First, install 1Password
Then sign into Chrome with existing Google profiles.
Then install the 1password Chrome extension in each profile.
Remap caps lock to Escape.
Change function keys to act as function keys instead of special keys by default.
Move the dock to the right side of the screen and set it to auto-hide.
Configure Mac OS to open web URLs in Chrome by default.
Install RayCast
- set up shortcuts for window management
- Disable the global RayCast shortcut
Install Alfred and sync preferences from previous system
Disable the keyboard shortcuts for Spotlight - I use Alfred for everything.
Install JetBrains Toolbox
Install Amphetamine (don't turn it on by default, but it's invaluable if I need to run a long-running job without it going to sleep in the middle).
Install SwitchResX
Install the SauceCodeProd Nerd fonts
Install iterm2
Install SDKMan
Install homebrew
Install Oh-My-Zsh
Install Taskwarrior
Install fasd (Handled by this dotfile repo)
Install neovim (brew install neovim
Install vimr (brew install vimr
Install pathogen
Install fx
Install jq
Install fzf
Install Shortcat
Install a modern version of Bash
brew install bash
Install a modern version of Bash
Install rustup
Set up 1Password ssh agent