This repository contains the code and experiments for the TMLR paper ViViT: Curvature access through the generalized Gauss-Newton's low-rank structure:
title = {Vi{V}i{T}: Curvature Access Through The Generalized
Gauss-Newton{\textquoteright}s Low-Rank Structure},
author = {Felix Dangel and Lukas Tatzel and Philipp Hennig},
journal = {Transactions on Machine Learning Research (TMLR)},
year = 2022,
Note: Experiments were generated and verified to run on Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS
with python=3.8.5
and pip==21.2.4
First, clone the repository and change into the repository's root:
git clone
cd vivit-experiments
We recommend using the conda
environment specified in
.conda_eny.yml. If you have conda
installed, you can build
the environment using the command
conda env create --file .conda_env.yml
and load it with the command
conda activate vivit-experiments
(To disable the environment, run conda deactivate
, to remove the environment,
run conda env remove -n vivit-experiments
In your environment of choice, run the following commands
# main library requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
# for development/experiments
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
pip install -r exp/requirements-exp.txt
# main library
pip install -e .
The experiments and instructions are contained in subdirectories of exp/
Follow the instructions in their
files to run them:
Spectral densities (Figures 1.a, S.4, S.5)
Critical batch sizes for the GGN eigenvalues (Figures 2.a (top), S.8a (left), S.8b (left), S.9a (left), S.9b (left), S.10a (left), S.10b (left), S.11a (left), S.11b (left), S.12a (left), S.12b (left), S.14a (left), S.14b (left), S.16a (left), S.16b (left), S.17a (left), S.17b (left))
Critical batch size for the GGN's leading eigenpair (Figures S.2a (bottom), S.8a (right), S.8b (right), S.9a (right), S.9b (right), S.10a (right), S.10b (right), S.11a (right), S.11b (right), S.12a (right), S.12b (right), S.14a (right), S.14b (right), S.16a (right), S.16b (right), S.17a (right), S.17b (right))
Run time comparison ViViT vs. power iteration for computing the
leading eigenvalues (Figures 2.b, S.8d, S.8d, S.9c, S.9d, S.10c, S.10d, S.11c, S.11d, S.12c, S.12d, S.13c, S.13d, S.14c, S.14d, S.15c, S.15d, S.16c, S.16d, S.17c, S.17d) -
Overlap between different curvature matrices during training (Figures 3, S.18, S.19, S.20, S.21, S.22, S.23, S.24, S.25, S.26)
Convergence hyperparameter analysis of the power iteration (Figure S.6)
Comparison between power iteration on the Gram matrix vs. on the GGN (Figure S.7)
Critical batch sizes for damped Newton step (Table S.2)
Learning rate grid search for SGD and Adam on the ResNet32 CIFAR-10 test problem (Table S.3)
Run time comparison between naive and optimized approach for Gram matrix computation for linear layers (Run time comparison in Appendix C.1)