A Drake HoneyQL plugin. Allows Drake steps to run HoneyQL queries against Factual and save the results.
This plugin has been deployed to Clojars. To use it, include the plugin in your plugins.edn
file in your Drake workflow dir. E.g.:
{:plugins [[dirtyvagabond/drake-honeyql "0.0.3"]]}
Then your Drake workflow can use the honeyql
protocol to query Factual and store the results in your output file. E.g.:
restaurants.json <- [honeyql key:MYKEY secret:MYSECRET]
SELECT name, owner, address, price, attire
FROM restaurants
WHERE locality = 'los angeles'
AND wifi = true
Be sure you provide valid Factual API credentials via the step options, as key and secret. If you don't have a Factual API account yet, it's free and easy to get one.