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A lightweight, unofficial file retrieval server powered by the SDK. Designed for public, read-only access to files such as images, PDFs, and videos.


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Filen Public Express

Serve static files publicly via buckets

NPM lang license

filen     express

🔗 Table of Contents

📍 Overview

A lightweight, unofficial static file server powered by the SDK. Designed for public, read-only access to files such as images, PDFs, and videos.

👾 Features

  • Serve files from either all public buckets — or via one specific master bucket1
  • Supports server-wide CORS configuration, and JSON CORS configurations23 inside each bucket - mimics AWS S3 CORS configuration structure (example)
  • Supports file downloads4 via search parameters in GET requests (e.g. .../file.jpg?dl=1)
  • Supports file ignores5 (e.g. ["secret.json", { endsWith: ".key" }])

🚀 Getting Started

☑️ Prerequisites

Node.js version:

  • Minimum: v22.6.0
  • Preferred: v23.7.0

⚙️ Installation


In your project, install using NPM:

npm install filen-public-express

🤖 Usage

  1. Create a bucket on starting with public_ (e.g. public_myimages)
  2. Initialize the server:
import { FilenPublicExpress } from "filen-public-express";

const server = new FilenPublicExpress({
  user: {
    sdkConfig: {
      email: "[email protected]",
      password: "yourfilenpassword"

await server.start();
  1. Start the server:
node server.js

You should now be able to access the files in your public buckets in your browser. (e.g. http://localhost:1700/myimages/mydog.jpg)


Only files in public buckets (with public_ prefix) can be accessed. (e.g. public_myimages) The prefix is omitted in the URL pathname.

🔧 Configuration

config Options

Option Type Default Description
downloadFileParam string | null | undefined | false "dl" 4Used as query param (e.g. .../file.pdf?dl=1) that allows downloading files instead of displaying them inline
masterBucket string | undefined - 1Name of the singular bucket that the server will expose publicly (setting this value will remove the ability for the server to expose other buckets)
ignoreList IgnoreRule[] - 5List of ignore rules for files/keys (e.g. ["secret.json", { endsWith: ".key" }])
corsBucketFileName string | undefined .filen-public.json 2Name for individual JSON CORS configurations inside the bucket
corsBucketCacheTTLMinutes number | undefined 10 Cache duration for CORS configurations
corsBucketCachePurgeUrl string | undefined - URL to purge CORS cache (e.g. "/purge-cors-cache")
expressTrustProxy boolean | number | string | string[] false Express.js trust proxy setting


Option Type Default Description
methods "GET" "GET" Only GET method is supported
origin string | string[] "*" Allowed Origins/Referers

.filen-public.json Configuration

3Place this file inside your bucket to configure CORS settings:

    "AllowedMethods": ["GET"],
    "AllowedOrigins": [""]

Bucket File Configuration


Must be an array, only "GET" method supported, origin "*" is used to allow all. Mimics AWS S3 CORS configuration structure.

⌨️ Examples

Examples can be found in the examples folder.

❕ Disclaimer

This project is not affiliated with or endorsed by It is provided as is, without any warranties or guarantees. The author assumes no responsibility for any issues, including but not limited to data privacy, security risks, or legal compliance arising from the use of this software. Use at your own risk.

🎗 License

Distributed under the AGPL-3.0 License. See LICENSE for more information.

🙌 Acknowledgments

This project:


A lightweight, unofficial file retrieval server powered by the SDK. Designed for public, read-only access to files such as images, PDFs, and videos.








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