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node-jsjws   Build Status NPM version

This module is deprecated!

This module is deprecated because jsrsasign is unmaintained.

For general crypto, use a libsodium wrapper such as sodium-native or sodium-plus.

For JSON Web Signatures and Tokens, use jose.

Documentation for deprecated module

Node.js wrapper around jsrsasign (a JSON Web Signature library).

  • Uses crypto for performance.
    • From node-jsjws version 3, at least Node.js version 8 is required and the dependency on ursa has been removed.
    • From node-jsjws version 6, at least Node.js version 12 is required and KeyObjects are used internally.
  • Note: Versions 2.0.0 and later fix a vulnerability in JSON Web Signature and JSON Web Token verification so please upgrade if you're using this functionality. The API has changed so you will need to update your application. verifyJWSByKey and verifyJWTByKey now require you to specify which signature algorithms are allowed.
  • Supports RS256, RS512, PS256, PS512, HS256, HS512 and none signature algorithms.
  • Basic JSON Web Token functionality.
  • Unit tests, including tests for interoperability with node-jose, node-jws, jwcrypto and jsrsasign in the browser (using PhantomJS).


var jsjws = require('jsjws');
var key = jsjws.generatePrivateKey(2048, 65537);
var header = { alg: 'PS256' };
var payload = { foo: 'bar', wup: 90 };
var sig = new jsjws.JWS().generateJWSByKey(header, payload, key);
var jws = new jsjws.JWS();
assert(jws.verifyJWSByKey(sig, key.toPublicKey(), ['PS256']));
assert.deepEqual(jws.getParsedHeader(), header);
assert.deepEqual(jws.getParsedPayload(), payload);

The API is described here.


npm install jsjws

Another Example

You can read and write keys from and to PEM-format strings:

var jsjws = require('jsjws');
var key = jsjws.generatePrivateKey(2048, 65537);
var priv_pem = key.toPrivatePem();
var pub_pem = key.toPublicPem();
var header = { alg: 'RS256' };
var payload = JSON.stringify('hello world!');
var priv_key = jsjws.createPrivateKey(priv_pem);
var pub_key = jsjws.createPublicKey(pub_pem);
var sig = new jsjws.JWS().generateJWSByKey(header, payload, priv_key);
var jws = new jsjws.JWS();
assert(jws.verifyJWSByKey(sig, pub_key, ['RS256']));
assert.deepEqual(jws.getParsedHeader(), header);
assert.equal(jws.getUnparsedPayload(), payload);




grunt test


grunt lint

Code Coverage

grunt coverage

Istanbul results are available here.

Coverage is so low because most of the jsrsasign code included in node-jsjws is not used. To keep things simple I've included whole files rather than split out individual functions.


grunt bench

Here are some results on a laptop with an Intel Core i5-4300M 2.6Ghz CPU and 8Gb RAM running Ubuntu 17.04.

In the tables, jsjws-fast uses crypto for signature generation and verification whereas jsjws-slow does everything in Javascript. The algorithm used was RS256.

generate_key x10 total (ms) average (ns) diff (%)
jsjws-fast 921 92,066,915 -
jsjws-slow 22,018 2,201,816,811 2,292
generate_signature x1,000 total (ms) average (ns) diff (%)
jsjws-fast 1,447 1,447,365 -
jsjws-slow 35,214 35,214,432 2,333
load_key x1,000 total (ms) average (ns) diff (%)
jsjws-fast 4 3,584 -
jsjws-slow 165 165,398 4,515
verify_signature x1,000 total (ms) average (ns) diff (%)
jsjws-fast 186 186,126 -
jsjws-slow 1,177 1,176,602 532


Key functions

JSON Web Signature functions

JSON Web Token functions

Certificate functions


Create a private RSA key from a PEM-format string.


  • {String} pem Private key to load, in PEM Base64 format.


{PrivateKey} The private key object.



Create a public RSA key from a PEM-format string.


  • {String} pem Public key to load, in PEM Base64 format.


{PublicKey} The public key object.


generatePrivateKey(modulusBits, exponent)

Generate a new RSA private key (keypair). The private key also contains the public key component.


