.pcx NPM package for Elasto Mania and Action Supercross with 100% test coverage!
This package can also handle .abc and .spr files from these games.
npm install elma-pcx
import fs from 'fs';
import { LGR } from "elmajs";
import { PCX } from "elma-pcx";
const getImageData = (lgr, filename) => {
const pictureData = lgr.pictureData.find((picture) => picture.name.toLowerCase() === `${filename}.pcx`);
const pictureList = lgr.pictureList.find((picture) => picture.name.toLowerCase() === filename);
const pcx = new PCX(pictureData.data);
return { pictureData, pictureList, pcx };
const getBarrelBitmap = async () => {
const file = fs.readFileSync('default.lgr');
const lgr = LGR.from(file);
const q1bike = getImageData(lgr, 'q1bike');
const lgrPalette = q1bike.pcx.getPalette();
const barrel = getImageData(lgr, 'barrel');
const pixelBitmap = barrel.pcx.getPixels();
const pixelColors = barrel.pcx.getImage(lgrPalette, barrel.pictureList.transparency);
return pixelColors;
import fs from "fs";
import { PCX, Transparency } from "elma-pcx";
const getPcx = async (filename, transparency = Transparency.Solid) => {
const file = fs.readFileSync(filename);
const pcx = new PCX(file);
const palette = pcx.getPalette();
const pixelBitmap = pcx.getPixels();
const pixelColors = pcx.getImage(palette, transparency);
return pixelColors;
import fs from "fs";
import { writePCX, DefaultLGRPalette } from "elma-pcx";
const writeFile = (filename, pixels, width, height, palette) => {
const data = writePCX(pixels, width, height, palette);
fs.writeFileSync(filename, data);
// Make a 2x2 image
// Top row palette id 0 = [0, 0, 0]
// Bottom row palette id 255 = [252, 252, 252]
const filename = 'small.pcx';
const width = 2;
const height = 2;
const pixels = new Uint8Array([0, 0, 255, 255]);
const palette = DefaultLGRPalette;
writeFile(filename, pixels, width, height, palette);
const getImage = (fileBuffer) => {
const pcx = new PCX(fileBuffer);
const pixelColors = pcx.getImage(palette, transparency);
const imageData = new ImageData(pixelColors, pcx.width, pcx.height);
const imageBitmap = await createImageBitmap(imageData);
return { imageData, imageBitmap };
import pngjs from 'pngjs';
const getAbc = async (filename) => {
if (!fs.existsSync(`./${filename}/`)) {
const file = fs.readFileSync(`./${filename}.abc`);
const abc = ABC8.fromBuffer(file);
for (let i = 0; i < abc.letters.length; i++) {
const letter = abc.letters[i];
const sprite = letter.sprite;
const img = sprite.getImage(DefaultLGRPalette);
const png = new pngjs.PNG({ width: sprite.width, height: sprite.height });
png.data = Buffer.from(img);
const buff = pngjs.PNG.sync.write(png);
fs.writeFileSync(`./${filename}/${letter.code}_${letter.y}.png`, buff);