- Born: 2005.08.04
- Language: Korean/English
- Citizenship: Korean
- School: Gyeonggibuk Science Highschool 17th(Enroll on 2021), University of Seoul(EE major) 2025
- he/him
- PL(Programing languages and Compilers, also includes Runtimes for JIT integrated things)
- Game Development(Godot looks best for me :D)
- Also develops MODs for game
- PS(Problem solving) on Codeforces/Beakjoon Online Judge
- Korean for speaking.
- English for communication with non-native-korean-speaker.
- C# for general using. (GUI application, Game development, DL, etc.)
- Kotlin for java-specific things including Minecraft mod/plugin development.
- Python for using limited latest technologe.
- C/C++/Assembly/Rust for project which requires high-speed or requires to access very-low level.
- Rust is also used on alternative of Kotlin/C#
- 5th prize(Encouragement Award) on Samsung junior software development contest 2018
- 1st prize on University managed gifted student study presentation contest(전국 대학부설 영재교육원 사사연구성과발표대회)
- Encouragement Award on KOI(Korea Olympiad of Informatics) 2017~2019 1st competition
- Bronze medal on KOI 2020, 2021 1st competition
- Bronze medal on KOI 2020 2nd competition
- Encouragement Award on KOI 2021 2nd competition
- Silver medal on KOI 2022, 2023 1st competition
- Bronze medal on KOI 2022, 2023 2nd competition
- Special prize on NYPC(Nexon Youth Programming Challenge) 2019~2023
- Advanded to Final on NYPC 2022, 2023
- Silver medal on National Software competition for highschool club 2022
- Codeforces Expert(Blue) @dayodayo
- Diamond 4(Solved.ac rating) on Beakjoon online judge -the most famous OJ on South Korea- @dayo05
- @team-crescendo 크시(discord bot)
- Software maestro 15th
- dotnet/TorchSharp: The C#-ported PyTorch, DataLoader and ToString improvement
- rust/rust-lang: Rust compiler, diagnostic migration
- Almighty-Alpaca/JetBrains-Discord-Integration: Enum value fix related to Discord Nitro Basic
and a lots of issues, minor changes and docs :)
- Xsi, The discord chatbot which has more then 100,000 registered users on team-crescendo
- Mod of Korea Minecraft Development Community(Discord)
- Minecraft mod developer for youtuber in South Korea(양띵, 김진우)
- [email protected] (Primary)
- [email protected] (School mail)
- [email protected] (Team crescendo mail)
- [email protected] (Working yet)
- [email protected] (Obsoleted School mail)
- @ddddddayo
- @dayo_005 (Not used anymore)
There are some [censored] private social network services accounts lmao but almost of them might abandoned.