Created by Dylan Maltos
A basic Tic-Tac-Toe game which has been completely written in NASM assembly.
- Print a tic-tac-toe style game board which updates according to user input for the player moves
- Correctly read user input for player moves
- Implement a win check feature which notifies when the game is over once a player wins, along with announcing the winner
- Implement a bitwise swap feature which correctly swaps between player 0 and player 1 after each players move
nasm -f elf64 Tic-Tac-Toe.asm ld -o Tic-Tac-Toe Tic-Tac-Toe.o ./Tic-Tac-Toe
There are several strings saved to memory under section .data that are used to implement specific functions throughout the game and program. As shown:
db 10
create_new_line_size equ $-create_new_line
db "_|_|_", 10
db "_|_|_", 10
db "_|_|_", 10, 0
draw_the_board_size equ $-draw_the_board
db "Player ", 0
msg_player_size equ $-msg_player
db "0", 0
player_size equ $-player
db 0
db "Please enter an integer 0-8: ", 0
type_integer_size equ $-type_integer
db "Game over!", 10, 0
end_the_game_message_size equ $-end_the_game_message
db " wins the game!", 0
winner_msg_size equ $-winner_msg
Currently, I need to go over and figure out an error in the wincheck feature. As of right now it will automatically end the game and declare a winner if someone does not place a move in the middle of the Tic-Tac-Toe gameboard for the first move.