  • {String} modulusBits Number of bits in the modulus (typically 2048).
  • {Integer} exponent Exponent value (typically 65537).


{PrivateKey} The private key (keypair) object.


PrivateKey.prototype.toPrivatePem([import_password], [export_password], [export_alg])

Convert a private RSA key to a PEM-format string.


  • {String} [import_password] If the key you imported using createPrivateKey was encrypted, the password to use to decrypt it.
  • {String} [export_password] If you want to encrypt the PEM string, specify the password here.
  • {String} [export_alg] If you want to encrypt the PEM string, specify the encryption algorithm here as des, des3, aes128, aes192 or aes256.


{String} PEM Base64 format string (PKCS#1 unencrypted, PKCS#5 encrypted).

Go: TOC | PrivateKey.prototype


Convert a private RSA key to a PublicKey.


  • {String} [password] If the key you imported using createPrivateKey was encrypted, the password to use to decrypt it.


{PublicKey} The public key.

Go: TOC | PrivateKey.prototype


Convert a private RSA key to a PEM-format string containing just the public key.


  • {String} [password] If the key you imported using createPrivateKey was encrypted, the password to use to decrypt it.


{String} PEM Base64 format string (PKCS#1).

Go: TOC | PrivateKey.prototype


Convert a public RSA key to a PEM-format string.


{String} PEM Base64 format string (PKCS#1).

Go: TOC | PublicKey.prototype


Create a new JWS object which can be used to generate or verify JSON Web Signatures.


JWS.prototype.generateJWSByKey(header, payload, key, [password])

Generate a JSON Web Signature.


  • {Object} header Metadata describing the payload. If you pass a string, it's assumed to be a JSON serialization of the metadata. The metadata should contain at least the following property:

    • {String} alg The algorithm to use for generating the signature. RS256, RS512, PS256, PS512, HS256, HS512 and none are supported.
  • {Object} payload The data you want included in the signature. If you pass a string, it's assumed to be a JSON serialization of the data. So if you want to include just a string, call JSON.stringify on it first.

  • {PrivateKey | String | Buffer} key The private key to be used to do the signing. For HS256 and HS512, pass a string or Buffer. For none, this argument is ignored.

  • {String} [password] Password used to decrypt the key. If not specified, the key is assumed not to be encrypted.


{String} The JSON Web Signature. Note this includes the header, payload and cryptographic signature.

Go: TOC | JWS.prototype

JWS.prototype.verifyJWSByKey(jws, key, allowed_algs)

Verify a JSON Web Signature.


  • {String} jws The JSON Web Signature to verify.
  • {PublicKey} key The public key to be used to verify the signature. For HS256 and HS512, pass a string or Buffer. Note: if you pass null and allowed_algs contains none then the signature will not be verified.
  • {Array} allowed_algs Algorithms expected to be used to sign the signature.


{Boolean} true if the signature was verified successfully. The JWS must pass the following tests:

  • Its header must contain a property alg with a value in allowed_algs.
  • Its signature must verify using key (unless its algorithm is none and none is in allowed_algs).


  • {Error} If the signature failed to verify.

Go: TOC | JWS.prototype


Get the header (metadata) from a JSON Web Signature. Call this after verifying the signature (with JWS.prototype.verifyJWSByKey).


{Object} The header.

Go: TOC | JWS.prototype


Get the header (metadata) from a JSON Web Signature. Call this after verifying the signature (with JWS.prototype.verifyJWSByKey).


{String} The JSON-encoded header.

Go: TOC | JWS.prototype


Get the payload (data) from a JSON Web Signature. Call this after verifying the signature (with JWS.prototype.verifyJWSByKey).


{Object} The payload.

Go: TOC | JWS.prototype


Get the payload (data) from a JSON Web Signature. Call this after verifying the signature (with JWS.prototype.verifyJWSByKey).


{String} The JSON-encoded payload.

