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Symbolic fallback for EXTCODESIZE and others, max buf size setting
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msooseth committed Feb 20, 2025
1 parent fd0d85d commit 32864e9
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Showing 12 changed files with 295 additions and 119 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -29,6 +29,10 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
- More simplification rules that help avoid symbolic copyslice in case of
STATICCALL overapproximation
- Test to make sure we don't accidentally overapproximate a working, good STATICCALL
- Allow EXTCODESIZE to be abstracted to a symbolic value.
- Allow CALL to be extracted in case `--promise-no-reent` is given, promising
no reentrancy of contracts. This may skip over reentrancy vulnerabilities
but allows much more thorough exploration of the contract

## Fixed
- We now try to simplify expressions fully before trying to cast them to a concrete value
Expand Down
25 changes: 16 additions & 9 deletions cli/cli.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -108,6 +108,8 @@ data Command w
, loopDetectionHeuristic :: w ::: LoopHeuristic <!> "StackBased" <?> "Which heuristic should be used to determine if we are in a loop: StackBased (default) or Naive"
, noDecompose :: w ::: Bool <?> "Don't decompose storage slots into separate arrays"
, maxBranch :: w ::: Int <!> "100" <?> "Max number of branches to explore when encountering a symbolic value (default: 100)"
, promiseNoReent:: w ::: Bool <!> "Promise no reentrancy is possible into the contrct(s) being examined"
, maxBufSize :: w ::: Int <!> "64" <?> "Maximum size of buffers such as calldata and returndata in exponents of 2 (default: 64, i.e. 2^64 bytes)"
| Equivalence -- prove equivalence between two programs
{ codeA :: w ::: Maybe ByteString <?> "Bytecode of the first program"
Expand All @@ -131,6 +133,8 @@ data Command w
, loopDetectionHeuristic :: w ::: LoopHeuristic <!> "StackBased" <?> "Which heuristic should be used to determine if we are in a loop: StackBased (default) or Naive"
, noDecompose :: w ::: Bool <?> "Don't decompose storage slots into separate arrays"
, maxBranch :: w ::: Int <!> "100" <?> "Max number of branches to explore when encountering a symbolic value (default: 100)"
, maxBufSize :: w ::: Int <!> "64" <?> "Maximum size of buffers such as calldata and returndata in exponents of 2 (default: 64, i.e. 2^64 bytes)"
, promiseNoReent:: w ::: Bool <!> "Promise no reentrancy is possible into the contrct(s) being examined"
| Exec -- Execute a given program with specified env & calldata
{ code :: w ::: Maybe ByteString <?> "Program bytecode"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -184,6 +188,8 @@ data Command w
, maxBranch :: w ::: Int <!> "100" <?> "Max number of branches to explore when encountering a symbolic value (default: 100)"
, numCexFuzz :: w ::: Integer <!> "3" <?> "Number of fuzzing tries to do to generate a counterexample (default: 3)"
, askSmtIterations :: w ::: Integer <!> "1" <?> "Number of times we may revisit a particular branching point before we consult the smt solver to check reachability (default: 1)"
, maxBufSize :: w ::: Int <!> "64" <?> "Maximum size of buffers such as calldata and returndata in exponents of 2 (default: 64, i.e. 2^64 bytes)"
, promiseNoReent:: w ::: Bool <!> "Promise no reentrancy is possible into the contrct(s) being examined"
| Version

