First, you need to convert your YAML swagger input into JSON:
$ yq . > input.json
You can render the API every time you build you project, or you can build it via a separate source input. Either way, it looks the same:
import asyncdispatch
import httpclient
import httpcore
import openapi/codegen
# 0) API handle, 1) input JSON source, 2) output Nim source
generate myAPI, "input.json", "output.nim":
## here you can mess with the generator directly as needed...
# add a constant from the input to the API...
let service = generator.js["info"]["x-serviceName"].getStr
generator.ast.add newConstStmt(ident"myService", newStrLitNode(service))
render myAPI:
## whatever you write here will be included in your API verbatim
echo "service " & myService & " loaded"
# we might want to rewrite the path (for a particular call) for all
# clients of the API we're generating. easy.
getLotteryDraw.base = "/v2/"
# use the API...
# maybe we want to change the server for this call in order to test or migrate
# something, but only for this particular client app. again, easy. = ""
request =
response = waitFor request.issueRequest()
if response.code.is2xx:
echo waitFor response.body
echo "failure: " & $response.code
Parsing the API schema and generating the code isn't terribly fast when performed at compile-time, so saving the source allows us to cache that work product to dramatically speed up compilation of an application which actually uses the resultant API and is likely being recompiled more often than the API schema is changing.
Eventually, this library will, by default, generate an API which has no third-party module requirements. We aren't quite there yet, simply because we provide some minor quality-of-life shimming of the HTTP client.
Without source text, many forms of tooling (documentation, editor plug-ins, etc.) have needless hoops to jump through, if they work at all.
Adding generated code to source control lets us keep track of changes there which are no less critical than changes we might otherwise introduce manually elsewhere.
The quality of OpenAPI definitions in the wild appears to vary, uh, wildly. This code attempts to progressively define greater support for the API it receives as input whenever possible. Hindrances to this goal include name clashes, invalid $ref
erences, unspecified types, invalid identifiers, ambiguous schemas, and so on.
Our approach is to try to provide the most natural interface possible for the largest portion of the API we can.
You get a type defined per each operation defined in the API, and an exported instance of that type which is named according to the API's operationId
specification. These types allow you to perform trivial overrides or recomposition of generated values such as the host
and basePath
, or provide your own tweaks input validation and URL generation procedures.
The call
procedure returns a Recallable
object which holds details associated with a request which may be reissued. This proc comes in two flavors:
JSON objects matching the OpenAPI parameter locations:
proc call*(call_745068: Call_GetLotteryDraw_745063;
path: JsonNode; query: JsonNode; header: JsonNode; formData: JsonNode; body: JsonNode): Recallable
Named arguments in native Nim types with default values if supported:
proc call*(call_745069: Call_GetLotteryDraw_745063; game: string; count: int = 0): Recallable
In any case, the inputs will be validated according to the API definition and only inputs which match parameters defined by the API will be sent to the server, and only if their types are correct.
does what it says on the tin; the Nim output API will not include documentation comments for Json input API calls.
- APIs we consume
- Schema v2
- Schema v3 (not yet supported)
- Amazon Web Services APIs in Nim
- Google Cloud Platform APIs in Nim
- Microsoft Azure Cloud APIs in Nim
See the documentation for the openapi module as generated directly from the source.