:
{% tf pagename/blockname.md %}
{% translate_file pagename/blockname.md %}
Blog posts can be written in MarkDown (.md) or HTML (.html).
Posts need to be saved in the _posts
directory and the filename must always start with YYYY-MM-DD-
For example: 2016-05-12-new-website.md
###Front matter The top page of every post should contain the following (Example):
author: perry
layout: post
image: /assets/images/2016/05/Node40-banner.jpg
title: New website for Node40
description: Check out the new website for Node40
###Blog Post Images Image paths for blogs are currently relative to /assets/img/blog by default. If we replaced the image path from the front matter above with:
image: MyImage.jpg
... will look for "MyImage.jpg"
in the /assets/img/blog