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -228,6 +234,8 @@ main = withUtf8 $ do
, dumpTrace = cmd.trace
, decomposeStorage = Prelude.not cmd.noDecompose
, maxBranch = cmd.maxBranch
, promiseNoReent = cmd.promiseNoReent
, maxBufSize = cmd.maxBufSize
} }
case cmd of
Version {} ->putStrLn getFullVersion
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -287,14 +295,13 @@ equivalence cmd = do
when (isNothing bytecodeB) $ liftIO $ do
putStrLn "Error: invalid or no bytecode for program B. Provide a valid one with --code-b or --code-b-file"

let veriOpts = VeriOpts { simp = True
, maxIter = parseMaxIters cmd.maxIterations
, askSmtIters = cmd.askSmtIterations
, loopHeuristic = cmd.loopDetectionHeuristic
, rpcInfo = Nothing
calldata <- liftIO $ buildCalldata cmd
calldata <- buildCalldata cmd
solver <- liftIO $ getSolver cmd
cores <- liftIO $ unsafeInto <$> getNumProcessors
let solverCount = fromMaybe cores cmd.numSolvers
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -356,23 +363,23 @@ parseMaxIters i = if num < 0 then Nothing else Just num
num = fromMaybe (5::Integer) i

-- | Builds a buffer representing calldata based on the given cli arguments
buildCalldata :: Command Options.Unwrapped -> IO (Expr Buf, [Prop])
buildCalldata :: App m => Command Options.Unwrapped -> m (Expr Buf, [Prop])
buildCalldata cmd = case (cmd.calldata, cmd.sig) of
-- fully abstract calldata
(Nothing, Nothing) -> pure $ mkCalldata Nothing []
(Nothing, Nothing) -> mkCalldata Nothing []
-- fully concrete calldata
(Just c, Nothing) -> do
let val = hexByteString $ strip0x c
if (isNothing val) then do
if (isNothing val) then liftIO $ do
putStrLn $ "Error, invalid calldata: " <> show c
else pure (ConcreteBuf (fromJust val), [])
-- calldata according to given abi with possible specializations from the `arg` list
(Nothing, Just sig') -> do
method' <- functionAbi sig'
pure $ mkCalldata (Just (Sig method'.methodSignature (snd <$> method'.inputs))) cmd.arg
method' <- liftIO $ functionAbi sig'
mkCalldata (Just (Sig method'.methodSignature (snd <$> method'.inputs))) cmd.arg
-- both args provided
(_, _) -> do
(_, _) -> liftIO $ do
putStrLn "incompatible options provided: --calldata and --sig"

Expand All @@ -382,7 +389,7 @@ assert :: App m => Command Options.Unwrapped -> m ()
assert cmd = do
let block' = maybe Fetch.Latest Fetch.BlockNumber cmd.block
rpcinfo = (,) block' <$> cmd.rpc
calldata <- liftIO $ buildCalldata cmd
calldata <- buildCalldata cmd
preState <- liftIO $ symvmFromCommand cmd calldata
let errCodes = fromMaybe defaultPanicCodes cmd.assertions
cores <- liftIO $ unsafeInto <$> getNumProcessors
Expand Down
157 changes: 87 additions & 70 deletions src/EVM.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import EVM.Sign qualified
import EVM.Concrete qualified as Concrete
import EVM.CheatsTH
import EVM.Expr (maybeLitByteSimp, maybeLitWordSimp, maybeLitAddrSimp)
import EVM.Effects (Config (..))

import Control.Monad (unless, when)
import Control.Monad.ST (ST)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -288,20 +289,9 @@ getOpW8 state = case state.code of
getOpName :: forall (t :: VMType) s . FrameState t s -> [Char]
getOpName state = intToOpName $ fromEnum $ getOpW8 state

-- If the address is already in the cache, or can be obtained via API, return True
-- otherwise, return False
canFetchAccount :: forall (t :: VMType) s . VMOps t => Expr EAddr -> EVM t s (Bool)
canFetchAccount addr = do
use (#env % #contracts % at addr) >>= \case
Just _ -> pure True
Nothing -> case addr of
LitAddr _ -> pure True
SymAddr _ -> pure False
GVar _ -> internalError "GVar not allowed here"

-- | Executes the EVM one step
exec1 :: forall (t :: VMType) s. VMOps t => EVM t s ()
exec1 = do
exec1 :: forall (t :: VMType) s. (VMOps t) => Config -> EVM t s ()
exec1 conf = do
vm <- get

