A simple Python package for fast DER computation.
pip install spy-der
To install version with latest features directly from Github:
pip install git+https://github.com/desh2608/spyder.git@main
For development, clone this repository and run:
pip install --editable .
import spyder
# reference (ground truth)
ref = [("A", 0.0, 2.0), # (speaker, start, end)
("B", 1.5, 3.5),
("A", 4.0, 5.1)]
# hypothesis (diarization result from your algorithm)
hyp = [("1", 0.0, 0.8),
("2", 0.6, 2.3),
("3", 2.1, 3.9),
("1", 3.8, 5.2)]
# compute DER on full recording
print(spyder.DER(ref, hyp))
# DERMetrics(duration=5.10,miss=9.80%,falarm=21.57%,conf=25.49%,der=56.86%)
# compute DER on single-speaker regions only
print(spyder.DER(ref, hyp, regions="single"))
# DERMetrics(duration=4.10,miss=0.00%,falarm=26.83%,conf=19.51%,der=46.34%)
# compute DER using UEM segments
uem = [(0.5, 5.0)]
print(spyder.DER(ref, hyp, uem=uem))
# DERMetrics(duration=4.50,miss=11.11%,falarm=22.22%,conf=26.67%,der=60.00%)
# compute DER using collar
print(spyder.DER(ref, hyp, collar=0.2))
# DERMetrics(duration=3.10,miss=3.23%,falarm=12.90%,conf=19.35%,der=35.48%)
# get speaker mapping between reference and hypothesis
metrics = spyder.DER(ref, hyp)
print(f"Reference speaker map: {metrics.ref_map}")
print(f"Hypothesis speaker map: {metrics.hyp_map}")
# Reference speaker map: {'A': '0', 'B': '1'}
# Hypothesis speaker map: {'1': '0', '2': '2', '3': '1'}
import spyder
# for multiple pairs, reference and hypothesis should be lists or dicts
# if lists, ref and hyp must have same length
# reference (ground truth)
ref = {"uttr0":[("A", 0.0, 2.0), # (speaker, start, end)
("B", 1.5, 3.5),
("A", 4.0, 5.1)],
"uttr2":[("A", 0.0, 4.3), # (speaker, start, end)
("C", 6.0, 8.1),
("B", 2.0, 8.5)]}
# hypothesis (diarization result from your algorithm)
hyp = {"uttr0":[("1", 0.0, 0.8),
("2", 0.6, 2.3),
("3", 2.1, 3.9),
("1", 3.8, 5.2)],
"uttr2":[("1", 0.0, 4.5),
("2", 2.5, 8.7)]}
metrics = spyder.DER(ref, hyp)
# {'Overall': DERMetrics(duration=18.00,miss=17.22%,falarm=8.33%,conf=7.22%,der=32.78%)}
metrics2 = spyder.DER(ref, hyp, per_file=True, verbose=True) # verbose=True to prints per-file results
Evaluated 2 recordings on `all` regions. Results:
│ Recording │ Duration (s) │ Miss. │ F.Alarm. │ Conf. │ DER │
│ uttr0 │ 5.10 │ 9.80% │ 21.57% │ 25.49% │ 56.86% │
│ uttr2 │ 12.90 │ 20.16% │ 3.10% │ 0.00% │ 23.26% │
│ Overall │ 18.00 │ 17.22% │ 8.33% │ 7.22% │ 32.78% │
Additionally, you can provide UEM and collar parameters similar to single pair case.
Alternatively, spyder can also be invoked from the command line to compute the per-file and average DERs between reference and hypothesis RTTMs.
-u, --uem PATH UEM file (format: <recording_id> <channel>
<start> <end>)
-p, --per-file If this flag is set, print per file results.
[default: False]
-s, --skip-missing Skip recordings which are missing in
hypothesis (i.e., not counted in missed
speech). [default: False]
-r, --regions [all|single|overlap|nonoverlap]
Only evaluate on the selected region type.
