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Deep Learning on ImageNet using Torch ===================================== This is a complete training example for Deep Convolutional Networks on the ILSVRC classification task. Data is preprocessed and cached as a LMDB data-base for fast reading. A separate thread buffers images from the LMDB record in the background. Multiple GPUs are also supported by using nn.DataParallelTable ( This code allows training at 4ms/sample with the AlexNet model and 2ms for testing on a single GPU (using Titan Z with 1 active gpu) ## Dependencies * Torch ( * "eladtools" ( for optimizer. * "lmdb.torch" ( for LMDB usage. * "DataProvider.torch" ( for DataProvider class. * "cudnn.torch" ( for faster training. Can be avoided by changing "cudnn" to "nn" in models. To install all dependencies (assuming torch is installed) use: ```bash luarocks install luarocks install luarocks install ``` ## Data * To get the ILSVRC data, you should register on their site for access: * Extract all archives and configure the data location and save dir in **Config.lua**. You can also change the saved image size by editing the default value `ImageMinSide=256`. * LMDB records for fast read access are created by running **CreateLMDBs.lua**. It defaults to saving the compressed jpgs (about ~24GB for training data, ~1GB for validation data when smallest image dimension is 256). * To validate the LMDB configuration and test its loading speed, you can run **TestLMDBs.lua**. * All data related functions used for training are available at **Data.lua**. ## Model configuration Network model is defined by writing a .lua file in `Models` folder, and selecting it using the `network` flag. The model file must return a trainable network. It can also specify additional training options such optimization regime, input size modifications. e.g for a model file: ```lua local model = nn.Sequential():add(...) return --optional: you can also simply return model { model = model, regime = { epoch = {1, 19, 30, 44, 53 }, learningRate = {1e-2, 5e-3, 1e-3, 5e-4, 1e-4}, weightDecay = {5e-4, 5e-4, 0, 0, 0 } } } ``` Currently available in `Models` folder are: `AlexNet`, `MattNet`, `OverFeat`, `GoogLeNet`, `CaffeRef`, `NiN`. Some are available with a batch normalized version (denoted with `_BN`) ## Training You can start training using **Main.lua** by typing: ```lua th Main.lua -network AlexNet -LR 0.01 ``` or if you have 2 gpus availiable, ```lua th Main.lua -network AlexNet -LR 0.01 -nGPU 2 -batchSize 256 ``` A more elaborate example continuing a pretrained network and saving intermediate results ```lua th Main.lua -network GoogLeNet_BN -batchSize 64 -nGPU 2 -save GoogLeNet_BN -bufferSize 9600 -LR 0.01 -checkpoint 320000 -weightDecay 1e-4 -load ./pretrainedNet.t7 ``` Buffer size should be adjusted to suit the used hardware and configuration. Default value is 5120 (40 batches of 128) which works well when using a non SSD drive and 16GB ram. Bigger buffer size allows better sample shuffling. ## Output Training output will be saved to folder defined with `save` flag. The complete netowork will be saved on each epoch as **Net_<#epoch>.t7** along with * A complete log **Log.txt** * Error rate summary **ErrorRate.log** and accompanying **ErrorRate.log.eps** graph ## Additional flags |Flag | Default Value |Description |:----------------|:--------------------:|:---------------------------------------------- |modelsFolder |./Models/ | Models Folder |network |AlexNet | Model file - must return valid network. |LR |0.01 | learning rate |LRDecay |0 | learning rate decay (in # samples) |weightDecay |5e-4 | L2 penalty on the weights |momentum |0.9 | momentum |batchSize |128, | batch size |optimization |'sgd' | optimization method |seed |123 | torch manual random number generator seed |epoch |-1 | number of epochs to train, -1 for unbounded |testonly |false | Just test loaded net on validation set |threads |8 | number of threads |type |'cuda' | float or cuda |bufferSize |5120 | buffer size |devid |1 | device ID (if using CUDA) |nGPU |1 | num of gpu devices used |constBatchSize |false | do not allow varying batch sizes - e.g for ccn2 kernel |load |'' | load existing net weights |save |time-identifier | save directory |optState |false | Save optimization state every epoch |checkpoint |0 | Save a weight check point every n samples. 0 for off |augment |1 | data augmentation level - {1 - simple mirror and crops, 2 +scales, 3 +rotations} |estMeanStd |preDef | estimate mean and std. Options: {preDef, simple, channel, image} |shuffle |true | shuffle training samples


ImageNet training using torch







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