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -340,6 +330,7 @@ exec1 = do
then doStop

else do
let ?conf = conf
let ?op = getOpW8 vm.state
let opName = getOpName vm.state
case getOp (?op) of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -459,14 +450,13 @@ exec1 = do

OpBalance ->
case stk of
x:xs -> forceAddr x "BALANCE" $ \a ->
x:xs -> forceAddr x (symbolicFallback xs) $ \a ->
accessAndBurn a $
fetchAccount a $ \c -> do
assign (#state % #stack) xs
pushSym c.balance
[] ->
[] -> underrun

OpOrigin ->
limitStack 1 . burn g_base $
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -519,9 +509,9 @@ exec1 = do

OpExtcodesize ->
case stk of
x':xs -> forceAddr x' "EXTCODESIZE" $ \x -> do
x':xs -> forceAddr x' (symbolicFallback xs) $ \x -> do
let impl = accessAndBurn x $
fetchAccount x $ \c -> do
fetchAccountWithFallback x (symbolicFallback xs) $ \c -> do
assign (#state % #stack) xs
case view bytecode c of
Expand All @@ -541,7 +531,7 @@ exec1 = do
OpExtcodecopy ->
case stk of
extAccount':memOffset:codeOffset:codeSize:xs ->
forceAddr extAccount' "EXTCODECOPY" $ \extAccount -> do
forceAddr extAccount' (defaultFallback "EXTCODECOPY") $ \extAccount -> do
burnExtcodecopy extAccount codeSize $
accessMemoryRange memOffset codeSize $
fetchAccount extAccount $ \c -> do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -580,7 +570,7 @@ exec1 = do

OpExtcodehash ->
case stk of
x':xs -> forceAddr x' "EXTCODEHASH" $ \x ->
x':xs -> forceAddr x' (defaultFallback "EXTCODEHASH") $ \x ->
accessAndBurn x $ do
assign (#state % #stack) xs
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -881,13 +871,17 @@ exec1 = do
case stk of
xGas:xTo':xValue:xInOffset:xInSize:xOutOffset:xOutSize:xs ->
branch ( xValue (Lit 0)) $ \gt0 -> do
let addrFallback = if conf.promiseNoReent then const fallback
else defaultFallback "unable to determine a call target"
(if gt0 then notStatic else id) $
forceAddr xTo' "unable to determine a call target" $ \xTo ->
forceAddr xTo' addrFallback $ \xTo ->
case gasTryFrom xGas of
Left _ -> vmError IllegalOverflow
Right gas -> do
overrideC <- use $ #state % #overrideCaller
delegateCall this gas xTo xTo xValue xInOffset xInSize xOutOffset xOutSize xs unknownCodeFallback $
let delegateFallback = if conf.promiseNoReent then const fallback
else unknownCodeFallback
delegateCall this gas xTo xTo xValue xInOffset xInSize xOutOffset xOutSize xs delegateFallback $
\callee -> do
let from' = fromMaybe self overrideC
zoom #state $ do
Expand All @@ -897,24 +891,28 @@ exec1 = do
touchAccount from'
touchAccount callee
transfer from' callee xValue
_ ->
where fallback = freshValueFallback xs
_ -> underrun

OpCallcode ->
case stk of
xGas:xTo':xValue:xInOffset:xInSize:xOutOffset:xOutSize:xs ->
forceAddr xTo' "unable to determine a call target" $ \xTo ->
xGas:xTo':xValue:xInOffset:xInSize:xOutOffset:xOutSize:xs -> do
let addrFallback = if conf.promiseNoReent then const fallback
else defaultFallback "unable to determine a call target"
forceAddr xTo' addrFallback $ \xTo ->
case gasTryFrom xGas of
Left _ -> vmError IllegalOverflow
Right gas -> do
overrideC <- use $ #state % #overrideCaller
delegateCall this gas xTo self xValue xInOffset xInSize xOutOffset xOutSize xs unknownCodeFallback $ \_ -> do
let delegateFallback = if conf.promiseNoReent then const fallback
else unknownCodeFallback
delegateCall this gas xTo self xValue xInOffset xInSize xOutOffset xOutSize xs delegateFallback $ \_ -> do
zoom #state $ do
assign #callvalue xValue
assign #caller $ fromMaybe self overrideC
touchAccount self
_ ->
where fallback = freshValueFallback xs
_ -> underrun

