This package allows for AWS V4 request signing using the requests library.
This package provides the AWSV4Sign
class, which extends requests AuthBase
import requests
from requests_aws_sign import AWSV4Sign
from boto3 import session
# You must provide a credentials object as per
# This example attempts to get credentials based upon the local environment
# e.g. Environment Variables, assume role profiles, EC2 Instance IAM profiles
session = session.Session()
credentials = session.get_credentials()
# You must provide an AWS region
region = session.region_name or 'ap-southeast-2'
# You must provide the AWS service. E.g. 'es' for Elasticsearch, 's3' for S3, etc.
service = 'es'
url = ""
auth=AWSV4Sign(credentials, region, service)
response = requests.get(url, auth=auth)
When signing requests using this package, the following headers are added to the HTTP Request:
- X-Amz-Date
- X-Amz-Security-Token
- Authorization
See AWS documentation for further information on the signing process.
To obtain a list of services to pass in the signing request, you can call the Boto3 session get_available_services()
>>> import boto3
>>> boto3.session.Session().get_available_services()
['acm', 'apigateway', 'application-autoscaling', 'autoscaling', 'cloudformation', 'cloudfront', 'cloudhsm',
'cloudsearch', 'cloudsearchdomain', 'cloudtrail', 'cloudwatch', 'codecommit', 'codedeploy', 'codepipeline',
'cognito-identity', 'cognito-idp', 'cognito-sync', 'config', 'datapipeline', 'devicefarm', 'directconnect',
'discovery', 'dms', 'ds', 'dynamodb', 'dynamodbstreams', 'ec2', 'ecr', 'ecs', 'efs', 'elasticache',
'elasticbeanstalk', 'elastictranscoder', 'elb', 'emr', 'es', 'events', 'firehose', 'gamelift', 'glacier', 'iam',
'importexport', 'inspector', 'iot', 'iot-data', 'kinesis', 'kms', 'lambda', 'logs', 'machinelearning',
'marketplacecommerceanalytics', 'meteringmarketplace', 'opsworks', 'rds', 'redshift', 'route53', 'route53domains',
's3', 'sdb', 'ses', 'sns', 'sqs', 'ssm', 'storagegateway', 'sts', 'support', 'swf', 'waf', 'workspaces']
You should use Boto3 to provide your credentials object as demonstrated in the example usage, as it will cache credentials and in the case of assume role profiles and EC2 Instance IAM profiles, automatically refresh credentials as required.
import requests
from requests_aws_sign import AWSV4Sign
from boto3 import session
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch, RequestsHttpConnection
# Establish credentials
session = session.Session()
credentials = session.get_credentials()
region = session.region_name or 'ap-southeast-2'
# Elasticsearch settings
service = 'es'
es_host = ""
auth=AWSV4Sign(credentials, region, service)
es_client = Elasticsearch(host=es_host,
pip install requests_aws_sign