The cat robot based on raspberry pi and pca9685 16 channel pwm board.
Now this is a first alpha version, just for test the hardware.
We use modified ServoPi library from here ( file):
The keyboard
module is used for control in 'play' mode, so it requires root privileges.
This is just cause keyboard planned to use only on alpha version, so
i do not want to spend time to search 'non root' method for keyboard scan
for temporary solution. In beta version i would plane to add some "api"
for control, and to realize the control through lan/wi-fi using that api
For dev install we need to prepare environment on a raspberry pi:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y git net-tools wget curl python3 python3-venv python3-pip mc
mkdir catty-venv
python3 -m venv ~/catty-venv
cd ~/catty-venv/
. bin/activate
pip3 install smbus2 keyboard RPi.GPIO
and download the project.
git clone
The main file is
sudo python3 play [--calculated [--h0=<h0>] [--a=<a>] [-b=<b>] [-hip=<hip>] [-shin=<shin>] [-stages=<stages>]]
start robot and control it with 'wsad'. exit is '~' key
-h0 <h0>, --h0=<h0> zero pointed leg height
-a <a>, --a=<a> step ellipse length
-b <b>, --b=<b> step ellipse height
-hip <hip>, --hip=<hip> hip bone length
-shin <shin>, --shin=<shin> shin bone length
-stages <stages>, --stages=<stages> servo stages per step cycle(ellipse). must be multiply of 4
python3 adjust <channel> <position>
for diagnostic/adjust pourpose we can set any of 16 servos to any position
channel - 1..16
position 0..180 degree