OpReturn ->
case stk of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -998,39 +996,25 @@ exec1 = do
Just xTo' -> do
case gasTryFrom xGas of
Left _ -> vmError IllegalOverflow
Right gas -> canFetchAccount xTo' >>= \case
False -> fallback
True -> do
overrideC <- use $ #state % #overrideCaller
delegateCall this gas xTo' xTo' (Lit 0) xInOffset xInSize xOutOffset xOutSize xs (const fallback) $
\callee -> do
zoom #state $ do
assign #callvalue (Lit 0)
assign #caller $ fromMaybe self overrideC
assign #contract callee
assign #static True
touchAccount self
touchAccount callee
fallback :: EVM t s ()
fallback = do
-- Reset caller if needed
resetCaller <- use $ #state % #resetCaller
when resetCaller $ assign (#state % #overrideCaller) Nothing
-- overapproximate by returning a symbolic value
freshVar <- use #freshVar
assign #freshVar (freshVar + 1)
let freshVarExpr = Var ("staticcall-result-stack-" <> (pack . show) freshVar)
modifying #constraints ((:) (PLEq freshVarExpr (Lit 1) ))
assign (#state % #returndata) (AbstractBuf ("staticall-result-data-" <> (pack . show) freshVar))
next >> assign (#state % #stack) (freshVarExpr:xs)
Right gas -> do
overrideC <- use $ #state % #overrideCaller
delegateCall this gas xTo' xTo' (Lit 0) xInOffset xInSize xOutOffset xOutSize xs (const fallback) $
\callee -> do
zoom #state $ do
assign #callvalue (Lit 0)
assign #caller $ fromMaybe self overrideC
assign #contract callee
assign #static True
touchAccount self
touchAccount callee
where fallback = freshValueFallback xs
_ -> underrun

OpSelfdestruct ->
notStatic $
case stk of
[] -> underrun
(xTo':_) -> forceAddr xTo' "SELFDESTRUCT" $ \case
(xTo':_) -> forceAddr xTo' (defaultFallback "SELFDESTRUCT") $ \case
xTo@(LitAddr _) -> do
cc <- gets (.tx.subState.createdContracts)
let createdThisTr = self `member` cc
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1407,16 +1391,18 @@ query q = assign #result $ Just $ HandleEffect (Query q)
runBoth :: RunBoth s -> EVM Symbolic s ()
runBoth c = assign #result $ Just $ HandleEffect (RunBoth c)

-- | Construct RPC Query and halt execution until resolved
fetchAccount :: VMOps t => Expr EAddr -> (Contract -> EVM t s ()) -> EVM t s ()
fetchAccount :: VMOps t => Expr EAddr -> (Contract -> EVM t s ()) -> EVM t s ()
fetchAccount addr continue =
let fallback = defaultFallback "trying to access a symbolic address that isn't already present in storage"
in fetchAccountWithFallback addr fallback continue