Default is all. - all: all regions. -
single: only single-speaker regions (ignore
silence and multiple speaker). - overlap:
only regions with multiple speakers in the
reference. - nonoverlap: only regions
without multiple speakers in the reference.
[default: all]
-c, --collar FLOAT RANGE Collar size. [default: 0.0]
-m, --print-speaker-map Print speaker mapping for reference and
hypothesis speakers. [default: False]
--help Show this message and exit.
> spyder ref_rttm hyp_rttm
Evaluated 16 recordings on `all` regions. Results:
│ Recording │ Duration (s) │ Miss. │ F.Alarm. │ Conf. │ DER │
│ Overall │ 33952.95 │ 11.48% │ 2.27% │ 9.81% │ 23.56% │
> spyder ref_rttm hyp_rttm -r single -p -c 0.25
Evaluated 16 recordings on `single` regions. Results:
│ Recording │ Duration (s) │ Miss. │ F.Alarm. │ Conf. │ DER │
│ EN2002a.Mix-Headset │ 1032.05 │ 0.00% │ 2.98% │ 4.97% │ 7.94% │
│ EN2002b.Mix-Headset │ 853.56 │ 0.00% │ 3.40% │ 5.39% │ 8.80% │
│ EN2002c.Mix-Headset │ 1641.68 │ 0.00% │ 1.42% │ 1.05% │ 2.47% │
│ EN2002d.Mix-Headset │ 1006.27 │ 0.00% │ 3.12% │ 7.14% │ 10.26% │
│ ES2004a.Mix-Headset │ 539.48 │ 0.00% │ 1.62% │ 5.12% │ 6.74% │
│ ES2004b.Mix-Headset │ 1582.05 │ 0.00% │ 0.82% │ 1.39% │ 2.21% │
│ ES2004c.Mix-Headset │ 1526.84 │ 0.00% │ 0.45% │ 1.27% │ 1.72% │
│ ES2004d.Mix-Headset │ 1172.72 │ 0.00% │ 1.77% │ 9.60% │ 11.37% │
│ IS1009a.Mix-Headset │ 425.51 │ 0.00% │ 3.94% │ 4.60% │ 8.54% │
│ IS1009b.Mix-Headset │ 1412.03 │ 0.00% │ 1.23% │ 0.85% │ 2.08% │
│ IS1009c.Mix-Headset │ 1283.21 │ 0.00% │ 2.74% │ 1.00% │ 3.75% │
│ IS1009d.Mix-Headset │ 1164.49 │ 0.00% │ 2.27% │ 3.37% │ 5.64% │
│ TS3003a.Mix-Headset │ 804.27 │ 0.00% │ 0.00% │ 11.28% │ 11.28% │
│ TS3003b.Mix-Headset │ 1509.49 │ 0.00% │ 0.36% │ 0.75% │ 1.11% │
│ TS3003c.Mix-Headset │ 1566.84 │ 0.00% │ 1.76% │ 1.74% │ 3.50% │
│ TS3003d.Mix-Headset │ 1357.45 │ 0.00% │ 2.42% │ 2.93% │ 5.35% │
│ Overall │ 18877.94 │ 0.00% │ 1.72% │ 3.29% │ 5.01% │
- Fast: Implemented in pure C++, and faster than the alternatives (md-eval.pl, dscore, pyannote.metrics). See this benchmark for comparisons with other tools.
- Stand-alone: It has no dependency on any other library. We have our own
implementation of the Hungarian algorithm, for example, instead of using
. - Easy-to-use: No need to write the reference and hypothesis turns to files and read md-eval output with complex regex patterns.
- Overlap: Spyder supports overlapping speech in reference and hypothesis. In addition,
you can compute metrics on just the single-speaker or overlap regions by passing the
keyword argument
, respectively.
Contributions for core improvements or new recipes are welcome. Please run the following before creating a pull request.
pre-commit install
pre-commit run # Running linter checks
Please raise an issue in the issue tracker.