There is a bunch of PHP clients for Slack. But some are not up to date or miss features, some only cover a small part of the API and most are simply no longer maintained.
This SDK is generated automatically with JanePHP from the official Slack API specs.
This library is built atop of PHP-HTTP and PSR-7. So you will need to install some implementations for those interfaces. If no PHP-HTTP adapter or PSR-7 message factory is available yet in your project or you don't care which one to use, just install some default:
composer require php-http/curl-client:"^1.7" guzzlehttp/psr7
You can now install the Slack client:
composer require jolicode/slack-php-api
First, you need to retrieve a token - like an OAuth AccessToken or a legacy token. Checkout Slack's documentation about all differents kind of tokens.
Then, use the factory that is provided to create the client:
// $client contains all the methods to interact with the API
$client = JoliCode\Slack\ClientFactory::create($yourToken);
$user = $client->usersInfo(['user' => 'U123AZER'])->getUser();
Want more example or documentation? See the documentation.
Got some problems using this library? Need a missing feature? Do not hesitate to open an issue and share it with us.
The Slack specification is not up to date and miss some critical parts. We do build a better one on top of the official but can't be perfect.
What's good is that we use \ArrayObject
as base classes so if the API return data we don't have in the mapping, you can still access it via Array like syntax:
$results = $client->searchMessages([
'query' => 'test'
var_dump($results->getOk()); // Mapped
var_dump($results['messages']); // Not mapped but still readable
Feel free to open issues for those missing fields.
You can see the current and past versions using one of the following:
- the
git tag
command - the releases page on Github
- the file listing the changes between versions
And finally some meta documentation:
This library is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.