Go: TOC | JWS.prototype


Process a JSON Web Signature without verifying it. Call this before JWS.prototype.verifyJWSByKey if you need access to the header or data in the signature before verifying it. For example, the metadata might identify the issuer such that you can retrieve the appropriate public key.


  • {String} jws The JSON Web Signature to process.

Go: TOC | JWS.prototype


Create a new JWT object which can be used to generate or verify JSON Web Tokens.

Inherits from JWS.


JWT.prototype.generateJWTByKey(header, claims, expires, [not_before], [jti_size], key, [password])

Generate a JSON Web Token.


  • {Object} header Metadata describing the token's claims. Pass a map of key-value pairs. The metadata should contain at least the following property:

    • {String} alg The algorithm to use for generating the signature. RS256, RS512, PS256, PS512, HS256, HS512 and none are supported.
  • {Object} claims The claims you want included in the signature. Pass a map of key-value pairs.

  • {Date} expires When the token expires. Specify null to omit the expiry from the token.

  • {Date} [not_before] When the token is valid from. Defaults to current time.

  • {Integer} [jti_size] Size in bytes of a unique token ID to put into the token (can be used to detect replay attacks). Defaults to 16 (128 bits). Specify 0 or null to omit the JTI from the token.

  • {PrivateKey | String | Buffer} key The private key to be used to sign the token. For HS256 and HS512, pass a string or Buffer. Note: if you pass null then the token will be returned with an empty cryptographic signature and header.alg will be forced to the value none.

  • {String} [password] Password used to decrypt the key. If not specified, the key is assumed not to be encrypted.


{String} The JSON Web Token. Note this includes the header, claims and cryptographic signature. The following extra claims are added, per the JWT spec:

  • {IntDate} exp The UTC expiry date and time of the token, in number of seconds from 1970-01-01T0:0:0Z UTC.
  • {IntDate} nbf The UTC valid-from date and time of the token.
  • {IntDate} iat The UTC date and time at which the token was generated.
  • {String} jti A unique identifier for the token.

Go: TOC | JWT.prototype

JWT.prototype.verifyJWTByKey(jwt, [options], key, allowed_algs)

Verify a JSON Web Token.


  • {String} jwt The JSON Web Token to verify.

  • {Object} [options] Optional parameters for the verification:

    • {Integer} iat_skew The amount of leeway (in seconds) to allow between the issuer's clock and the verifier's clock when verifiying that the token was generated in the past. Defaults to 0.

    • {Boolean|Object} checks_optional Whether to allow the typ header property and the iat, nbf and exp claim properties to be absent from the token. Defaults to false — they must be present and valid. If you specify true then the properties will only be validated if present in the token. You can also pass in an object specifying a boolean for each property (e.g. { exp: true }).

    • {Boolean|Object} skip_checks Whether to skip validating the typ header property and the iat, nbf and exp claim properties even if they're present in the token. Defaults to false. You can also pass in an object specifying a boolean for each property (e.g. { exp: true }).

  • {PublicKey} key The public key to be used to verify the token. For HS256 and HS512, pass a string or Buffer. Note: if you pass null and allowed_algs contains none then the token's signature will not be verified.

  • {Array} allowed_algs Algorithms expected to be used to sign the token.


{Boolean} true if the token was verified successfully. The token must pass the following tests:

  • Its header must contain a property alg with a value in allowed_algs.
  • Its signature must verify using key (unless its algorithm is none and none is in allowed_algs).
  • If the corresponding property is present or options.checks_optional is false, and options.skip_checks is false:
    • Its header must contain a property typ with the value JWT.
    • Its claims must contain a property iat which represents a date in the past (taking into account options.iat_skew).
    • Its claims must contain a property nbf which represents a date in the past.
    • Its claims must contain a property exp which represents a date in the future.


  • {Error} If the token failed to verify.

Go: TOC | JWT.prototype


A class for handling X509 certificates. This is included as a utility for extracting public keys and information from a certificate.

Please see the jsjws reference for full details of the static and instance methods available on X509.

See this unit test for an example of extracting the public key from a certificate in order to verify a JSON Web Signature.


—generated by apidox


Node.js wrapper around jsrsasign (







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