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Our official Javscript SDK. Uses cross-fetch under the hood.

Note: This API is basically the same as metaphor-node but reflects new features associated with Metaphor's rename to Exa. New site is


npm install exa-js


import Exa from "exa-js"

const exa = new Exa(process.env.EXA_API_KEY)

Common commands

// Basic search
const basicResults = await"This is a Exa query:");

// Autoprompted search
const autoPromptedResults = await"autopromptable query", { useAutoprompt: true });

// Search with date filters
const dateFilteredResults = await"This is a Exa query:", {
  startPublishedDate: "2019-01-01",
  endPublishedDate: "2019-01-31"

// Search with domain filters
const domainFilteredResults = await"This is a Exa query:", {
  includeDomains: ["", ""]

// Search and get text contents
const searchAndTextResults = await exa.searchAndContents("This is a Exa query:", { text: true });

// Search and get highlights
const searchAndHighlightsResults = await exa.searchAndContents("This is a Exa query:", { highlights: true });

// Search and get contents with contents options
const searchAndCustomContentsResults = await exa.searchAndContents("This is a Exa query:", {
  text: { includeHtmlTags: true, maxCharacters: 1000 },
  highlights: { highlightsPerUrl: 2, numSentences: 1, query: "This is the highlight query:" }

// Find similar documents
const similarResults = await exa.findSimilar("");

// Find similar excluding source domain
const similarExcludingSourceResults = await exa.findSimilar("", { excludeSourceDomain: true });

// Find similar with contents
const similarWithContentsResults = await exa.findSimilarAndContents("", { text: true, highlights: true });

// Get text contents
const textContentsResults = await exa.getContents(["urls"], { text: true });

// Get highlights
const highlightsContentsResults = await exa.getContents(["urls"], { highlights: true });

// Get contents with contents options
const customContentsResults = await exa.getContents(["urls"], {
  text: { includeHtmlTags: true, maxCharacters: 1000 },
  highlights: { highlightsPerUrl: 2, numSentences: 1, query: "This is the highlight query:" }

// Get an answer to a question
const answerResult = await exa.answer("What is the population of New York City?");

// Get answer with citation contents and use the exa-pro model, which passes 2 extra queries to exa to increase coverage of the search space. 
const answerWithTextResults = await exa.answer("What is the population of New York City?", {
  text: true,
  model: "exa-pro"

// Get an answer with streaming
for await (const chunk of exa.streamAnswer("What is the population of New York City?")) {
  if (chunk.content) {
  if (chunk.citations) {
    console.log("\nCitations:", chunk.citations);
} string, options?: SearchOptions): Promise<SearchResponse>

Performs a search on the Exa system with the given parameters.

const response = await'funny article about tech culture', {
  numResults: 5,
  includeDomains: ['', ''], 
  startPublishedDate: '2023-06-12'

exa.findSimilar(url: string, options?: FindSimilarOptions): Promise<SearchResponse>

Finds content similar to the specified URL.

const response = await exa.findSimilar('', {
  numResults: 10

exa.getContents(urls: string[] | Result[]): Promise<GetContentsResponse>

Retrieves the contents of the specified documents.

const response = await exa.getContents(['8U71IlQ5DUTdsZFherhhYA', 'X3wd0PbJmAvhu_DQjDKA7A']);

exa.answer(query: string, options?: AnswerOptions): Promise<AnswerResponse>

Generates an answer to a query using search results as context.

const response = await exa.answer('What is the population of New York City?', {
  text: true

exa.streamAnswer(query: string, options?: { text?: boolean }): AsyncGenerator<AnswerStreamChunk>

Streams an answer as it's being generated, yielding chunks of text and citations. This is useful for providing real-time updates in chat interfaces or displaying partial results as they become available.

// Basic streaming example
for await (const chunk of exa.streamAnswer("What is quantum computing?")) {
  if (chunk.content) {
  if (chunk.citations) {
    console.log("\nCitations:", chunk.citations);

for await (const chunk of exa.streamAnswer("What is quantum computing?", { text: true })) {

Each chunk contains:

  • content: A string containing the next piece of generated text
  • citations: An array of citation objects containing source information


Pull requests are welcome! For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


The Official Exa Javascript SDK







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