CSS-Calculator is not a calculutaor build with css.
CSS Calculator is a modern web app built to help frontend develoeprs to write better CSS. CSS-Calculator replaces variables with calculated values with computed values.
It converts code blocks written like this
--h1: 20vh;
--h2: calc(var(--h1) * 0.5);
--h3: calc(var(--h2) * 0.435); //=> might not always works
Into code blocks written like this
--h1: 20vw;
--h2: 10vh;
--h3: 4.35vh; // => will work
- Variable classification
- Automatic calculation resolution
- Error detection and automatic error mesage generation
- Changes automatically saved in local storage
The resultant file is stored in
Node.js : Node.js® is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment.
Yarn : Yarn is a package manager that doubles down as project manager. Whether you work on one-shot projects or large monorepos, as a hobbyist or an enterprise user, we've got you covered
React : A JavaScript library for building user interfaces
Express : Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for Node.js
CSS-Calculator is monorepo built with yarn worksapces
yarn install
yarn start
Two ports are used when the app is run locally. The frontend runs on port 3000 and the backend runs on port 3200.
When the above script is run it will automatically launch a browser instance with the front end running, in case if this fails to happen please navigate to http://localhost:3000/
yarn test