Deploy a dockerized node accessible from your local network (LAN). Electrs will be available for connecting any Electrum-compatible wallet and BTC Explorer will allow blockchain exploration.
The node will participate in the Bitcoin network by exchanging blocks with other nodes via Tor. Optionally, it can also be made accessible from anywhere through Tor.
The following services are deployed:
Service | Version | Base image | Size |
Tor | | debian:stable-slim | 83.2 MB |
Bitcoin core | 28.1 | debian:stable-slim | 79.8 MB |
Electrs | 0.10.8 | debian:stable-slim | 80.7 MB |
Bitcoin RPC Explorer | 3.4.0 | node:22-slim | 377 MB |
NGINX | stable-slim | nginx:alpine-slim | 11.5 MB |
i2p (optional) | 2.7.0 | alpine:latest | 222 MB |
- The current logo is a modification of the docker logo from Font Awesome under the (CC BY 4.0). The bitcoin logo has been added and colored orange.
- Kudos to Emmanuel Rosa for a an initial list of nodes for Tor.
- Kudos to cozybear-dev for a true multiarch Tor proxy and multiple improvements in documentation/security.