-- | Construct RPC Query and halt execution until resolved
fetchAccountWithFallback :: VMOps t => Expr EAddr -> (Expr EAddr -> EVM t s ()) -> (Contract -> EVM t s ()) -> EVM t s ()
fetchAccountWithFallback addr fallback continue =
use (#env % #contracts % at addr) >>= \case
Just c -> continue c
Nothing -> case addr of
SymAddr _ -> do
pc <- use (#state % #pc)
state <- use #state
partial $ UnexpectedSymbolicArg pc (getOpName state) "trying to access a symbolic address that isn't already present in storage" (wrap [addr])
SymAddr _ -> fallback addr
LitAddr a -> do
use (#cache % #fetched % at a) >>= \case
Just c -> do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1614,15 +1600,46 @@ notStatic continue = do
then vmError StateChangeWhileStatic
else continue

forceAddr :: VMOps t => Expr EWord -> String -> (Expr EAddr -> EVM t s ()) -> EVM t s ()
forceAddr n msg continue = case wordToAddr n of
forceAddr :: VMOps t =>
Expr EWord
-> (Expr EWord -> EVM t s ())
-> (Expr EAddr -> EVM t s ())
-> EVM t s ()
forceAddr n fallback continue = case wordToAddr n of
Nothing -> manySolutions n 20 $ \case
Just sol -> continue $ LitAddr (truncateToAddr sol)
Nothing -> fallback
Nothing -> fallback n
Just c -> continue c
where fallback = do
vm <- get
partial $ UnexpectedSymbolicArg vm.state.pc (getOpName vm.state) msg (wrap [n])

defaultFallback :: (Typeable a, VMOps t) => String -> Expr a -> EVM t s ()
defaultFallback msg n = do
vm <- get
partial $ UnexpectedSymbolicArg vm.state.pc (getOpName vm.state) msg (wrap [n])

freshValueFallback :: (?conf :: Config, VMOps t, ?op :: Word8) => [Expr EWord] -> EVM t s ()
freshValueFallback xs = do
-- Reset caller if needed
resetCaller <- use $ #state % #resetCaller
when resetCaller $ assign (#state % #overrideCaller) Nothing
-- overapproximate by returning a symbolic value
freshVar <- use #freshVar
assign #freshVar (freshVar + 1)
let opName = pack $ show $ getOp ?op
let freshVarExpr = Var (opName <> "-result-stack-" <> (pack . show) freshVar)
modifying #constraints ((:) (PLEq freshVarExpr (Lit 1) ))
let freshReturndataExpr = AbstractBuf (opName <> "-result-data-" <> (pack . show) freshVar)
modifying #constraints ((:) (PLEq (bufLength freshReturndataExpr) (Lit (2 ^ ?conf.maxBufSize))))
assign (#state % #returndata) freshReturndataExpr
next >> assign (#state % #stack) (freshVarExpr:xs)

symbolicFallback:: (VMOps t, ?op :: Word8) => [Expr EWord] -> Expr a -> EVM t s ()
symbolicFallback xs _ = do
freshVar <- use #freshVar
assign #freshVar (freshVar + 1)
let freshVarExpr = Var ("symbolicFallback-" <> (pack . show) ?op <> "-" <> (pack . show) freshVar)
assign (#state % #stack) xs
pushSym freshVarExpr

forceConcrete :: VMOps t => Expr EWord -> String -> (W256 -> EVM t s ()) -> EVM t s ()
forceConcrete n = forceConcreteLimitSz n 32
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1789,7 +1806,7 @@ cheatActions = Map.fromList
, action "deal(address,uint256)" $
\sig input -> case decodeStaticArgs 0 2 input of
[a, amt] ->
forceAddr a " cannot decode target into an address" $ \usr ->
forceAddr a (defaultFallback " cannot decode target into an address") $ \usr ->
fetchAccount usr $ \_ -> do
assign (#env % #contracts % ix usr % #balance) amt
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2100,7 +2117,7 @@ delegateCall this gasGiven xTo xContext xValue xInOffset xInSize xOutOffset xOut
resetCaller <- use $ #state % #resetCaller
when resetCaller $ assign (#state % #overrideCaller) Nothing
vm0 <- get
fetchAccount xTo $ \target -> case target.code of
fetchAccountWithFallback xTo fallback $ \target -> case target.code of
UnknownCode _ -> fallback xTo
_ -> do
burn' xGas $ do
Expand Down

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